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2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Printable Version

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2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Eagle1 - 02-22-2015

Welcome to 222, otherwise known as Oscar day at the NDC. As we await the potential Theater/Entertainment event to unfold, lets peer into what the dreamers saw last night. And wouldn’t you know it….first try right out of the gate….a 100% healthy dreambot run! Yeah! Except there’s one problem. That techno-blip we had yesterday (where the bot would ignore more than 70% of the dream pages) is strangely fixed without any troubleshooting on my end, but the blip is actually playing havoc today. Although we have tons of words in the Red Alert area, many are clearly administrative words that probably weren’t inside the actual dreams, but rather somewhere else on the web page. That’s how our algorithm weeds out words like ‘category’ or ‘comments,’ by establishing a baseline on those words. For example, ‘forum’ is a very reliable word, having right at about 170 hits per run. And that’s why we never see that word in the results list….because it’s so dang consistent. Remember, we’re measuring movement. So, when ‘forum’ all of a sudden drops to 59 yesterday, the surge score starts responding, and of course when it pops right back to 170 again, it appears like there’s a huge gain.

So, what I’m going to do for today is look for pure surges, and by that I mean I’m looking at the left column. The word “Acknowledging” is definitely surging on it’s own and not because of the blip yesterday. I can tell this from the historical data I have in front of me, but we can also simply just look at the percentage in the left column. A negative percentage means that the word is BELOW it’s own 90-day peak, and if the percentage is black, or positive, then it means this word is ABOVE its own 90-day peak. What I’m going to do is filter out all the red percentages, leaving just the words that are clearly surging. I leave this original run here first for documentation and potential linguistics analysis.

As I stated yesterday, I believe there’s a higher reason for the blip, so that reason would make yesterday’s and today’s run very important. Therefore, here’s the run in it’s unaltered state, and then I’ll post my filtered run below it.


UP Words:     class dream view up acknowledging courtesy splits lucid there were back lucidity one smile into around had entries find time figure profile really cow private categories think very forum collision convince off hospital
DOWN Words:   definitely cat sub anonymous topic garage latest event piece boyfriend escape popular food app job symbol energy train error forest yesterday invited 2014 snake wed letter book shared batch

FILTERED RESULTS (note: the biggest losers are not filtered)

Group 1 feels much like the tensions among world leaders today. They all have the courtesy of acknowledging the split between worldviews/perceptions/nations and they do so with a smile. But they are on a collision course together, and so enters this sort of cow figure….is he/she from India perhaps? I don’t have a clear grasp of this section of the bot run, but I think I have group 2 figured out. I felt so confident that a new clean grain was going to be introduced into the market, but when I conducted a google search, I found this:

Basically, there’s a new electrical project called, “The Grain Belt Express Clean Line project,” and just like so many other projects that are purposefully backward-named, this project appears to NOT be clean, and it has nothing to do with grains. Excerpt of the above link:

That is what is now taking place in Arkansas, after having denied another one of Clean Line's transmission line proposals called Plains and Eastern. If approved, this provision would authorize DOE to essentially act as a land agent for the private company and use the government's power of Eminent Domain to condemn private property in its path. That line would run from northwest Oklahoma through Arkansas and terminate in Tennessee, where it would connect to the grid with the bulk of the power to be sent to states further east. Going to DOE would not only violate state's rights, it would deliver a severe blow to private property rights as guaranteed in the fifth amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Eminent Domain should only be used when absolutely necessary and that is not the case with this or any of the proposals from Clean Line Energy.”

And with that, go ahead and look at group 3, where the Energy Snake is going to make an Error in the Forest.

It now becomes apparent why “Convince Expected Bleachers” was implicated in between group 1 and 2. Anyone who followed Ayn Rand’s work should immediately recognize this so-called “Clean Line” project and how the company plans to use the government (Department of Energy) to control the land and any dissenters. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely…..a genius quote from Lord Acton. I actually like his follow-on statement, though: “Great men are almost always bad men."

Was Lord Acton a conspiracy theorist? Answer: Absolutely not, because the whole concept of conspiracy theory wasn't established until recently to try and squash the truth that was leaking through the cracks in the dam of knowledge.

Parting shots: Will the Oscar protest tonight ignite into fury? Link:     Keep in mind that the overt agenda to split the nation racially has been UNSUCCESSFUL so far. Ferguson false flag was a complete failure and ditto for NYC, where actually, they just went 12 days without a single murder. I guess my whole point here is that if there is indeed a racial agenda (to which we've been following at the NDC well before the first event sparked fury in August 2014), all the failures thus far might need a much bigger spark. And guess what? The stage has been set for you honestly think that zero black nominations was an accident?


RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Nanny - 02-22-2015

LOL, Eagle1, have you been having any issues about private messaging in your new forum?! This is too cool again today, "private categories think very forum." I know, I know...could be any forum on the internet, well in the US most likely? But, "lucid, lucidity, dream" sure is....well yeah, you know, a cool coincidence.

