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Unusual and Unexpected Weapon Used on American City - Printable Version

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Unusual and Unexpected Weapon Used on American City - Sharon in Mississippi - 05-08-2012

I recently had a dream about the use of an unusual and unexpected weapon on a major American city.
In the dream I was far enough away from the explosion to be reasonably safe, yet close enough to see a bright explosion on the horizon which went high and far very much like a nuclear explosion. I think I also felt a slight ground shaking but I was far enough away that it was minor. I immediately knew it wasn't a nuclear explosion I was seeing, but I had no idea what it was. For one thing there was no mushroom cloud, just a huge very bright expanding ball of fire seen from a distance.
I did not fear being harmed by radiation, but a part of me DID want find some kind of simple shelter just in case something big from the explosion might belatedly come flying my way. Strangely, the location I found myself in during the dream afforded very little shelter because it was open and desert-like. All I could find was what looked like a partially-built structure that had a shallow-dug foundation just a foot or so below ground level and standing walls but no roof. The door and window spaces were cut but there were no doors or windows, and the walls went up just barely over my head.
I told my brother about the dream and he said it sounded like a thermobaric (fuel-air) weapon had been used. He also told me that just a few countries such as Russia, IsRae22l and the United States have this kind of weapon and it is used (as far as he knows) just by the military.
The odd thing is, I had no idea such a weapon existed until I had my dream, and even odder, it just so happens that I will be travelling to a desert-like area much like that which I saw in my dream during the last week of May into the first week of June.
Oh and one more thing almost forgot: I heard the word "mall," that the explosion had gone off in some kind of "mall." Whether that's a shopping mall or some other kind of mall like the Washington Mall I have no idea.
I recently had a dream about the use of an unusual and unexpected weapon on a major American city.
In the dream I was far enough away from the explosion to be reasonably safe, yet close enough to see a bright explosion on the horizon which went high and far very much like a nuclear explosion. I think I also felt a slight ground shaking but I was far enough away that it was minor. I immediately knew it wasn't a nuclear explosion I was seeing, but I had no idea what it was. For one thing there was no mushroom cloud, just a huge very bright expanding ball of fire seen from a distance.
I did not fear being harmed by radiation, but a part of me DID want find some kind of simple shelter just in case something big from the explosion might belatedly come flying my way. Strangely, the location I found myself in during the dream afforded very little shelter because it was open and desert-like. All I could find was what looked like a partially-built structure that had a shallow-dug foundation just a foot or so below ground level and standing walls but no roof. The door and window spaces were cut but there were no doors or windows, and the walls went up just barely over my head.
I told my brother about the dream and he said it sounded like a thermobaric (fuel-air) weapon had been used. He also told me that just a few countries such as Russia, IsRae22l and the United States have this kind of weapon and it is used (as far as he knows) just by the military.
The odd thing is, I had no idea such a weapon existed until I had my dream, and even odder, it just so happens that I will be travelling to a desert-like area much like that which I saw in my dream during the last week of May into the first week of June.
Oh and one more thing I almost forgot: I heard the word "mall," that the explosion had gone off in some kind of "mall." Whether that's a shopping mall or some other kind of mall like the Washington Mall I have no idea.