Project August Dreams 3

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Book of Success 2014-05-28 heavendreamer
The dream began with me and a group of people exiting an elevator onto the top floor of a skyscraper. Although the building is very modern the furnishings are antiques. I ask the guide about the furniture and he tells me it is from an old Masonic lodge There are symbols carved into the furniture that have no meaning to me. Most of theme are moons suns and stars. The group is then told each person is receiving a personalized book that will map out how to be successful. I am given the book then escorted back into the elevator. The dream ends here.
Numbers on a White Screen/A House/Birds 2014-05-29 Shelly
I only remember three PA dream snippets from my dreams last night. Snippet 1: I feel like I am standing in a gray cave or cavern. I am looking straight ahead. There is a white rectangle shape (similar to a small screen) in front of me with black numbers on it. The numbers (5 or 6 of them)are on the screen and then they rise off of the screen and rearrange themselves to create a new string of numbers (the numbers are the same numbers just in a different sequence on the screen. I tried so hard to remember the numbers when I got awake this morning. To the best of my recollection the string of numbers end up in this sequence – 04368. Snippet 2: I am watching a large house being demolished. Snippet 3: I am now inside part of the demolished house that still remains intact. I have managed to collect up some live birds (they look like sparrows) in a large box. I feel like they were trapped inside the house. I take the brown box of birds to the door and release them.
Deja Vu 2014-05-30 Eric
Date: 2014-05-28 Time: 0526 Type: Flash, spliced, non-linear, POV I am running down the 3rd-floor hallway of a large, old, 4-story school building, with my teacher hot on my heels. She is a rather attractive 20-something year old woman with long blonde hair, a tanned complexion, and dressed in typical business attire (grey top and dark blue skirt). Apparently, I, and nearly every student on our floor has been driving her crazy and she has finally had it. The list of my transgressions includes intentionally being late for class, not doing as I’m told and consistently getting bad grades. As I run down the hallway, I look behind me and see my teacher moving angrily from classroom to classroom with her hands on her hips, glaring at the students and attempting to establish some kind of order. The next few scenes are blurry, but I remember eventually returning to class and signing some kind of attendance list. By that time my teacher and I have “made up.” As this occurs, the scene suddenly changes and I am thrust “back in time.” The next thing I know, I am sitting in the front row of an old class, with a different teacher standing at the front. We are reading some kind of novel that resembles “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Recognizing this scene as having already occurred “a long time ago”, I jump up out of my seat and say, “Whoa. Something is wrong. This isn’t right.” By this time, every pair of eyes in the class is focussed on me. Walking to the door, I tell the class that “I’ll be back in a minute”, but as I reach the door, the teacher is already there, barring my way. On a small table to the right there is some kind of clipboard. Glancing at it, I ask, “Where is Kasia Jarecka?” The teacher points down the hall, to my left. I respond, “Ok, That’s fine. Now, where is Kasia Strzelecka?” The teacher directs me to the bottom of the list on the clipboard, where I see her signature. Since I have already been in “the future” and know what’s going to happen next, I look at the teacher, an older woman in her early 60s, who gives me a smile. Looking back at the students, I see that all of them appear to be stunned. Directing my words to them I say, “You know that feeling that you get when you do things twice? It’s only until you get to the end (of the scene) that you realize you have done it all once before. I really can’t describe that feeling to you until you actually have it.”
Tai Chi 2014-05-30 Eric
Date: 2014-05-28 Time: 0526 Type: Standard, linear, POV Following a splice from the previous dream, I find myself descending the stairs of the same old school building sometime in the late evening. It’s dark and most of the overhead lights have been turned off. Nearly everyone has left except for myself and another young woman, who is walking down the stairs beside me. As I walk, I move my hands in a fluid manner, practicing some kind of martial arts technique. Indicating my movements, the woman asks me “What’s that?” I inform her that it’s an ancient Chinese practice called Tai Chi. Hoping to show her more, we stop at the second floor and move through the glass doors separating the hallway from the stairwell. Just a few yards past the doors is an open area where I intend to give the woman a more full demonstration. Since it’s still quite dark, I use my mind to turn on a few overhead lights. This apparently attracts the attention of a Japanese man in a business-type uniform who approaches us from behind. I get the sense that he is some kind of care-taker on this floor and is wondering what we are doing there. Feeling like we are about to get in trouble, I brace myself for a verbal reprimand. Instead, the man offers to draw me some Tai Chi techniques on a pair of hard, white cards which he pulls out of nowhere. After a few scribbles, he hands me the cards and I take a look at them. Immediately, I recognize the techniques as the “more formal” style of Tai Chi, so I ask the man “is this the Japanese or Chinese techniques?” He shrugs, turns around and leaves. Turning back to my female friend I say “Well that was kinda cool” and continue with my demonstration. While I perform a few more movements, I tell her that “I didn’t really start off with the formal movements because I found that they don’t allow for the same kind of leniency.” A discussion ensues regarding my instructor, who I call either “Dr. Wing” or “Dr. Chau.” She recognizes this name and immediately begins to perform the techniques alongside me.
Shopping 2014-05-30 Eric
Date: 2014-05-29-PA Time: 0529 Type: Quasi-lucid, linear, POV I am grocery shopping in a large supermarket with my father. He and I each have our own separate shopping carts and are filling them with items. Once our carts have been completely filled, we find ourselves standing alone in the checkout line. There is nobody else in the line and the cashier is also missing. Knowing that this is the only way out, we agree that he will take his cart out to our car and I will checkout my own items and leave the money by the register. After he departs, I begin taking items out from my cart. Almost instantly, I am distracted by 2 thick books that are lying on the conveyor belt, just outside the scanner. Both are about the thickness of a small phone-book. Curious, I pick them up and examine the covers. Although I cannot remember what the first one was about, the second has something to do with winning the lottery and is entitled something like “How to Use the Lottery to…” It has a green cover with a large picture on the front, and white pages on the inside. For some reason, both books appeal to me and I have a desire to include them in my checkout. I pull a small, grey calculator from my pocket and begin tallying the items, but have immense difficulty adding up the numbers since each time I punch a price in, it changes the next time I look at it. Noticing my frustration, a man approaches me on my left side and begins to speak to me in Polish. I respond likewise (in Polish) and he tells me that he has a “plan” or “suggestion” on how we can pay less if we combine our items and split the bill 5 ways, with each “paying the difference.” At that moment, his wife joins us, and asks me in an amused tone if I think that my calculator is actually going to work. Returning my attention to my adding, I notice that the calculator has stopped working completely. The amount of money that I have in my pocket is approximately “50 bucks, plus 10”, but when I first approached the checkout, there was another 5 dollars just sitting on the counter. Now, I face a moral dilemma on whether to take the money, or leave it and maintain my integrity. Just then, I see my father coming back into the store, having completed loading his items into the car. This makes me even more frustrated. The man on my left then tells me that he is a Navy Pilot and that “he’s used to these things happening all the time.” His intention is to calm me down, but instead, I find myself defending my angry state. With a sudden burst of clarity, I fire back, “Oh yeah? Well I research transpersonal states of consciousness! That means YOU and I are the SAME BEING, and I have full control over what I can do!” “If I wanted to reach something on the ceiling, I could just stretch out my arm…(Here, I stretch my arm out 20 feet up to the ceiling, touching a long pipe and looking like Stretch-Armstrong)…And if I wanted something out of the air, I can just fly up and get it!” At this point, I fly straight up into the air, making my body horizontal as I do so. After touching the ceiling, I allow myself to fall straight back down to the floor, face first, stopping 1 inch short of my nose, obviously intending to impress everyone. The other customers in the store are shocked at this demonstration and some people cry out in fear. Turning back to the man, I say “I can do this ALL DAY LONG. All you have to do is look at me and now you know that it’s possible!” As I turn my attention back to checking out, I notice that there is now a third book lying on the top of the pile. Before I have a chance to examine it, 3 customers approach me on my left, smiling and saying “you’ve taken all the books!” A fourth customer to my right quickly says, “Nope! Not ALL of them” and picks up the third book. A quick glance tells me that it has something to do with casinos. However, I’m confident that I don’t want this book. The next thing I know, the Polish man, his wife and I are sitting at a picnic table just outside of the supermarket discussing the demonstration of my abilities. I tell them that “performing those feats was easy, the hard part is MAINTAINING.” (Indicating my lucidity of the dream state) Knowing that my emotional instability is threating my ability to remain in the dream, I say “If I get any more antsy, I’m gonna wake up.” The man and his wife look at me peacefully as I try to calm down. Instead, I wake up.
Questionable Fury 2014-05-30 Eric
Date: 2014-05-29 Time: 0651 Type: Standard, linear, POV I am sitting in a classroom with a woman by my side and my older brother behind me and to my right. The male teacher at the front is discussing the subject of death. Next to my brother, there is another person that I don’t recognize. The students in the class are passing around a real (or replicated) revolver. The woman next to me says something like “it’s very opportune that we keep the revolver and use it”, clearly referring to when we have time to work on our own on the homework assignment. I have a feeling that more than once, I may have disagreed with the teacher on details regarding our discussion. When the lesson is over, I place the revolver down on my desk, having no intention to take it or use it. Instead, the person next to my brother just walks up from the back of the room and takes the gun. Shortly thereafter, my brother gets into an argument with him and they both get reprimanded, and subsequently separated. Raising my hand, I begin to ask the teacher several questions until he becomes infuriated with me. Suddenly, he begins to yell quite loudly and at one point, even attempts to choke me from behind. Unfazed by his rage, I calmly say “Sir, could you please answer the question?” Predictably, he refuses and stomps out the door. At this, I serenely turn back to my work, unflustered and completely content. Turning to the male student on my left, I ask “what questions are we doing?” He responds “just start with the first 2.” I make the assumption that we are doing every question in the textbook that sits in front of me, on my desk. It takes a few moments for the other students in the room to get over their amazement at my daring to question the teacher as well as deal with his unpredictable, yet “overtly violent” response.
Failure and Invasion 2014-05-30 Eric
Date: 2014-05-29 Time: 0806 Type: Quasi-lucid, spliced, non-linear, time-displaced, POV/2P As part of my “education”, our “class” is participating in some sort of training camp out in the wild. The endeavour feels very much like some sort of “test” or “grading” to determine who “moves on to the next level”. Our class is split into smaller “teams” or “groups” so that we can bond more readily and so that each individual’s “performance” can be evaluated more easily. The next thing I know, I am observing my “team” in the future, wearing uniforms of some kind and celebrating their triumph after completing the camp with a passing grade. They are splashing around gleefully in a river of muddy brown water. Frantically, I search for myself in the crowd, but am unable to locate me. Confused, I ask what happened (to no one in particular) and almost immediately, am thrust into what I understand is the past. Looking through my own eyes, I see that our group is participating in some sort of water event, in the same river. Each of us are standing waist-deep and facing each other. As the event progresses, I find that my fellow team members are moving too slow for me, so I move away from them and begin flying around using some of my unique powers. Growing increasingly bored, I return to the river where 2 males and 1 young woman try to engage me in a game. After a while, I get carried away with myself, and use my powers to create 2 spinning whirlpools in the water. Not recognizing the fragility of my companions, all 3 of them get sucked into the whirlpools. Several moments pass, and neither of them resurface. Panicking now, I intentionally calm the waters and wait for the inevitable. Unfortunately, nothing happens. Unable to contain my panic any longer, I use my powers to surface their bodies. What I see horrifies me. All 3 bodies appear lifeless, torn up and bloody. Near tears now, I move their bodies onto dry land and use my powers to revive them. One of the males reaches out for the young woman and holds her in consolation. After witnessing this scene, it becomes apparent why I didn’t pass along with my fellow team members. A splice occurs and our group is now camping out in an old, dark abandoned-looking ghost town (something you would commonly see in a Wild West movie), located just outside of an enormous mile-long school building. The leader or instructor of our group is a middle-aged man who resembles the actor Josh Holloway. A rather unsettled and strict man, his job is to supervise our movements and activities. On a particularly dark night, I am walking through the town, feeling despondent and like I don’t belong there. At the very last building, there is a door on the right that leads down into a dark bar that is supposed to be for “staff members” only. As I approach the door, another supervisor, a short plump lady, tells me that I’m not supposed to be there and is insistent that I turn around. In defiance, I look her straight in the eyes and say “you know, I REALLY don’t have to wait…I can just go inside at my own leisure…(as I speak, I move my body right through the locked door)…but I’m not going to.” Slowly, I move right through the door again, back outside. While listening to my arrogant speech, the woman rolls her eyes, as if this wasn’t the first time this has occurred. Nevertheless, my intention was clear – to point out that I have the power to supersede authority, yet decide (out of pity no doubt) not to. Instead, I continue walking with my head down, back towards the enormous building. With nothing else to do, I look up at the countless stars twinkling in the night sky and revel in their beauty. By this time, I have reached one of the large walls of the building, when something attracts my attention. In addition to the stars in the sky are several non-flashing multi-coloured lights that belong to dark, airplane looking silhouettes moving here and there silently. Surmising that these must be clandestine military craft, I see two of them chasing a completely unfamiliar object. Quite suddenly and without warning, the sky explodes with activity as hundreds of lights begin to descend in what appears to be an alien invasion. Knowing that some belong to our kind (humans) and some do not, I cower in the shadow of the wall and watch helplessly as several alien craft use white light beams to “suck up” the “most evolved humans” and destroy everything in their wake. I realize with a jolt that there is a war going on in space and that our military has been designing these craft for this very purpose. When the activity finally abates, I run back to the camp and begin telling everyone about my experience. Although they are, on the whole, non-judgemental of my story, I feel that I need to prove to everyone that this is really happening. I tell them that on the next night, we are all going to go outside to sky watch. Sure enough, on the next night, after watching the stars for a few minutes, I point out 3 large, bright lights in the shape of a triangle moving from my right to left low in the sky. Immediately I say, “You see that? That’s a craft and it’s coming for us RIGHT NOW!” Running back to our camp, we hide in the nearest building. Suddenly, on the wall, materializes a projection of 3 humanoid figures wearing dark black hooded cloaks and what looks like painted masks that resemble white skulls over their faces. As they begin talking confidently about how they are “coming to get us” I step forward out of the group in defiance and point out to the class that “they used to be humans but now they have been [turned].” As I say this, the leader of our camp comes out of nowhere in a mock dress-up of one of these projected “aliens” and begins to imitate them. His satirical performance puts our group at ease, but apparently infuriates the cloaked entities. Somehow, one of their projections become physical and “steps out” of the image, coming in for an attack. Two of my fellow group members jump up to join me and together, we battle the alien with our minds. After a brief scuffle, we succeed in shrinking him to the size of a packet of iodized salt, but in my pity, I hesitate to kill him. Instead, one of my friends takes him between his two fingers and “snaps him like a twig”, although I am quick to point out that it won’t do anything, since he will just find a way to reanimate himself once again.