"comments add" in the same bot run with "forum" sure is a trip. This bot run is a trip! FUN...

Oh, two bot runs...okay....double the fun like oh, that brand of gum, Wink .

Dang, the collective consciousness sure is thinking of 2014 a lot! Inviting the year back? because of yesterday's ominous run??

Today we have "letter book shared BATCH." Another clue....So, is the coming headline that another country has discovered a corrupted "batch" of vaccines, or something? I do mean that our nation shared with another one.

Hmm about the two farming terms, "grain & cow."

"Acknowledging courtesy splits" does this go with lucidity, or maybe not? I'm thinking Netanyahu instantaneously, but don't see clearly, why. Since I don't see, then perhaps this is a false-hunch.

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Sherriann - 02-22-2015

Israel has become a dairy farming superpower, with the highest annual milk yield per cow in the world. The success of Israel's dairy industry is largely due to widespread use of advanced farm management systems, the unique structure of the farms and rational planning.

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Eagle1 - 02-22-2015

wow....who would have ever guessed that? Not I. Regardless, perhaps then we take the Figure from Israel instead of my hypothesized Figure from India. Ah, now it's starting to make sense. Back the aquarium meme.

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Nanny - 02-22-2015

Perhaps Group 2 is about a coming headline about non-GMO grain. It already exists but I don't know if there's now more GMO grain, maybe corn for sure. Anyway, such a thing could make the news soon because GMO is a hot-button issue, thankfully with many of us fighting this insanity.

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Sherriann - 02-22-2015

grain - give a rough surface or texture to or "there's a grain of truth to that" when referring to an outrageous story that has a tiny bit of truth to it

(02-22-2015, 08:54 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: wow....who would have ever guessed that? Not I. Regardless, perhaps then we take the Figure from Israel instead of my hypothesized Figure from India. Ah, now it's starting to make sense. Back the aquarium meme.

There's been a break but probably headed back in that direction.

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - G0'D - 02-24-2015

Popular Food App

Luka means light, and we have both lucid and lucidity in the same run, oh that "light" they are always blinding us with. This is the beginning of what Eric Schmidt said recently at Davos, I think, was 'the end of the internet'. Meaning it will be so integrated and personalized that the idea of actually searching for anything will end. Everything presented to you, will agree with you. Its the end of seeking, the end of ever facing anything you don't agree with, the end of knowledge per se.

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Eagle1 - 02-25-2015

Collision was an UP word, and Train was a DOWN word
Also on 2/20, this lingo in the loser section: loss truck draw power effect specific drive now nothingness ride serious

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Nanny - 02-25-2015

Here's a hit for Group 2 on the filtered, bottom bot run on this page.

Dated yesterday,

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - twiceblessed9 - 02-26-2015

supplies inner introduced grain clean
"Stone Age Britons imported wheat in shock sign of sophistication"
Wheat DNA was discovered in Britain at a stone age site. There was a lack of pollen (clean) found suggesting that the grain was introduced into the area through trade, 2,000 years before the region grew cereal grain.

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - G0'D - 02-26-2015

its is like the tale of saffron…an ancient cake made on the south coast of briton. I think the pangea theory holds water...

'It's been posited that the Cornish, who were trading tin with foreign merchants – possibly Phoenicians – as early as 400BC, bought saffron at the time and retained it in their cooking. If this is true, England is almost unique in Europe, having cooked with saffron for more than two millennia.'

Might explain all the food dreams i had for months. maybe the truth will come out through discoveries such as yours above, twice blessed

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Eagle1 - 03-01-2015

"Introduced grain clean soon."

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Nanny - 03-01-2015

Very cool! that's 2 hits for Group 2, and both of them concern does totally, and this video does along with talking of other problems with crops.

Is this common for same group in a bot run to have multiple hits? Have seen it before but not noticed it a lot, yet.

(03-01-2015, 07:24 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: "Introduced grain clean soon."

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - twiceblessed9 - 03-03-2015

I think that there is much yet to learn in the UK. Lots of history and information yet to be uncovered.
(02-26-2015, 02:35 PM)G0 Wrote: its is like the tale of saffron…an ancient cake made on the south coast of briton. I think the pangea theory holds water...

'It's been posited that the Cornish, who were trading tin with foreign merchants – possibly Phoenicians – as early as 400BC, bought saffron at the time and retained it in their cooking. If this is true, England is almost unique in Europe, having cooked with saffron for more than two millennia.'

Might explain all the food dreams i had for months. maybe the truth will come out through discoveries such as yours above, twice blessed

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - twiceblessed9 - 03-03-2015

inner (EU) introduced grain clean soon

RE: 2/22/15 Immanent Domain and the Clean Line Project - Eagle1 - 03-03-2015

What in the world is going on here? Clean grain? I can't believe we got a literal manifestation! Yeah!!