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Intentioned dream, when will the next megaquake be - Printable Version

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Intentioned dream, when will the next megaquake be - MTB_forums - 04-24-2016

I had this dream 2 nights ago. I tried to do an intention to get clarification last night but didn't get anything. With all the talk of megaquakes I decided to do an intention on when the next megaquake will hit, where it will be in the world, and how big it will be.

In the dream, I am in a car. It is apparently winter. I am in the back seat. There is another couple, apparently married, driving in the front seat. I don't recall if anyone else is with me in the back seat. I don't know what type of car it was, other than a sedan. I comment about how ridiculously cold it is, its only 17 degrees. The man in the front responds back "oh, up north where we're from, it gets a lot colder than this".

There was more to the dream, but that's the only section that stuck with me.

I got what I'd call a signal before dreaming (I heard the sound of a doorbell, albeit not my house's actual doorbell, which has woken me up after what I'd interpret was a response to an intention so I could remember a dream), so I'm taking this as something that was a response to the intention.

I looked up 17 degrees; 17/17 is in the middle of Chad, so I find it unlikely to be a location. Could be 2017? Up North where its colder got me thinking Alaska or Kamchatka, although the man didn't speak with any accent that I recall to make a location call from that. Although 17 degrees has a lot of earthquake hotspots on it going east/west.

RE: Intentioned dream, when will the next megaquake be - Skeetersaurus - 04-24-2016

First thought I had involving 17-degrees was Mexico. That's less than 100-miles South of Mexico City. Belmopan, Belize to the East lies right on the 17th parallel, too.

Drugs, war, possibly chaos? Lot of earthquakes down there lately, too. And, if told to someone from the U.S., that would be 'a place colder up north' than where they are.

Indicator for coming problems in U.S., maybe? Just a thought.

RE: Intentioned dream, when will the next megaquake be - ThePaladin - 04-24-2016

Don't forget Popocatepetl. It's southeast/east of Mexico City and has erupted.

RE: Intentioned dream, when will the next megaquake be - twiceblessed9 - 04-25-2016

17 degrees longitude would include many earthquake prone countries, Greece and Italy, I think.

RE: Intentioned dream, when will the next megaquake be - MTB_forums - 04-26-2016

In thinking about this, "North where we're from" could be indicating "not North" meaning "South". 17 degrees south could equate roughly to the border of Peru and Chile. I vaguely remember I may have used the term "chilly" to describe the temperature. Time frame would be "winter", which for the southern hemisphere would start June 21st and run through September. So maybe all the details are right there. A megaquake would not have an exact spot, it hits over a large fault. I guess we'll see if there are more dreams aligning with this. If not Chile, Vanuatu has been getting hit with a lot of earthquakes and also falls in the same area.