weird warning 2014-05-30 J Awake
5-30-2014 3:46am My dream starts off with a rune appearing with the Roman numeral 3 on it. It has the texture of a mushroom. I am instructed that a slice of it should be taken off and ingested. The knowledge of what was needed to know would be given. I was instructed to pass this on to George Ure. I awoke and looked at the clock it was .3:46, an I had a feeling of urgent ness.
Project Uno – Dee Ann 2014-05-30 Dee
Morning May 30, 2014 I was having trouble getting into deep sleep last night; finally got up, drank some almond milk, and checked my phone before going back to bed. Chris must have just sent out the email on Project Uno. I realize it doesn’t start till June 1… but I’m entering this dream because this was the last entry into my brain before sleeping… and this feels really important. I was observing this scene. A group of actors and musicians (about 25 people – all perhaps in early 20s) were sitting in chairs on stage in an empty theater, rehearsing; it felt like an orchestra rehearsal. In the front row was Philip Seymour Hoffman, who seemed about 20; he was in some sort of stupor, smiling oddly, not speaking, as if he was on a hallucinogenic acid trip. His chair was by itself. About 4 feet away, in the front row, were sitting in chairs… Daniel Radcliff (who played Harry Potter), another young man, and Jaquin Phoenix. A man standing in the center aisle of the theater starting yelling at Hoffman, berating him, saying things like… you have no talent, your father smoothed the way, opened the doors for you, you have done nothing. Radcliff gets angry and starts yelling back, defending Hoffman, saying, “He’s brilliant… he just needs to wait and watch”. Then Phoenix starts defending Hoffman too. But when I zoom in on Phoenix, his face changes to a young man that I don’t recognize. I felt they were trying to say that Hoffman was some sort of autistic savant. Then, I’m in the balcony, in a prestige seating box… I man is standing there watching all this… He is Hoffman’s father. The scene changes. The father (I never see his face), Hoffman, Radcliff, Phoenix, and the other young man, are all outside a sort of huge tent (like a circus tent or arabian tent). The father is smoking. Hoffman is still in a stupor. I walk over to him saying, “I want you to write the music for the next 6 Harry Potter movies”, and shake his hand. The other boys rush over in excitement. The scene changes. I am walking through a set of huge (20feet tall by 8ft wide each) black, steel, double doors. I am on the tarmac and have just landed in a small private jet. I feel that I’m in Atlanta. I am carrying a large, rectangular brown man’s briefcase in my left hand, with a beige trench coat thrown over my left arm and the briefcase. Hoffman is walking toward me, still in a stupor. He extends his right hand to shake mine, but instead mistakenly walks to a black lady behind me to shake her hand. She is with a black gentleman. They have just gotten off the same plane. As I was coming out of this, I saw Hoffman’s face merge with the face the security guard who was framed for the Atlanta Olympic bombing years ago, and who was finally exonerated. What does this mean? I feel there is some hidden false flag operation being rehearsed by actors who think they are simply in an “emergency practice” situation. I feel this will happen either in Atlanta or Phoenix. About a week ago, I did see on the internet a supposed craig’s list add from homeland recruiting actors for such a practice in the Atlanta area. So, is this really precognitive? or was my dream influenced by this information? well, all I can say is… I didn’t dream this until I got the email from Chris about Project Uno. I feel the briefcase had a bomb in it. I feel the words “rehearsal” and “orchestrated” are very important. I feel that this will not go smoothly according to their plan, something will go wrong… like the bomb is placed in the wrong area or doesn’t perform properly. A patsy who has been mind controlled will be caught and blamed for it. Intuitively, I feel that these dark forces will realize that these false flags don’t work anymore… we are no longer frightened, we’re onto their tricks, and we know what they are up to before they do it. Dear God, let’s hope so. The biggest headline for August 1 is… ATLANTA/PHOENIX BOMBING SUSPECT PHILIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN ON PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS Dee


approve | modify | move | delete Rescues From A Sink Hole Project August 2014-05-30 sherriann
Project August 2014 Dream May 29/30, 2014 (12:30 AM) Rescues from a Sinkhole People gathered on a wide paved path in a public city park were sucked down by a sink hole that reminded me of a crevice because it was long and narrow. ‘Crevice’ is what I wrote in the dark of the night but in daylight, I realized that normally a crevice has no bottom. I didn’t see the sinking part but it was obvious that this is what happened. In my dream, there is a rescue mission in operation, manned by ordinary people as opposed to a paid rescue team, where the people in the sink hole are thrown ropes to tie themselves to before being lifted to safety. They were being pulled up from about 10 feet down in three groups of three attached one below the other (a little help with climbing the dirt wall). Other people were gathered around, watching the event; some sitting on park benches. Beyond the sink hole to the right was a short black fence, like a guardrail, a strip of grass, maybe a side walk and then a street. In the background to the left were regular leafy trees. At the end of the dream, I became a rescuer myself when I pulled the last man, who was tied to a rope, out of the hole. All the other rescuing was being done on the opposite side of the hole from where I was. I don’t know how the rope ended up on my side of the hole unless the lone man threw it topside. This man had dark hair and was wearing a dark brown fuzzy vest. I crouched down and had a short face-to-face conversation with him while he lay on the ground. I think I was just asking him if he was OK. BIGGEST HEADLINE ON AUGUST 1ST, 2014 WILL BE: NINE [or TEN] PEOPLE WITH MINOR INJURIES RESCUED FROM SINK HOLE IN [unknown]


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The People That Live Underneath 2014-05-27 Eric
Date: 2014-05-26 Time: 0907 Type: Standard, linear, POV I am a student in a gigantic school-type facility with many large classrooms. The building resembles an enormous mall with glass ceilings and modern styling. In my class of about 15-20 students, I am considered the defiant / unteachable / reckless one and am shunned by all but 1 female, who is particularly attracted to me. The love and admiration that she has for me and my abilities of telekinesis, manifestation and trans-physical mobility are obvious. In everyone else’s opinion (including the teacher’s), I am a poor student who has great difficulty focussing and is prone to insubordination. It is clear, however, that many of the students harbor a secret jealousy of my abilities, despite my lack of conformity. In a class that feels like psychology, I give a complex dissertation on the origins of human thinking, to the stunned audience. In several previous dreams, this exact scenario plays out in many different ways. Sometimes I find myself writing entire blackboards full of complex mathematical equations with my left hand, and with a speed comparable to a dot-matrix printer. Sometimes, I find myself standing in front of the class giving a presentation, and other times I lead field trips. In every case, the material that I cover is almost completely contradictory to what we have been taught, offering brand new complex, yet captivating insights to an audience of intrigued students. Back in the “school”, I am approached by a short, stocky woman with shoulder length blonde hair, wearing a grey security uniform and showing me a small, silver badge inside of a dark blue felt-covered jewelry-type box. She resembles a girl I knew in this lifetime and I call her “Tina Turner.” After asking me to follow her, we pass through a set of HUGE glass revolving doors and down a few corridors to the “security office.” Still following behind her, we walk into the office (which in itself is the size of an airport hangar) and toward the very back. She says “I have something to show you.” I ask her “what?” and she replies “the people that live underneath here.” In a sarcastic tone, I say “really?” She looks at me and says, “you know?” Throwing my head back in a smile and a laugh, I say “of course I know! It’s just like Denver Airport. That place gives me the creeps. So, what do you call them?” She hesitates, and replies, “Orcs.” It is now that I realize that we are not the only ones heading for the back of the office. Behind me and in front of her I can see a line of other security officers heading in the same direction. When we reach the end, I can see a long staircase descending to the left. From deep within its bowls, I can see an ominous, flickering fire-like light. As we approach the top of the stairs, I can actually feel the heat. Just before we begin to descend I ask, “is THIS why you brought me here? Because they need to feed?” She says “Yep.” Without warning, she draws a small stubby, serrated knife and cuts me on my left calve. At that moment, I feel a twinge of terror go through me and I immediately turn back toward the front of the office and fly (literally) at unimaginable speed through the solid glass doors, passing right through them as if they were nothing. In my head, I can hear the loud, shrill voices of the ones looking for me. In a desperate attempt to flee, I fly on and on through the building looking for the woman who loves me. When I find her, I fly directly in her waiting arms and we hug for several minutes. After an unknown period of time, one of the “Orcs” comes up to find me on one of the top levels of the building. He looks to be slightly shorter than myself, with pale yellowish brown skin, Asian-looking, shirtless, chubby and holding a rusty serrated knife in his left hand. Now that I see him, I can’t help but feel “sorry” for him, despite his rather comical appearance. For some reason, everyone else in the building seems to ignore him. Several times he attempts to stab me with his knife, but I am able to slow his movements down with my mind until he eventually gives up. With him, is some sort of “pet” that resembles a small wiener dog. The dog has an immediate fondness for me (as I do for the dog) and this seems to irritate the Orc. On one occasion, I remember feeding it out of my hand. As this Orc and I stand in some sort of “line” as if we were waiting in a cue, I feel that he and I are “bonded” in some way. His intention is to take me “back down” to do something with me, possibly eat me.
The Plow Man 2014-05-27 Eric
Date: 2014-05-26 Time: 1006 Type: Standard, linear, spliced, 2P/POV I am driving a car in the wintertime, at night and on top of a huge parking garage. There is a dark blue snow plow behind me about 20 yards away, plowing snow directly forward and not off to the side. I am observing this opening scene from above the snow plow, and it has a strange “cartoonish” quality to it. My perspective shifts to the driver’s seat as my car nears the circular ramp at the far end of the garage. Just before I reach the ramp, I stop. The plow continues until it bumps me from behind. Furious, I get out of the car and walk up to the driver’s side of the plow, which is about the height of an SUV. Looking through the windshield as I approach, I can see that the driver has some kind of cardboard box in his lap, with his right hand inside of it, covered by a few objects. As I open the front door of his car, the man looks at me quite strangely. I suddenly have the understanding that his right hand is holding a gun, hidden in the box. Just then, he pulls out his hand, which is holding a solid black 9mm pistol with an enormous silencer, and points it at my head. I say, “OK! I’m going back.” With my hands up, I walk backwards, back toward my car, in constant eye contact with the man. When I get there, I reach for the door handle, only to find it locked. As I turn back, I’m startled to find that it’s no longer my car. I exclaim “what the hell is this?” Only then do I notice my car directly beside this new one, off to the right. Quickly, I get into the driver’s seat and put it into first gear (the car is a 5-speed manual). In my haste, I hit the circular ramp (which is more like a hairpin turn) with too much speed and run the car off of the railing. The next thing I know, my car and I are hurling down some kind of chute until I hit the ground, somewhere back in this school-type building. The car continues down the chute, that evidently ends somewhere in “the basement.” I think to myself “I know where THAT goes”, indicating that is descends down to the Orcs. Standing now in a level of the building that I feel I shouldn’t be, there is a slim metallic looking staircase off to my left, encased in what looks like glass. I can hear people about to descend and am fearful that I will be discovered. To my amazement, they continue down the stairs without once glancing at me. Relieved and a little confused, I walk past the staircase, toward a main hallway. An old friend of mine is just passing by, eating a small piece of toast. He has a trimmed brown beard, and is dressed in light-coloured business attire, holding a suitcase. As I approach him, I call out, now realizing that I am holding a similar, yet smaller half-eaten piece of toast in my right hand (almost like a cracker). Raising it up we “toast” to our good health and walk next to each other, down the corridor to the right. On the way, he tells me about this new class that he’s teaching that involves science or math or something.
Car Crash 2014-05-27 Tessie
I’m driving down a one way street in my red Prius with my spouse seat in the back. We are arguing about something. I make a left hand turn onto South Street and I come very close to hitting a white SUV in front of me, but I stop before doing so. However, the blue vehicle behind me does not. Ultimately, it is a five vehicle accident. I’m the 3rd vehicle in the chain. A police man arrives and I try to find my wallet with my driver’s license inside. My wallet also serves as my phone case. I don’t have it one me, which proves I wasn’t texting and driving. I search for it in the car. Not there. I think I see it with my husband’s stuff. It’s not there either. I hope the officer doesn’t ask for it because I’d get hit with driving with no license in possession and I don’t want that. The car that hit me had 3 girls in it. I check on their well-being. All are fine and one asks if I say “I’m sorry” does that mean they aren’t at fault. I said that would be up to the insurance adjusters, and they generally don’t care about those things as adjusters aren’t very nice. It’s a five vehicle accident, but when I look up, there are all kinds of people milling about. The crowd has grown so larger, someone has set up a set of bleachers and there are cheering fans sitting on them, rooting for their favorite driver. As a side note, this dream came right after a lucid moment in dreaming about my daughter opening a door and standing in front of it waiting for her friend to pick her up. It became lucid when I realized she can’t be doing that because I went back to sleep after that friend rang the doorbell and picked her up to attend a parade. I refreshed the nightly mantra and the above dream followed. Observation: This is the 3rd crash dream for me while on this project: a slow moving airplane that crashes and two car crashes. All crashes involved turning left. It occurred to me after the airplane crash and reading notes about it that vehicles aren’t the only things that crash. So do economies.
Pacific Ocean 2014-05-27 NativeAmericanDreamWeaver
Premeditation August 12th 2014 5/25/2014 7:40pm Nap time Dream I was standing in water that was running down the mountain. At the beginning of the dream I was talking to someone standing beside me and I asked “Does it floor like this all the time here in PACIFIC OCEAN BEACH?”. I was then standing down into the town and the water had made the soil loose and mud began to come down with the water. I yelled at others around me “Run Pacific Ocean Heights is flooding”, a man next to me yelled It was flooding yesterday on August 12th, today on the 13th, it is a mud slide. The noise of the mountain rushing down in rolling boulders of Chocolate milk colored water it was like having a gun go off next to ear, it made you deaf!
Betrayed from Above? 2014-05-27 Elyse
I can normally remember most of my dreams in vivid detail, but lately I’ve been having difficulty like a lot of other dreamers… especially if I feel like the dream could be important WHILE I’m dreaming. In this dream, I was dreaming. (I was dreaming IN a dream, weird, huh?) I woke up in a panic and grabbed a notebook. (Something I learned to do from this site! Maybe I am learning to control my dreams a little bit? I can’t be sure…) Anyway, I scribbled down two phrases: “The people betrayed from above” and “All the food is dead”. Honestly, those two things could mean ALOT of things, but I got the feeling that there would be an air strike of some sort and maybe food supplies would be low for some reason. In the dream, this REALLY freaked me out, and I immediately started trying to warn people, strangers even. Many of them just laughed at me, but there was a few that seemed to take me seriously and ran home to prepare. After spending lots of time trying to convince people that something BAD was going to happen, I went home to gather my family. The clouds started to get really dark and eerie at this point. We all loaded up in our vehicle and had gotten halfway out of the driveway when a HUGE funnel started to drop out of the clouds. It hit the grass in the yard and shot across in front of the car leaving a sort of inflating tail behind it on the grass. The tail trail started growing, curling into what looked like a long, white, twisted vine with thorns in it and I could clearly see that the it was sucking up things and feeding it into the tornado. I had to steer to my left to avoid the tornado, but now we were driving right for the tail. I wasn’t sure if I should hit the gas and hope it was enough to break through the tail’s grip or just sit there. I ended up hitting the breaks, and just before the weird tail hit us, it started deflating into the grass and disappeared. I stepped out to access the damage and heard a voice crying for help. There was a very lovely woman lying in the grass, injured. She had brunet hair, deep blue eyes, and bright ruby-red lipstick. She was also wearing some sort of white gown. When I looked at her, I though “O.M.G. She looks like Lady Liberty!” Of course, I knew she could not be. I got the feeling she was some sort of queen and I owed her my allegiance for whatever reason, so I loaded her into the car and we took off again. It was not long before we came across another tornado just like before. It ended up blocking our path and we really only had the option to sit and wait or drive off the cliff. I stopped the car and had my husband grab the two older boys, while I took the youngest and grabbed the woman’s hand to run with her to safety. I had found a small crack near the cliff that I thought we could hide in, but we didn’t make it. The woman’s hand was yanked out of mine with such a huge amount of force that it caused me to fall back with my boy. I watched as she flew off into the tornado. I didn’t really know her, but I felt as though I had lost a close family member. The moment she hit the tornado, it died down and vanished… then I heard a low laughing. A man dressed in a sort of weird black garb just came out of nowhere and walked up to me. He had some sort of pile of cloth on his head… like a sort of hat that folded down and covered his face. He had a matching body suit that covered nearly all of him except for his hands and feet. On his hands were black leather gloves and he wore black military boots that laced up midway to his knee. I wiped the tears from my eyes and asked what had been so funny! Did he not see the queen had just been killed!? Though his face was covered, I could hear his smile as he talked. He said that he had been sent to kill her. He said She had to die before there could be a new order to the world. Whatever that meant, it really gave me the creeps and I woke up sweaty and feeling a bit sick to my stomach.
Airplane Disaster 2014-05-27 suzanne
5/27/14 Followed the guidelines for stating intention before I fell asleep. Dreamed I was outside at an airport, which oddly was somewhat deserted. Felt like a smaller or mid-size airport. From the outside, I approached two concourses, which were a few hundred yards apart. A plane was between the two concourses, pointed towards the main building. The plane was burnt out with windows and doors blown off, and with one wing ripped off. I had the impression many if not all had died, and firefighters had made a valiant effort to save the passengers. There was one male that was sequestered off in what seemed like a large container, he looked healthy but I had the impression he was beyond help. I attempted to enter one of the concourse buildings, but the staircase was missing, and I had the impression as well of a radiation risk. Otherwise both of the concourse buildings appeared intact.
Air Show Disaster 2014-05-27 suzanne
I dreamed this in May, 2014. I was working in the U.S. with Chinese co-workers and we attended an air show with co-workers and family members. This was a typical air show and included many large vintage U.S. military planes. Suddenly one of my Chinese co-workers ran up to me and gave me a newspaper or magazine that was on fire and told me to leave the area to put the fire out and keep everyone safe. This was very puzzling to me as I didn’t sense any danger but he insisted I leave and he pushed me away. Once I was several hundred yards away I looked back over my shoulder and one or more of the planes had crashed and many if not all of my co-workers and family members were killed. I was under the impression my Chinese co-workers knew of and were involved with the plane crash, although I don’t know why they did not save themselves. And I’m not sure why they decided to save me by making me leave.
airplane crash and infection epidemic 2014-05-28 Dee
May 27 night. Intentional Project August dreams. I dreamed that a man I love was flying a small two-seater airplane. It was flying very low over houses, and was out of his control. I was watching from the rooftops. I heard it crash. Then a friend of mine from Knoxville, TN, called to tell me she was in the hospital and had a deadly infection; I had the feeling in the dream that this was a world-wide epidemic. I woke up this morning. Turned on my phone… and there was the email from Chris about others dreaming of plane crashes in the PA project.
Security Alert 2014-05-28 Tessie
I was dreaming we were moving our residence from house to house. First, we simply shifted houses in our neighborhood, so the view outside was almost identical to our current house. Then we moved to a large, white farmhouse in the country. It was rougher that we’re used to. It was going to take some work to repair it, but there was plenty of room for gardens and sunshine to grow things which made me ecstatic. We hadn’t been in this house long as I still needed to hang curtains in some rooms for privacy since the bathroom was in full view of the uncurtained front door. There were at least a half dozen of unknown men just walking from rooms in my house, giving me no privacy. No idea why they were there: Construction? Business meeting? All of these were possible. My children were very young in this dream and I was teaching my daughter how to write her name in cursive on the back of some discarded artwork. And then I look down and see a security alert, like a white paper issued by the state department. On it, it said missiles were located on July 28. My husband was demanding my attention as I was trying to read this alert and I kept trying to get him to leave me alone because I needed to read this paper for Project August. He wouldn’t stop pestering me, so I couldn’t finish reading the paper. And then I woke up.
Two Image Dream 2014-05-28 Shelly
I don’t really even want to call this a dream because I only saw two images but I was definitely asleep and I had gone through the PA dream protocol right before I went to sleep. In my PA dream I saw two images. Image One – I was looking down at a person. I was directly above this individual hovering over him/her. The person definitely had a male presence or feel to him. He had shiny, dark brown hair. I could not see his face. The second image that I saw was a shape – a rectangle. It had white and purple stripes going across it. Once again I was hovering over and looking at this shape. The purple color in the rectangle was in the medium shade range with a blue tint to it. The white color in the rectangle was a bright white color.





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Students 2014-05-23 Eric
Date: 2014-05-22 Time: 0317 Type: Standard, linear, spliced, POV I am a high school student, in the gymnasium with several old friends (from my current lifetime), playing intermural basketball. The gymnasium looks very strange and resembles something more like an auditorium. Although split into two halves, ¾ of the gym are at a steep angle with several stair-like protuberances on the angled part, neatly ordered in 4 rows. At the bottom is a rather flat, playing area, where the free-standing basketball nets are positioned, back-to-back. At the half, I suddenly find myself wearing rollerblades and capable of slam-dunking with ease. I am also capable of moving the basketball with my mind (which I do just for kicks and to impress everyone) and short bouts of sustained flight. When the game is over, all of us line up in a straight line at the top of the “stairs”. In line, to my right, are 2 attractive girls who I know in this lifetime, and who are also wearing rollerblades. They smile and give me suggestive glances. There is a splice and I suddenly find myself lying on my side in the gym, beside a soccer net. I am wearing glasses, so I take them off and sit up, looking around. I have a feeling that “something is not right.” Just then, the principal comes into the gym, bringing us some good news. He informs us that, “You’re either going to compete, or be in the top 5” This is clearly a comment on how the athletic standards of the school have been purposely lowered in order to accommodate some sort of “Inter-school List.” During the dream, it is quite clear that this school belongs to a group of schools that normally post up their top “students” to compete in some kind of competition. This time, it seems, the bar has been lowered for a very good reason. Just then there is another splice, and I find myself at a school dance in the 70s (the browns, oranges and yellows are a dead giveaway). The music is loud and when I make an effort to look around, my vision has a strange out of focus quality as if I had quadruple-vision (double-vision times two). Once again, I take off my glasses and think “something’s not right.” I massage my eyes, saying to myself, “the scene needs to change”, and it does. Now I’m at a crowded house-party and my vision clears. I exclaim, “That’s better” and instantly become aware of the song that’s playing in the background. For some reason, I feel that the song has a great deal to do with these shifts. Slumping into the closest couch, I find that 2 of my male friends from the gymnasium are sitting on a couch to my left. While I was distracted with my shifts of focus, they had placed glittery stickers on the outside of my glasses as a practical joke. I put my glasses back on, and am confused, rather than amused, at the stickers in my field of vision. My two friends look at me, disappointed at my lack of reaction and say, “Really? Nothing?” I retort, “That’s real immature.” I take the stickers off and put the glasses back on my nose. They rise up and go to the small kitchen to my left. With an accent that sounds like “Stewie” from Family Guy, I say “do you want a soda?” This remark, gets a chuckle here and there from the crowd.
A Change of Heart 2014-05-23 Eric
Date: 2014-05-22 Time: 0453 Type: Standard, non-linear, POV My younger brother and I are making an attempt to escape life on a modern spacecraft in space. The interior looks very much like a modern apartment with plenty of whites and light greys. In the scene at the end of the dream, we are sitting in some sort of “support / escape” pod, floating outside of the main craft. I have set the timer on a very small fissionable nuclear bomb (that resembles an SD card) to detonate outside of the main craft, just after my brother and I flee into hyperspace. Although the rest of my family / captors are not present, they are aware of my intentions and my dislike for this kind of life. After sorting through a couple of small electronic items on the seat next to me, I set the timer (which is located inside a black, old fashioned film camera) at approximately 30 minutes and place it into a “handheld transportation device”, located in my camera case. The purpose of this device is to “beam” small objects through solid matter into space, away from the craft. What seems like moments later, as I prepare to beam the bomb outside, “leav[ing] our parents and everyone else to die”, I have an emotional change of heart and realize that I can’t go through with it. I turn off the timer just as it reaches 59 seconds. Despondent and in tears, we wait until our parents arrive.
USGS significant worldwide earth quakes 2014-05-24 nipper
in my dream I see the USGS significan worldwide earthquake chart 0 earthquakes on August 18 6 earthquakes a week before 6 earthquakes a week after
Egyptian terrorist 2014-05-24 Iant
I enabled my Astral Projection through meditation. I set the intention for August 2014. I found myself at an regional airport in the UK. I was on my way to work (In the real World I am an aircraft engineer at London Heathrow)and was stopped by 2 people from Border Control and asked to be checked as I was trying to go through security.I initially was body searched but then refused. I was aware that It was not standard procedure to be checked by Border Control whilst waiting to through security. The border guards looked angry but agreed. As I was aware that I was out of my body I made a decision to travel through the building to where I felt I needed to be. I could see a boarding gate where maybe 10 to 15 people were waiting. I flew through to the gate with the intention of getting to the aircraft, but as I was travelling I felt the desire to stop and speak to this man who was sat waiting at the boarding gate. He had his head down reading something and he looked like a professional person of middle eastern descent. He had a white linen shirt on and linen trousers. His hair was black and cut to shoulder length. He looked and I felt like he was an Egyptian man. I felt the desire to read his thoughts and therefore I put my hands to his head but straight as my hands went to his head I felt evil and was forced to remove my hands. I left the scene and came back to my body where I questioned the projection. This was as i was told a Project August moment. I was also told that the Border Guard situation was not about me but was set as to let me understand that this man’s intention was to hijack a small regional type aircraft and use it as a tool for terror.
Barren Land 2014-05-24 J Awake
5-23-2014 It starts out I am out side planting some sort of plant, reminds me of Kudzu. The land is very barren.Nothing growing, no trees , nothing green as far as the eye can see.Men pull up in trucks, jump out with flame throwers an start torching what I had planted. I am screaming, are you out of your mind. I am trying to get the toxins out of the soil and air. This plant will clean up the land and then I can plant food.I got shoved out of the way.I woke up mad and up set .Thinking we have to get everything cleaned up or that is what it will be like.
Aliens in the Grande Canyon 2014-05-24 Elyse
In this dream, I was looking at the stars when the sky came to life with movement. I saw several different things fly by me (UFO’s I guess), all with different lights and flight patterns. I sat there wondering just how many different UFOs could there be? I had thought there were maybe one or two different kinds of “aliens”, if any at all, but I guess it makes sense. The universe IS a pretty vast place. It was a bit scary watching all of these things fly around, but at the same time fascinating. I saw what looked like an ancient map illuminate in the sky, and noticed that each UFO followed the paths of it in its own way… so I picked a direction and followed it as well. I walked through a sort of desert-like area until I found that it gave way to a huge valley below with water and plants. I noticed that there were some people hiding in there and they looked tribal… but I also noticed that this is where a lot of the aliens were going. I felt like the aliens going there might be a BAD thing… I was trying very hard to get into the valley to warn everyone –without falling to my death– when I woke up. When I told my husband about the dream, he said it sounded like I was describing the Grand Canyon. I looked it up and it DOES look a lot like the grand canyon, but with a little more plant life.
The Eagles 2014-05-24 pmcdonald111
I’m in this room talking to some people. I leave on my back out the door to a cliff and jump of and start flying with my arms out to the side into a grand canyon very lush, very green. The canyon is several miles across and at least a half a mile down. I travel around a bend and come across a lake with large eagles everywhere, at least 500, if not more. I see an eagle in the water on it’s back, it looks hurt. I look around and some of the other eagles don’t look so happy. I’m still flying around and on the canyon wall, half way down, I see a window with people inside. They have eagle feather in their hands waving them up and down.
Dreams 5.18.2014 thru 5.24.2014 2014-05-25 Julie111957
On 5.18.2014 I starting saying “I will dream about major events in August 2014” before I go to sleep. My dreams have been vivid and busier than usual. 5.18.2014 Dreamed about going to Seattle on a plane. When my alarm went off I hit snooze and closed my eyes and saw a Volcano. The side of the Volcano was open. 5.19.2014 Don’t remember any dreams. 5.20.2014 Don’t remember any dreams. 5.21.2014 Dreamed about going to England to visit with a friend. 5.22.2014 Dreamed about seeing a Pilot sitting in a jet. At first I thought he might be an Astronaut, but he wasn’t wearing a helmet like they wear in space. All I could see was his shoulders and head area. He was sitting in the jet with this helmet and visor down so I couldn’t see his face. He also had on an oxygen mask. His gear and the jet were all very high tech. I had the feeling like there was more than one jet being scrambled. It felt like these pilots had been trained for this one event and it was happening now. I also dreamed about a docking port on a space station of some sort. 5.23.2014 Dreamed about visiting with dogs. 5.24.2013 Dreamed about a space station in space. There were crafts on this structure. It reminded me of a very large Aircraft Carrier. Like 4 times the size of a basic Aircraft Carrier.
New World 2014-05-25 Elyse
I decided that I must be prepping my mind to dream of august incorrectly… so last night I repeated the question “What will the world be like in August 2014?” I lied down and daydreamed about watching the news in August. Surly there will be LOTS of things going on. I expected to dream of some sort of natural disaster (if my suggestion worked) and braced myself for the worst before I fell asleep. I woke up in the dream almost aware that I was in a whole new world. It LOOKED like the world I know, but it felt different. I noticed as I walked around aimlessly that everyone looked kind of the same. They were the same size and all wore the same face – a generic emotionless face. It wasn’t long before I was picked up and brought in to some big glass building for being “suspicious”. I was directed into a very fancy government office and told to sit and wait for someone to see me. It has always seemed to me that whatever a person holds most dear, they hang the highest in their home, so I looked around the room to get a feel for what kind of person was coming. Hanging the highest in the room was a big, blood red stone. Maybe a ruby? It was cut in the shape of a diamond and it had gold embellishments all around it. I looked below it to see a gold alter when it dawned on me that this was no ordinary decoration, this was a sort of shrine to this stone. This person WORSHIPED the stone. What did that mean? As I waited my mind reached the conclusion that this stone most likely cost ALOT of money. So, if money is the root of all evil, this person worshiped evil and thus, I was in a sort of hell on earth. I was very uncomfortable until I saw my mother walk in dressed in a business suit. I was relieved and stood up until she started yelling at me about what an embarrassment I was to the family. She told me that she should have me executed and asked me to give her a reason not to. That was easy enough for me to answer. I was not the one abandoning my beliefs to adopt this new religion where I worshiped a stone of all things. In the nicest way I could muster, I told her I thought she needed to re-evaluate herself. She grinned ear to ear as if she were amused by my statement and informed me that times have changed. Religion was a thing of the past and that people had evolved too much to need the “crutches of religion”. I really wanted to be angry at her. But I couldn’t. I felt more sorry for her than anything. But I wasn’t going to be part of this new world religion, so I told her that she would have to kill me because I would fight it, and I would get other people to fight it as well. I told her that getting a majority of people to believe something is ‘right’ does not MAKE it right. If there is only ONE person in the world that calls evil for what it is, that one person is still right. Good and evil is not defined by how many believe it is good and evil, it just is what it is. My mother thought this was amusing and challenged me at my word before having me escorted out of the building. While I was walking around, I came across a friend of mine who offered to take me out to eat. I was starving and had no objections to that! We went into a “restaurant”… but a better word for it would be cafeteria. It really reminded me of elementary school. You would push a little tray across a line as people dumped stuff onto your plate. I was asked what kind of meat I wanted and I asked for shrimp, but it didn’t matter. The meals had already been determined. At the end of the line, the cashier would determine who would pay and who wouldn’t. My friend was chosen to pay, and I was partially relieved because I had no money, but at the same time, I thought it was unfair that so many people had no choice in the matter. Also, there seemed to be ALOT of people that took advantage of others on this system. As we sat down, I could feel I was being watched. I looked behind me to see a strange woman glaring at me. She picked up her tray and moved a table or two closer before setting it down and eyeing me while she ate. This made me a bit nervous, but I was a new face… so maybe it was nothing? I reached for what I had assumed was fried shrimp, only to find that it was a jalapeno popper (Fried cheese-stuffed pepper)… I was disappointed, but it was SO good I ate it… then noticed the woman move to the table across from me. Was she taking note of what I was eating? There was another popper on my plate and as I ate it, I noticed a camera man on the opposite side of me filming the woman that was spying on me. Just what was going on around here? This place was so weird! After I ate the second popper, the woman stood up and started screaming while pointing at me, then the camera men surrounded her! She was asked all kinds of questions to include “Are you a monster? What kind of person eats deer?!” The woman had been eating what I assumed to be a country fried steak… but apparently it was made with deer meat instead of beef. She was called all sorts of names and was going to be sent to trial for animal cruelty amongst other things. The man conducting the “interview” with her took her plate while the woman kept pointing to me and saying “but..but..” I had no idea what was going on at the time. The man took the poppers off her plate and put them on mine, then shoveled food from her plate to make my plate look more full… he then put tiny, live frogs on her plate before setting it down and filming it. Finally, the woman shouted, “BUT LOOK WHAT SHE’S EATING!” They filmed my plate. “Oh, but this woman hasn’t taken a single bite of her food yet! You on the other hand are responsible for the murder of a deer! And look! You have live frogs on your plate! What kind of sicko eats LIVE FROGS!?” This place was like the twilight zone. They carted the woman off kicking and screaming. She was crying uncontrollably and telling them that she had no idea it was deer. I felt horrible for the woman, but it became obvious that she meant to have me killed for eating some fried peppers. I had never met the woman, let alone bothered her in any way… why would she go out of her way to have me arrested? I caught the man doing the interview alone and asked what was going on. Apparently, it was against the law to eat certain things like those poppers. They were “unhealthy” and had been banned. Those who ate them were sent in for judgment and sometimes killed for their offences. I just couldn’t believe it! Who would really care if someone else ate a bit of fried cheese in a pepper!? I asked the man why he had helped me and he told me that it was because he knew I would do the right thing no matter what, and it made him want to do the right thing. He protected me so that I would help others in the same way. I gave him a big hug (Against the law) and left. I went to pay my mother a visit in her new home. She had a very, nice and expensive home. When I walked inside it was… pink… very feminine and girly. There is really nothing wrong with that. I love a little pink here and there, in fact, it is my favorite color, but this was not my mother. This house was too girly and perfect… as if someone had hit a Barbie house with a growth ray. I noticed a few things that she had that was against the law… just little knick-knacks that we take for granted, like books. I don’t know HOW I knew she wasn’t supposed to have them, but I knew. When I came inside (Doors were not allowed to be locked) I found her eating something that she wasn’t supposed to be eating… and NOW I knew that people could be killed for such an offense! She quickly hid it and began talking to me as if she were (fake) happy to see me. She then started bragging on my little sister. She had won an award at the collage she was attending for being an “outstanding student and role model for the community”. I shook my head. I couldn’t believe that my family had become… THESE kinds of people. My sister had been given some sort of title. She was now at some sort of authority over the people in the community… awesome. When I did not act as if I were excited, and showed more disgust than interest, my mother got very, VERY angry. She told me that she could have me executed at any time. She said I needed to “grow up” and stop living in a fantasy world. My religion had died. I could either “evolve” with everyone else, or die with it. She then grabbed my arm and asked me what I had to say for myself. I just smiled and told her that I had seen what she was eating… There was a lot more to this dream. I really wish I could remember it all. After waking up and thinking about it, I couldn’t help but to cringe.
Troubeling Nightmare 2014-05-26 Patra Sees
Dreamt about discovering a conspiracy some sort of espionage plot and some how being coerced by those involved because I found them out with the threat that I would be framed scared as hell no way out very troubling a waking nightmare.


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Nuclear Monitoring 2014-05-21 sherriann
Night of May 20/21, 2014 (4:57 AM) Project August 2014 Nuclear Monitoring Feeling: calm, secure, reassured, relief So far, my PA dreams have had an underground theme that is not devastating, nor apocalyptic in any way. They are beginning to feel like an under current – a countering message. A bald Bruce Willis like character with his hands in his pockets is standing beside an enclosed nuclear monitor indicating ‘normal’ – no gauges or readouts, an enclosed capsule, facing toward me and facing a row of small nuclear missiles (more like fat rockets with no wings) lined up, laying on their sides, pointing in my direction. They are not in a missile bunker positioned to fire. They are in storage. The entire scene is in shades of grey except for a worn and faded red coloured stripe around the monitor and around each of the missiles. Scene 2: A hand opens a small square lid on a flat green camouflaged metal surface. It reaches in and does/turns something and firmly closes the lid as if saying, “That’s that.” This is followed by a clear thought of, “No. No we are not going to be assigned.” Next, I received the name Tara McIllory/MacIllory/??
Project August Dream 5.21.2014 2014-05-21 Angel Whisperer
The first thing I was being shown in my dream was a tower….like a skyscraper, but it was more like a model. It reminded me of a cake that was made into the shape of a skyscraper: or perhaps made of black legos. I kept seeing the tower but did not understand why – then I was shown two towers – as if two towers had become the one. (A coming together or joining of efforts, perhaps) The tower was sitting on a picnic table – I had no awareness of whether I was indoors or out since the focus was on the tower sitting on the table. Just before I woke up, I dreamed I was standing on a dock looking up at the bow of a massive old ship. I’m not sure what kind of ship it was, but it was NOT a cruise ship. The word that came to my mind was a freighter or warship. In the background, I saw old buildings like factories and warehouses.
Double Dreaming 2014-05-21 Elyse
I usually have anywhere from one to three dreams every night. Unfortunately, If I go back to bed and dream again, I usually lose the first dream (I forget it) and it is replaced by whatever dream I have next. Luckily, I read the advice given on this site yesterday, and it seems to have worked! I woke up from the first dream and lied absolutely still while telling myself that I would not forget the dream. Then promised myself that I would remember the next dream and thought of myself having the dream and writing it down… before I knew it I was asleep. Strangely enough, I realized when I had woken up that I dreamt of each my grandparents who had passed away. I can’t say I have many dreams like that… In the first dream, I was living with my Grandfather (I called him Paw-paw). It was a pretty normal dream… In it we talked and poked fun at one another just as we would in real life. In spite of his age, there were a few times he would take me out to see a movie somewhere or go shopping, today was one of those days. I had my boys with me and we went to a huge theater. Of course, my boys would start fussing and acting up mid-movie. I franticly tried to calm them down. It didn’t help that everyone in the theater had turned around to glare at us. My Paw-paw went to go get the boys something to eat, and as he left I was a woman with a kind face actually moving back towards us (We were in the VERY back of the theater). I wasn’t sure if I should be worried about her or if she just wanted to help. She was smiling at my boys which made me think that she must love kids… but in this day in age, you never know. Better keep an eye on her. My Paw-paw came back with Ice cream of all things. ICE CREAM! WHY?! You haven’t LIVED until you have tried to wrestle and control three small kids with ice cream cones. It was absolute chaos in the back. Luckily, the kind woman offered to help. With each of us looking after ONE boy, things calmed down and we were able to finish the show. After the show, two young people (One girl and one guy — I would guess them to be about 25 at most), approached me and started asking questions about me and my grandfather. To be more precise, they wanted to know if we were members of the Tea Party. My first thought was “Well, if we were, it would be NONE of your business…” but I couldn’t help but wonder WHY they would want to know something like that. They told me that they were working for “Washington Times” and that they were doing “research”. I suddenly got the feeling that they did not mean well. Whatever they were gathering information for was probably a REALLY bad thing. I refused to talk to them and they followed me around asking questions about my grandfather and whether or not HE was a member of the Tea Party. In truth, I honestly don’t know. I’ve never heard him talk about it, but that was still NONE of their business. They followed us all the way home. They just barged in there like they owned the place. My grandfather was tired and went to bed, leaving me alone with these jerks. The guy actually went to what was MY room and went to sleep on MY bed. Rude. The girl followed me around with her notepad hounding me for information. “Just tell me about your grandfather! What kind of man is he?” At this point, enough was enough. “You want to know what kind of man he is? Fine! Let me tell you what kind of man he is!” I went on to tell her that he was an army veteran who was fighting and losing to cancer. I watched him be treated HORRIBLY at the VA hospitals… and even so he would come home with a smile on his face. He was the kind of man who saw me abandoned as a teen and took me in, he didn’t even care that I wasn’t his flesh and blood. He was the kind of man that would take me out just to get soft drinks so that I could learn to socialize. He was the kind of man that would help anyone in need… even if he knew that person would only bite him in the butt later on. THATS what kind of man he was… so what difference did it make if he was a member of the Tea Party!? I was crying at this point. Everything I had said was very true. That IS the kind of man he was. The hateful smile she had been wearing dropped and her arms fell to her sides. I don’t think that was the answer she wanted. She looked as if she wanted to cry too. About that time her partner woke up and upon seeing me, he started asking me questions. She slapped him with her notepad and told him to shut up and leave me alone. I dug around for a piece of paper to put my name and number on. If she had anymore questions about my grandfather –not the tea party– I would be happy to answer. The second dream I had was even weirder. I was visiting my grandmother and grandfather from my father’s side. I had my youngest son with me, wrapped in a blanket and was introducing him to them. They seemed happy to see him, but told me I had to get ready. Things were going to change soon. I had no idea what they meant… but then things started to get dark and I passed out. I awoke lying in a semi-wooded area. It was like wastelands meets the forests of Louisiana. Very creepy… but familiar. It took me a second to realize that this was a world I have had many reoccurring dreams about as a child. There were no birds tweeting, no animals around, and absolutely NO people… just the four of us. We would have to climb down some rocky terrain… my grandmother wanted to take my son and carry him for me, but I refused. I thought he would be safer with me. We traveled down the rocky mountain side (Which was weird, because I don’t think we have many if any of those in Louisiana) and through the weird dying forests. We finally came across a clearing… looking out onto the land ahead… it looked like what I would imagine hell to look like. It was a huge stretch of dead-looking red clay with stones and spires sticking out everywhere. There was a huge slope we would have to walk up… I took the baby blanket out from around my son and used it to fasten a sort of baby carrying pouch around me. There was no guarantee that I wouldn’t slip and lose footing here. Going up a slope covered with rocks on hard, dried red clay is a tricky thing… I didn’t want to risk dropping him. When we got to the top of the slop, I looked down across the dead valley to see what looked like lava. LAVA?! The sky was dark, even though it was the middle of the day, but had it not been so dark, we would likely have dehydrated. We were getting ready to travel again after taking a short break, when I saw this weird glowing bird. It was a light, glowing baby blue color. I wish I could say that it was beautiful and sweet… but it had these beady little eyes that I didn’t trust. It also had a really LONG beak and tail… It was fascinating to look at but I didn’t get the feeling it was a good thing. I went to poke it, and it squawked and made a jab at me with that beak. I threw a few rocks at it until it flew away… I didn’t want that thing following us. I was relieved when it left… but then looked down in my pouch to see that my son had turned into one of them. He was trying to fly away, but I stuffed him in my pouch and twisted it a bit so that he couldn’t get out. If there was some way he could turn into one, then surly there had to be a way to turn him back into a baby? Right? We were about to carry on when my grandmother stopped me. She said the air was full of poisonous dust up ahead and she needed to wrap my head before we could continue. Ok? I stood there while she wrapped my hair in a long shawl, but then she kept on until my entire head was wrapped. My ears, my eyes, my mouth, my nose… It was ALL wrapped up. Luckily, the fabric was somewhat thin so I could kinda sorta see where I was going. My grandmother and grandfather, on the other hand, did not wrap their heads. Maybe because they had already passed away? After walking for what seemed to be FOREVER, we came to some abandoned houses and decided it would be a good place to rest. As it got dark, I noticed something rise in the sky… it was a huge arch that looked as if it were made out of fire. In the middle of it was a circle, and in the middle of the circle was a ball of fire, and towards the bottom Under the ball of fire was a semi-circle with the arch pointing towards the bottom of the circle. I got the feeling this was some sort of eye or something, and hid against the wall peeking out from the house we chose… as the arch rose into the sky, behind it rose the moon… but the moon looked as if it were on fire too! It was absolutely freaky. I tried to cover the window with what was left of the shredded curtains above it… I opened the door to the next room to find a bed. I knew my grandparents HAD to be exhausted… I went to dust it and behind the bed was some sort of tiny, weird gremlin-like man. He had to be maybe 2-3 feet tall… but he had some mean little pointy teeth, reddish skin, and a spear. He charged at me and pushed me down. He was MUCH stronger than he looked so I got worried. I managed to kick him off and it seemed to stun him for a second… but the moment I got off the ground he jumped up and came after me again… I noticed that he was not just aiming that spear at me, he was going for my pouch! I couldn’t let him hurt my baby, I kicked him down and stabbed him with a shard of broken glass lying on the floor. I thought I had killed him, but when I turned to leave the room, he jumped on my back and began untying the pouch, so I threw him down to the ground somehow, and started stabbing him with other pieces of glass until he was dead. I felt horrible that I had to kill him, but he was trying to kill my son. My grandparents made their way in about that time to see what I had done and acted impressed. Whatever that guy was, it must have been pretty bad. We were planning about sleeping and making our next move in the morning. Apparently there was nothing we could do while that arch in the sky. I wasn’t sure if the arch would be important… if so, my description might not have given the right image, so I made a quick image of what I saw in paint. If you could imagine the arch and moon on fire, you’d get a good idea of what I saw…
Mind Control 2014-05-21 Tessie
I attend an outdoor party with my brother on some guy’s farm property. The party’s host is the owner of a very successful car dealership. The dealership is largely successful due to the efforts of one salesman, the former President/CEO of a large US auto manufacturer. I do not recall the gentleman’s name. The party’s host is an All-American looking guy, blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, greying hair, maybe in his fifties, nice smile, genuine manners. His right hand is missing all of its fingers and in place of where the ring and pinkie fingers would be is a rounded nub. I shake his hand and thank him for inviting us to his party. In walking around the party, I notice brass parts on the ground underneath a large tree. Some parts are wrapped in plastic and are rectangular with raised two raised notches in the center one above the other, while others parts are unwrapped and resemble larger alligator clamps. I pick up several of both. A smaller man (and for me at 5’4” that’s saying something) who is an employee of the party’s host walks by saying that my rectangular part is just what he is looking for. I give the ones I have to him as I didn’t need them, I also give him the alligator clamps and tell him where he can find more. It is getting late, so I search for my brother so we can leave. He is playing bass guitar with a band at the party which there to entertain. I give him the high sign to leave. He ignores me. After a little more socializing, I again search for my brother because it’s getting late and find him still playing bass, this time alone. I am finally able to get him out of the party. I have my mother’s old 1988 blue Pontiac Grand Prix and my brother and I dispute over who should drive. I’m not sure if he has been drinking and I don’t drink and drive. So we stop inside a white farm house. I’m upstairs with my brother in the bathroom trying to wash my mouth out with liquid soap because I don’t want to smell like beer at my mom’s house. It’s 1:15 am and I’m sure she’s going to be pissed because we’re coming home so late. My brother cautions me against using the liquid soap because it has a red dye in it and it will turn my aura red, which would make me seem angry. And we had to face Mom. I try to scrub the liquid soap out of my mouth. It froths and is difficult to remove. I finally glance up and look out the upstairs window and see my brother has stolen a truck. The truck has a cab, like any over-the-road truck, but it’s hauling a flatbed with red wooden slats on each side, like those on radio flyer wagons when I was a kid. He’s weaving down the road, at night, like he’s drunk, and he slams into the side of semi-trailer. My brother’s truck jackknifes across both lanes of the road. Witnesses start pouring out. There are red flares and lights on the road, which seems wet, as if it has just rained. I find my brother who is just fine and asked him what the hell he thought he was doing stealing a truck and driving. He replies that it was like his mind went blank and he wasn’t in control. The driver of the other truck he hit said it felt the same way for him, like there was something wrong with that spot on the road and it made a person no longer in control.
Really weird triathlon dream 2014-05-21 MTB
I don’t know that this fits into any future headlines, but its what I got after doing the project August intention statement… I started out and I was in a garage. I knew that I had a race to do soon; the garage had been redone into a bedroom. My wife and I were staying at a house to do a triathlon with others. I was hungry, for some reason there was a giant bowl on a table; it had bagels, rolls, and also one rainbow sprinkle chocolate donut. Everything was brown, the chocolate a very dark brown, I believe the sprinkles were only red white and blue. I decided I wanted the donut, I reached in and pulled it out. For some reason, even though it was a very small donut, it had tons of white custard all over it which dripped out over everything, including my hands. I don’t recall eating the donut, and I wound up washing off my hands to get the custard off. Next I was in a muddy field. It was nighttime. I knew that I had already completed the swim of the triathlon. For some reason everybody was stopped, as if to start the race again. I don’t know what I had done, but I was asking if I needed to serve a time penalty for something I had done on the swim. The officials didn’t know what I was talking about. The horn sounded, everybody started off, I sat there looking at my watch choosing to serve whatever penalty I thought I was supposed to have served. I then rant to my bike and got on. It was supposed to be 3 loops on the bike. It was still dark out, I was riding and could see just enough, but did not have a night light. I am a very strong biker and was surprised I was not catching up to anybody. After two laps, for some reason I stopped and dropped my bike, and went back to the house to take a rest. The house was filthy. I was looking out, asking the other people in the house why nobody else seemed to be out on the bike leg; somebody told me they were all taking a rest, just like me. I did see a few bike headlights going by on the street. I decided I should get going on the race again; I went into the bathroom to get my triathlon suit. It was wet and sandy, and I thought it would be really disgusting to get back into it. I felt I needed to use the bathroom, and looked at the toilet. It had apparently gotten backed up; the bowl water was a very dark brown, and there was brown water over the top of the rear tank. I was considering going to the other bathroom, when a doorbell rang. The doorbell was extremely real, as if it was the home doorbell, not in the dream. This woke me from the dream. For the record, part of my intention is that I will wake up when the dream is finished so I will remember it. I have had a previous occasion with the exact same doorbell sound that woke me from a dream, nobody was at the house door. I did not recognize any location in the dream. I believe that the dream indicated King Kamehameha highway for riding, which would mean the island of Kona (where I will be doing a 70.3 race shortly, but I will not be staying at a filthy house and it won’t be August).
August 24, Building on Fire. 2014-05-22 flowofmysoul
August 24, building on fire. In my dream I remembered my friend Maria email that she sent me about the Project August. I was curious what is going to happen in August, so I moved to August. I appeared in a modern town, have no idea which town it was. I found a newspaper to double check the date, it was August 24. Even before reading the newspaper I knew it was August 24, at that moment I thought that Project August was aimed on this date. So it was August 24 and it felt like it was happening today/now. I saw a large modern building on fire. It was not the latest high tech building, but it was pretty modern. The moment I saw the building I was in the air opposite the building, somewhere around mid floors. I think there were around 25-30 floors in that building. My emotions were as usual, nothing really strange. In this dream I thought that I need to wake up and replay the event in my mind to be able to recall it in the morning(I do not write dream journals). So I woke up, thought about all what I saw and went back dreaming about something else. There was one more event in the same location, but I already forgot it, writing this dream 3 days since I had it.
Beetles! 2014-05-22 Grim Reaper
I programmed myself over and over to dream about something on the world stage in August 2014 and I regret it. I dreamed about big black beetles starting to cover me and I could not get rid of them! It was horrible! But my first thoughts were it meant more trouble in the Middle East. My deepest feelings are that it pertains to Christians over there and more killings of them will happen. These beetles reminded me of those beetles that burrow under your skin and eat you from the Mummy movie. There was no escaping them.
A Dwarf Quest 2014-05-22 Eric
Date: 2014-05-22 Time: 0635 Type: Standard, linear, possibly time-displaced POV/2P A company of 10-12 dwarves and I (a dwarf) come to a chamber in the center of a legendary ancient ruined city, deep underground, and underneath a mountain. This scene is the culmination of a long quest that has lasted many days. The objective of our journey has been 2-fold. First, we are in search of ancient knowledge / treasure that has been lost for countless centuries. Second, we must locate a small girl of about 4-5 years of age, wearing a loose, white gown, and who has been unknowingly lured by a giant race of alligator-type creatures. In the first scene, our company enters the center chamber from a side passageway. The chamber resembles the center of a large wheel, with the 6 side-passages comprising the “spokes”, and which contains a tall, uniquely shaped dais in the middle. The dais is made up of 4 large, step-like, concentric circular platforms stacked on top of one another. The material looks to be stone, with the colour of dark red clay. As one ascends the dais, the platforms become smaller in diameter until, in the center of the very last circle, there is a pillar, about 6 feet high, with a small circular basin next to it, apparently for someone to stand in. In the dream, I liken this structure to a “fountain.” The walls of the chamber are solid stone, mostly light brown with a few flecks of white, grey and black. The floor is dirt, dusty and has clearly been unused for some time. My role in the company is the leader’s right-hand man, effectively second in “command.” As we stand in contemplation in front of the circular dais, our leader informs us that this chamber is guarded by very troubled spirits and ghosts of ancient warriors, some of which were female and formidable. Although our weapons have the ability to inflict damage on them, we need only use them if absolutely necessary. With great anticipation, our leader ascends to the top most ring, and positions himself next to the stone-like basin. With one arm on the pillar, he tells us to position ourselves likewise on the lower rings, within equal distance of one another. Slowly, I ascend to the 3rd ring, one step down from the top. Once we are in position, our leader begins to rotate the rings in opposite directions. For example, the bottom ring spins counter-clockwise, the next ring up spins clockwise, and so forth. As we do this, we hear loud, wailing cries coming from somewhere down all of the passageways. The ghosts have apparently awakened and are heading in our direction, full of wrath. The chamber walls begin to tremble mercilessly as HUGE grey-stone doors begin to close off the outer passageways. Before the last door can close on my left, several misty-white ghosts, many of them female, spill out of the passage, their facing contorted in loud screams. Immediately as they do so, a hail of arrows from our company bring them down. The rings spin faster and faster as the leader tells us to face the center and prepare to jump off of the dais, backwards, on to the ground. We take our positions and wait for his signal. As he says “NOW!” he jumps into the top basin, and the rest of us let ourselves fall backwards, arms outstretched. I can feel myself falling backwards, but it feels very different than I had expected. Instead of hitting the ground hard, our bodies seem to float down slowly, as our consciousness separates itself and enters a black, serene void. This void lasts only seconds, and the next thing we know, we are once again standing in the same chamber, instantly knowing and feeling that we are in some other “sub-realm” having “travelled” eons of time. The chamber looks the same, but for some reason, my lips and mouth feel swollen and anesthetized. Looking around, our company attempts to find a way out. The passageway doors are now evidently open, so we journey into one of them. Not far in, we look to the ceiling and notice white snow protruding from some of the cracks in between the stone. Immediately, we figure that we are snowed in. Further down the passageway, we come to a steep stone wall, where there is a narrow, 2-foot ledge extending about halfway down the wall. Knowing that this is the only way out, we convince the shortest of our company to scale the ledge and scout our exit before we follow. As this occurs, some of us return to the center chamber. I ascend to the top-most ring and am surprised to find 2 small, beautifully carved, white statues of warriors riding horses next to the pillar. Pulling out a figurine from my pocket, I compare it to the two, trying to figure out which one it resembles most closely, as this will determine the direction of our journey. I remember that my comparison must include the eyes and mane of the horse, as well as the warrior’s helmet. As I do this, I have a flash in my mind of parts of the rest of this underground “city” where the openings of passageways look like the open mouths of large alligators. Some are relatively close to each other and the stalactites that make up the teeth appear ominous. Into a right-hand passage, I see the little girl skipping, oblivious to how she is being lured there. Fearing for her life, our company sets out again. Just before I wake, there is a flash of our leader speaking with some strange man (who is more familiar with these caves), about starting up some kind of “machine” or “engine.” The only words I remember the man saying (frantically) is “Try it now.”
Dreams 5/14-5/22 2014-05-23 Ætheria
Nads was there (nickname for nathen) Future 2016- saw this written down Male theree some- large field area outside Everyone helping to put the fire out. Large outside area. The details really illude me this dream. I have been trying to dream project august intentiones dreams many nights ans eveey time I do I can not remember my dreams well. That NEVER happens to me.
A Group Experiment 2014-05-23 Eric
Date: 2014-05-22 Time: 0317 Type: Flash, 2P Just to see if we can, my girlfriend (who resembles a girl from the 8th grade) and 2 other friends attempt to move forward and backward through time and space, moving through several solid objects in the process. Emotions are quoted as being “touchy, feely.” When we make it to our destination (the basement of a friend’s house), there is a flash of light that comes from the corner.








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Big Spider 2014-05-20
I’m at my parents’ house, and we’re just about to go inside. My mom finds a giant spider on the porch; the spider is about 6-8 inches long; the body is bright (lime) green, and the legs are long, black and hairy. She decides to take the spider inside, because he’s meowing like my cat, Charlie.
A New Discovery 2014-05-20 Eric
Date: 2014-05-20 Time: 0322 Type: Flash, linear, POV There is a discovery of a new, clay-red pyramid / building material from a single excavated foundational wall, which is described as being discovered in the “wrong place.” The surrounding dirt is light brown, but not sand, since it is clearly clumped together. Overall, my vantage point suggests that this pyramid may not be that large – something like the size of a house. A splice discontinues the dream.
Mourning 2014-05-20 Eric
Date: 2014-05-20 Time: 0322 Type: Flash, linear, 2P Inside of a “living painting”, I, and at least one other person are walking alongside a male character who may be Jeshua / Jesus / Emmanuel, through a large, white temple at night. The temple architecture resembles the Greek Parthenon and there are large, white columns in the background. The mood is terribly somber, and there are tears running down my face, apparently because of what we know Jeshua is about to “do”. Although he seems very calm and relaxed, we still can’t believe that “this is happening.”
The Stargate and a Secret Flight 2014-05-20 Eric
Date: 2014-05-20 Time: 0448 Type: Quasi-lucid, linear, spliced, POV (emotionally intense) This is in fact a 2-part dream within the same setting. It begins in a small, commercial plaza just around the corner from my home. The plaza is shaped like a “U” and resembles a merging of 2 commercial plazas from my waking life. After having a brief discussion with the owner of an Avondale who resembled Moe Szyzlak from “The Simpsons”, I exit the store, which is located in the center of the plaza, and make a left hand turn. At that moment, I begin hearing the voice of George Noory in my mind, as if I was listening to the radio. I can’t remember the discussion taking place, but in front of a store on the left, I come face-to-face with an old-type bubblegum machine which dispenses spherical, multi-coloured bubblegums. Since the machine resembles a small micro-wave oven, I open the door, and trade some of the candy in the machine, with a large bag of the same candy that I pull out of my pocket. I do remember that my candy has more purple gums in it. Turning around, I head into the parking lot (the center of the “U”), towards a car, parked just outside of the Avondale. At that point, George Noory starts talking about a man who has lost his left arm to some sort of disease / cancer, and how he wishes him well. The discussion is actually much longer, but I have since lost the details. In my mind however, the man he is describing wears a tan-coloured tweed jacket and has brown facial hair. As a man gets into the car in front of me, we discuss “being able to live with what happened to him”, possibly referring to what George Noory is saying. I remember feeling very sorry for him. A small splice occurs, and the dream changes. Suddenly, it is night time, possibly between 2100 and 2300. A friend and I are standing in the middle of the street (Paramount Drive) across from the plaza on a very small platform, which is part of a helicopter-type device that allows us to fly at a low altitude. The rotor blades of the propeller are relatively tiny – only about ½ foot in length. He is directly on my left and I hold a large, remote control which controls a rectangular-prism shaped military-type drone that sits on the ground in front of us. The drone is quite large, probably around 5-feet on its longest side, dark grey and has a propeller that protrudes from the top, with one blade considerably longer than the other 2 or 3. In my ear, I hear a running dialog with the middle-aged male inventor / builder of the drone, who assures me that his device is indeed stable and reliable. He laughs when I bring up my concerns and doubt. At that moment, my friend and I slowly take off into the air and begin to orbit the plaza, keeping our sights on the Avondale rooftop. I initiate the drone and make it fly along the same flight path, approximately 30 feet below us. Although we reach a maximum altitude of 80 feet, the platform on which we stand is unstable and we readily bob up and down, threatening to crash a few times. I struggle to keep the drone in the air. While we are orbiting the plaza, the dialog in my ear changes, and I begin to hear a caller that George Noory had on Coast to Coast on May 16, 2014, describing his visual encounter with a “Stargate”- looking device that came out of the sky near his home. Out of the undulating-luminious mercury center, came 3 craft – an ovoid shape, a triangular craft, and something that resemble the “Starship Enterprise”. In the dream, I can clearly see this huge, dark grey, dull-metallic, thick, circular machine in orbit around earth, slowly rotating on its axis as if it were a flipping coin. The orbit is very near earth’s north pole. The Stargate (if you watch the show “SG-1”), has its iris closed, and sitting directly on top of it are 3 craft. The largest of the 3 is, what looks like the front 2/3 of an F-15 eagle, without the tail section (so it looks like a triangle) or landing gear. This craft is so large that it nearly covers the entire area of the center of the gate. Underneath its wings, and closer to the perimeter of the gate, are 2 very small, similar looking craft that are more spherical in shape, but still have small antennae-looking parts near their front. All of the machines are dull grey and just sitting on top of the iris. Suddenly, I get the idea that I’m looking at this machine through a telescope. Although I “know” that I shouldn’t be looking at it, I make an effort to zoom in. It works. I get closer and closer until the Gate floods my entire visual field. At this point, I become terrified of “being discovered”, since I get the impression that someone or something “sees me”, so I quickly switch my focus back to our hovering machine in orbit around the plaza. I have lost control of the drone now, as it has begun to make an attempt to follow us. I still have this feeling that I’m looking at something that I “shouldn’t be”, something that’s very secret and may have something to do with “extraterrestrials” and this strange “Stargate” that I have just witnessed. Losing control of the platform we are standing on, my friend and I start to veer off course, heading towards a large grass field, directly across from the plaza, on the other side of the street. Our altitude plunges to about 10 feet and we passing around a few trees that grow next to the street. The drone, in an attempt to follow us down, loses control and crashes into the pavement. Hovering at about 5 feet above the field now, I notice that my friend is no longer with me. Instead, in the darkness, I see a small, white, basketball sized UFO quickly approach me from the left and stop, however at my altitude, about 8 feet in front of me. The top half of the device looks to be made of shiny white plastic and the bottom half is made up of a dull yellow light. I gives me the “creeps” and circles me, as if it’s observing my actions. In the sky behind it, I can see the spiraling condensation trail of a fighter jet making a beeline for us. Others approach from multiple directions. Although the vapor trail is clear in the night sky, the jets cannot be seen. Knowing that I’ve spent too long looking at something I wasn’t supposed to, I think, “Oh shit! We need to get the hell out of here!” Turning in the opposite direction (West), I notice that the platform has disappeared, and I can now fly. Thrusting my arms out in front of me like Superman, I gain speed in an attempt to outrun the fighters. Instead, something very strange happens. As I fly over a residential neighbourhood, I can see red, laser-like lines directly in front of me extending from my right to left. Between the lines are gaps of about 6-8 feet, but shrinking. The scene resembles something like a polarized grid. Every time I pass through one of these lines, I feel an incredibly sharp, stinging pain on my right side, indicating that these lines may in fact be the trails of some super-fast moving particles. In a desperate attempt to avoid them, I turn to the left, trying to move with their flow. Instead, as I fly over several backyards, the gap between two lines in which I’m flying continues to shrink. Hoping that I can get underneath them, I gradually reduce my altitude, but they just move with me. Now, these lines are everywhere and I know that I can’t avoid them. With my arms still outstretched in front of me, I skid into the ground on my belly, the lines pressing down, all around me. My last vision is of 2 white stairs, leading down from someone’s backyard porch into their backyard before the lines crush me.
The Arena 2014-05-20 Eric
Date: 2014-05-20 Time: 0718 Type: Standard, linear, POV I am in Valley Park arena, playing professional ice hockey with a group of people. My shift is very long, lasting nearly the entire first half of the game. As we leave for the second intermission, the hockey nets get taken away, and suddenly a public skate begins. Made up mostly of kids of all ages, they skate in a counter-clockwise direction. Now out of my hockey equipment, I make the decision to join them. I skate quickly through the masses, making sharp, step-over turns and enjoying myself. At the Zamboni half, I’m disappointed that we don’t skate in the opposite direction. A male, hockey-player friend joins me and skates backwards in front of me, just for kicks. As the public skate ends, I move to the center of the rink and find that my skates have disappeared. Instead, I have on a pair of black, Umbro indoor soccer shoes. Sitting down on the ice, I take my shoes off one-by-one and shake them upside down to get rid of some of the sand and debri. After resting my feet for a bit, someone signals to me that the skate is over so I stand up and walk toward the open gate to my left. On my way, I find 2 identical green Centon USB sticks lying on the ice. I realize that one of them is mine, so I call out “did anybody loose one of these?” Turning back to the center of the rink, I see that there are now 2 brown couches there with people sitting on them, looking at me. One of the girls holding a laptop raises her hand and I offer to use her computer to check which one is mine. She turns down the offer saying, “nah, I’ll do it.” As she takes the first one, I get the feeling that these people on the couches are attracted to me in some way. A different girl asks me “Are you in Laura’s class?” I say no, so she asks me if I’m on some person’s list (something to do with attractiveness). I respond, “it’s not up to me, it’s up to her.” Everyone laughs and I ask what is so funny. After a response that I can’t remember, I say “why would I lie?” One of the girls says “I know you’re not, but I just had to make sure.”
A Cooking Disaster and a Message From Above 2014-05-20 Eric
Date: 2014-05-20 Time: 0904 Type: Standard, linear, spliced, 2P I’m living on my own in England in some sort of first-floor flat. I just came back from the groceries, and begin to stack several bottles of AXE body spray and other various perfumes on the kitchen counter and on top of the refrigerator respectively. Both are located in the corner of the kitchen. Soon after, I find myself attempting to cook several things at once – small pizza pot-pies in the bottom oven, tarts in the top oven, and spaghetti / meatballs and vegetables in a frying pan on the range. I have a feeling that my “sister” is somewhere upstairs. While I’m cooking, everything goes wrong. The oven mitts don’t fit, so I try to use part of my left leg to stabilize the tarts, which flip over and topple onto the floor. At that moment, the frying pan explodes and the contents spew all over the range. Frustrated and angry, I freak out and begin yelling at everything. I calm down moments later and am left with cleaning up the mess. Afterwards, I fall asleep on a low-lying bed located close to the kitchen. As I sleep, I dream of a large, red-brick apartment-type building with large bay windows, located only 30 yards across from my bed and beside my living room, which incidentally has no ceiling or roof. The top floor of the building (directly above me), slants into a long, finger-shaped protrusion. From one of the windows in this protrusion extends a long rope, down which someone is descending, straight into my living room and talking with me on the way down. Suddenly, I wake up in the flat, and glance towards the bottles of AXE on the kitchen counter, confirming that it was just a dream. Looking up, I’m startled to find that the building and protrusion from my dream are still there, only now, there are people in the windows looking down at me. On the protrusion part, one of the windows opens and a woman and man dressed in business attire (minus the jackets), throw something down. As it floats down and lands close to me, I notice that it is a large, white piece of paper with writing on it, folded twice into a quarter square. My reaction is “O…K…that was weird…” Turning over in my bed, I try to go back to sleep, pondering how my dream has become real and just what is written on that folded piece of paper.
The Play 2014-05-20 Eric
Date: 2014-05-20 Time: 1014 Type: Standard, linear, POV A group of 4 friends and I are filming a play in the corner of a single-story mall, near a side entrance. I am a male, and there are 2 other lean-looking males and 2 females. Evidently, I am playing the lead male role. The story is about a woman who is engaged / married and has a passionate, romantic affair with me. The husband / fiancée finds out and kills her in cold blood with something in his hand (possibly a gun). In the scene, the lead woman (who looks like Marina Sirtis / Claudia Black) collapses after being wounded by the husband-type man, and her best female friend and I are there to bring her into the corner (which is why we’re filming in the corner of the mall). There is a small bed there, on which she is lain. As tears fall from my eyes, I smile and say, among gentle sobs, “One more day with you would have been nice.” She smiles and dies in my arms. The acting is really quite good. Standing up, I pick her up in my arms, as her friend supports her feet. We make our way deeper into the mall, but after walking to the end of the passageway, we are unsure whether to turn left or right. The man filming yells cut and my woman co-star jumps out of my arms, smiling. At this point, I recognize that even though this is a play, I am somehow deeply attracted to, or fond of this woman, as if we have an unspoken connection. The group of us make our way to the left where we stop at a shop / office on the right that looks like a good place for the next scene. Before we enter, I say to the director, “what are we going to DO with her (body)? It’s not like we can just kick open the back exit, throw her into the dumpster and say that’s that!” Everyone laughs at this remark.
Florida 2014-05-20
Florida – just the word a few times no imagery
Dead Birds, Bodies, & Car Crash 2014-05-21
Premeditation – August 29th 2014 5/20/14 2:12am I am driving my car, getting onto the freeway ramp, which winds around in a circle. As I come around the bend there are two dead birds on the on ramp, the cars in front of me swerve not to hit the dead birds. I too swerve not to hit the dead birds, I can see the freeway is littered with dead birds, as the bend becomes straight and goes under the overpass I see two cars pulled over to the side of the road one on the right and one on the left, there are two dead bodies of humans on the ramp in front of me. I am coming up on them too fast and I slam on my breaks and pull my wheel hard to the left to avoid running over one of the human bodies but my car slams into a white SUV on the right side of the road, just as my car is making impact and my head is slung forward I wake up.
PEEPING JOHN! 2014-05-21
Premeditation – August 29th 2014 5/20/14 8:24am John Stephen Goodman was watching me sleep through my Window in San Francisco, Ca. I woke up to find him staring at me. The window of my ground floor Victorian apartment home was open so I could feel the cool night breeze on me as I slept. I begin to talk to him through my window, he introduces me to his wife, and she is a rather tall Asian woman, with beautiful features and a soft spoken manor. I notice behind them there are children in the street chasing my kittens, I have no idea how they got out of the house. I see cars in the distance coming down the road and yell at the kids to stop chasing my kittens because they are chasing them farther away from home and I am afraid they will not find their way home. There are at least a dozen kids on the side walk outside of my window; soon they are all in my house wanting to play with my kittens. Once I get the kids out of my house I begin to count my kittens by name, but three of them are missing. Ezekiel, Raphael, & Uriel are nowhere to be found. “Where have my Angels gone!” I yelled, I began to search for them. Mid search I am distracted by John Goodman’s wife, who comes back to my window with several other woman and they are telling stories of their ex’s, so I go into the story about my daughters father. They all look at me with a deep sadness, horror and disbelief at how horrible a man can be. I did not like the looks on their faces and tried to change the subject to something more happy, with an attitude “That’s life” concerning my ex.


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More Trap Doors 2014-05-18 Eric
Date: 2014-05-08 Time: 0838 Type: Standard, linear, continuation, POV Eric is now gone, but my other friend (another old friend from this lifetime) helps me to pry open the old trap doors which are now about twice the size and located underneath the doors heading back INTO the airport (between the “waiting room” and the airport). There is a quick flash of how we were able to uncover the trap doors by removing some carpet as well as large, white, rubbery rectangular prisms resembling flimsy doors that fell over as you held them by their base. Underneath the trap doors, we find several layers of rotting brown cardboard. Under the cardboard are 2 very large and nice Adidas raincoats, one in dark blue and one in black. I quickly call the black one. There is nothing else under the doors. As we head through the doors leading into the building (which has now become someone’s living room in a very old house), we uncover yet ANOTHER set of HUGE trap doors in the middle of the living room floor. My friend is now my older brother again and there are 2 old men sitting on old, brown, dusty couches observing our progress. As we creak open the trap door, the old men exclaim “Oh My GOD, it’s actually REAL!” to which I respond, “Yes, the legends are true.” As the doors open, one of my socks gets caught on the first items inside – some very large, old rusty fishing hooks that wouldn’t be out of place fishing for sharks. There are also a pair of very old (maybe from the 1930s) fishing rods. After that, my brother uncovers 3 old (but small) black guitar cases. I yell out “Oh my goodness! Is that his Gibson guitar?” He hands it to me, and I see that it is not, but resembles a small 12-string acoustic guitar that was owned by a friend who I used to play music with at church. 6 of the high octave strings have been cut, leaving it as a regular 6 string guitar. With the 3 guitar cases were several ancient-looking, but unopened bags of potato chips and other junk food, which we almost immediately break open and start eating with a group of children (relatives between the ages of 3 and 13) that join us out of nowhere. As I begin to play the song “Your Body is a Wonderland” by John Mayer on the guitar, my brother plugs it into an old 1950s television in an attempt to amplify the sound. I ask the children, “do you know how OLD those chips are? I have no idea WHEN the old man died, so I have no idea how old they really are.” At that moment I notice, a small severed shrunken head lying close to me in a small metal basket. I exclaim, “Kill it! Kill it!” but one of the children says “No! Don’t kill me.” I tell them that I’m just quoting The Simpsons.
Mount Albion 2014-05-18 Eric
Date: 2014-05-08 Time: 0947 Type: Standard, linear / time-displaced, POV I am 16 years old and on a standard yellow school bus with about 25 kids, heading up, what is currently an abandoned street (Mount Albion) near my house. In the dream, the road is under “re-construction” and there is dirt, and construction personel busy doing their work (however, there are no trucks or machinery). Every 50 yards or so, there are racing-type “gates” built over the road, possibly to direct traffic. On the bus, my friend directs my attention to the skillful, yet maniacal driving of the female bus driver, who is taking us the through the gates at full speed, as if it were a race course. Just before the final steep hill that goes up the escarpment, there is a very tight left turn that she BARELY negotiates, but hits the accelerator too quickly, leaving us skidding off of the road onto a dirt side-skirt. Since the bus needs a certain amount of speed to get up the hill, she has to take us back down to the last gate. As we drive back down, the dream suddenly changes. I suddenly find myself walking up Mount Albion (the street) with an attractive female companion who is about my age (17-18). She is unsteady, possibly drunk, and has a long, gaping but superficial cut just below her left collarbone, which is not bleeding. Both of us are white but tanned, wearing swim suits and she has on a large pair of sunglasses. Indicating that she is about to “pass out”, we head over to a bench on the edge of the street, just below the final steep hill, up the escarpment. She collapses on the bench and almost immediately slumps over. I direct my attention to the opposite side of the street (north) where a large body of water comes up directly the road, but several feet down a steep cliff. I immediately recognize it as Lake Ontario. (Note: In our waking reality, Lake Ontario actually begins several km north of that position). Standing up, I head over to the edge of the cliff, which looks out over the water. About 50 yards out, I see a dolphin swimming from my right to left, along the shoreline, looking as if it is very ill, and about to die. I recognize that Lake Ontario is extremely polluted and figure that it is the contaminants that are responsible for its poor health. I yell back to my companion, hoping to indicate the strangeness of seeing a salt-water cetacean in a fresh water lake, but she doesn’t hear me. Suddenly, I become aware of another man, slightly older than myself and in red swim trunks standing about 8 feet to my right, looking out over the water and drinking a large slurpy (in an extra-large cup). I direct his attention to yet another, smaller dolphin swimming in the same direction. I make a decision to climb down the cliff to see what is going on. At the bottom, there is a large, flat rock just above the water and on my left, directly below the cliff. Jumping onto the rock, I notice that several small dolphins and what seem to be dark brown seals begin to gather around me, evidently curious. I recognize one seal/dolphin hybrid as an adolescent as he happily attempts to engage me in play. Spotting a ball next to the cliff, I walk over to fetch it, but at that moment, an ENORMOUS, almost black seal slowly swims over to my left and gets up on the rock. This entity strikes me as very ancient and wise and speaks with a low booming voice. Despite its considerable volume, I can’t remember what it says, although it finishes with words of reassurance and love, giving me a quick peck on my left cheek before it departs. The next thing I remember is scaling back up the low cliff back to the roadside, where I notice a man that resembles a good high-school friend sitting on the edge, reading a fashion magazine. The man with the slurpy is still in the same place. As I pass by the sitting man, I look over to see what he is reading. It is a 2 full-page advertisement for a perfume call “On.” The bottle is basically a cube, and the liquid inside is a very light shade of green. Having a certain “knowing” that this liquid is very toxic, I turning to the man, and say, “in 20 years, this perfume becomes a bug repellent.” Giving me a look of shock, he closes the magazine and runs off, down the road. At that point, I somehow know that I am in the past. Looking to the slurpy man, he finishes off his beverage, crumples up the cup and tosses it into the water. This act of blatent disregard for the environment upsets me greatly. Walking back over to the bench where my companion is resting, I have a seat, noticing that the slurpy man has followed me. He eyes my companion provocatively and, smirking, asks if she has any “diseases” (indicating STDs). I give him a telling smile (indicating that I have slept with her), and say “well, if she does, it’s too late now!” He laughs and departs. As he does so, a young woman suddenly runs up to us. She appears to be some kind of “promo” girl and is handing out special band-aids. Taking one out, she tries to place one of these over my companion’s cut, but in a drunken effort to keep the promo girl away, the band-aid has trouble sticking. At that moment, I look over the water and, to my horror, notice a colossal, dark grey storm cloud approaching us at low altitude. Fearing for our lives, I yell “WE GOTTA GO!!” I grab my companion by the arm and begin running with her up the steep hill. Halfway up, the road becomes so steep that we are forced onto all fours and desperately claw our way up the road. Any second now, I expect a torrential downpour, riveling that of a hurricane. Fiercely determined however, I picture in my mind the bridge that we need to reach for safety (a few hundred yards away), but look back only to find that my companion has fallen behind.
Indian Summer 2014-05-19
I intended to participate on project august again. Started with the recommended procedure to force some insights concerning august. But not as last week, where I had a strong feeling of being at august, this time I’m not sure. I had two dreams, one shortly following the other. After I woke up, I made some notices. In the morning I wrote the full text. The First Dream: we (my wife and a befriended couple) were strifing through my hometown on the search of a book. Dont know exactly what kind of book. We eventually found it in a sleeping room which I was familiar with. It was a small, about 15x10x4cm black book. I have something similar on my bookshelf, an old lexicon. There was no obvious reason why we should search for that book, just a kind of certainty. The city was dark because of the deep clouds and thick black smoke all around. Some fire nests here and there. We drove around with a small european car. Just big enough to hold 4 persons. After we got the book, we headed to the rim of the town, where my friend owns a small house. When we arrived there, everything was also layerd with black dirt. Some smaller single fires were burning. Some glow nests in the bushes nearby. Not a very pleasant place. So we decided to leave and go south to the mountains. There we drove our car as high as possible and the hiked up the mountain until we reached a hut. The weather was fine and we had blue skies above. At the hut an older, sturdy women received us – as if she awaited us. The women was clothed in something like a leather costume. It reminded me of some kind of a native american costume as I know it from film. White with woven black and yellow / red braid and fringes on the arms and legs. Pocahontas or winnetous sister 😉 All around the meadows were full in grass. High, about 20cm, lush and deep green. I had some strong feeling of indian summer. But it was not fall. It was early / high summer, with a native american. After we arrived, she guided us to a peak from where we could overlook the scenery. Above us, the sky was blue and we stood in sunshine. But farther away the peaks were covered from dark clouds. Only way farther away there was a small view between two peaks, where blue sky was visible again. After viewing the scenery we went slowly back to the hut. Because of the great weather I decided to get up the mountain again, just for fun. Again up the hill I deliberately slided down the slope over the fat green meadow with just a pair of simple leather sandals – like a skier. That was so much fun! There was laughter and joy! ————————- The title maybe strange, but it reflects a kind of certain feeling when dreaming. I always think of “Indian Summer” of some kind of special weather condition. Warm, soft wind, no chill, no blinding but low light and warm colors. And maybe its also meant as “the summer of the native american”. The whole dream episode may show a situation in the future. The book symbolizes the hunt for knowledge. We / I have to gather the knowledge and take it with me. The city may be uninhabitable – not sure if the dark clouds and the fire stands for real fire / natural catastrophy or is a symbol for social conflicts. Heading to the mountains may be the best choice. The native american symbolizes mother nature wich welcomes us. The view shows the closer and the more distant future. A short time with darker clouds will be followed by blue skies. The skiing with the leather sandals shows that we may have great fun living simple, without high tech equipment.
The Marriage Of The Old Lady 2014-05-19
This is the second dream wich followed the first one immediately. Time: Monday, 19.May in the morning (around 4:00 CET – sorry forgot to mention this at the first dream). I was a guest at a marriage. An old lady was the bride. I did / do not know who was the bridegroom. We were housed in an old hotel. A classic building with dark wood panels on the wall and dark red carpets on the floor. Long walkways, a separate kitchen and other rooms and halls. Kitchen maids and servants all around. The kitchen maids were clothed in white blouse and black skirts / aprons. The servants wore white shirts, striped vests and black trousers. Like the servants in old english movies. The guests were partly family members of the old lady – daughter, sons, grandchilds, other relatives – and partly some friends an acquaintances. We all were gathered in a big hall, where we awaited the old lady to get married. The doors were closed and we all looked outside (how? – some keyholes, small windows) to watch out for the old lady. Then the old lady arrived. She was small, maybe 1.60m, whitehaired, I estimated her about 80years old. She held a walking cane and wore a white bridal costume and a pair of dusky pink high heel plateau sandals! – The guests were aghast at this sight. At this moment the daughter of the old lady stepped to the door and locked it from inside. She cried out loud and shook the door with all her power. Knocked again and again. I felt some kind of sadness for her and begged the daughter to open the door but the daughter didn’t retreat. Meanwhile the guests drank and talked. Some were full of sympathy for the old lady, others disgusted. The old ladies crying got quieter and quieter. After a while nothing was to hear. Some of the guests were drunken and puked to the floor. It was a great mess and the servants and kitchen maids did what they could. Then again it knocked on the door. We looked outside and this time there was the old lady in the clothing of a kitchen maid. The daughter immediately opened the door. The old lady came in and began helping the servants and kitchen maids to clean up the mess. Finally she laid down the floor with her belly and polished the linoleum. All guests, servants and kitchen maids stood around and admired her devotion. —————————– some comments – feel free to delete them; maybe they distract from the dream. During the writing of the report I had to think about the old lady as being the queen of england and standing in the dream for the british monarchy / the government. Maybe for the whole old system. This is supported from the old british looking environment of the hotel and personnel. The marriage may be some kind of liason with somebody/some institution. Wearing high heels maybe a sign of heightening oneself over the others. Some kind of pride or arrogance, to be something better. Only the daughter – the closest relative – could do what was done. Nobody else would have done this: denying marriage to this old and venerable lady. So there may be some resistance inside the queens family / the government / the system. against this undertaking. But it seems not to be the undertaking but the attitude of the government to this undertaking. After some trouble and after rethinking this attitude and doing penance everthing is fine.
Strange Foundations 2014-05-19
This was a long, twisty, weird one! I dreamt that I was living in a large, beautiful, but worn down home. I didn’t mind fixing it up, in fact, if there is ONE thing I’m good at, it is making things beautiful! My husband and I planned what we wanted to with different rooms but my main focus was outside. I wanted to grow vegetables, and we had enough space now that I could just go WILD with my strawberries, lilies, and passion flowers (My VERY favorite flower)! We had worked for quite some time when I saw a blue pick-up truck. An ex of mine was in it. THIS particular ex had been a stalker and DID not take our breakup well. I ran inside to lock all the doors… but the locks on the doors were just little floppy pieces of wood. They had been poorly screwed in and with little effort fell off the wall and to the floor. I felt SO STUPID that the locks hadn’t been the FIRST thing we checked… but there was nothing I could do about that now. I had to get them in tighter! I ran to find a power tool to screw the pieces of wood in more tightly, but it was too late… he was in our home. Watching us. He tried to grab my hand and I snatched it away and he smiled and said that he would wait. I informed him that I was married now and he needed to leave, and he said to me “things change”. This really creeped me out because after we dated for a while, I found out this guy was a special kind of crazy… It was amazing he wasn’t in jail. He haunted our house now, never leaving me and my husband alone for a minute… until he got a phone call. I could hear an angry woman on the other end of the phone tell him she was pregnant. WHAT!? He scrambled to get his things and leave and I laughed and cheered… even doing the moon walk at one point… Then felt guilty for a minute that now some other woman had to deal with him. Now that THAT was out of the way, I felt safe to explore the streets we were on. I saw one of my neighbors walking up the street and decided to introduce myself. I walked over to him and told him my name and that I had just moved into the old house. He never made eye contact, he just kept walking… so I kept talking. I told him that I loved this new village and not having to live right on top of my neighbor and told him my plans to build a massive garden. Still looking ahead he grumbled “Well good for you.” If grouchy cat were to turn into a human, THIS would be it. I just kept smiling and talking until the man asked me to come with him. I followed him to a little building with a tin roof. Inside were two other grouchy-looking men. They were starting up their own hunting shop! I’m not one who likes to hunt, but I am a great archer. Even though the little building was mostly empty, there was a small display of strange bows and arrows. I ran over to see some of the neatest archery equipment I have ever seen. There was an arrow that was made from what looked like pine wood. It was a light color and really looked NOTHING like an arrow. Instead it was a long figurine of a woman in a gown. The grumpy man told me that it wouldn’t miss… for anyone to miss something with THAT arrow, they would actually have to try VERY hard. He then opened the glass display it was in and handed it to me. When it touched my hand, a small shard of it broke off. I had barely touched it! The man got VERY angry and started yelling for me to leave. I put my head down in shame and told him I would but first I had to pay for the arrow I broke. Unfortunately, all I had in my pocket at the time was $30. I told him that I would make sure to work and get the rest of the money, but I needed an address to mail it to since I wasn’t allowed in the store. He looked confused for a minute when I handed him the money, and then he HUGGED me. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be happy or scared. I certainly never expected the man to HUG me. He told me that he didn’t get to meet very many honest people and that I was welcome back any time. Still, I needed to leave. My husband was working on the house alone. I turned to walk out of the building and felt my pocket itch to find the $30 was back in there. I asked the man if he had put the money back in my pocket and he said he had. He didn’t want to take it, but I insisted he did. I would still pay for the arrow… even if he forgave me, it was only fair. The arrow DID break in MY hand while it was MY responsibility. The grumpy man was no longer grumpy, instead he said he looked forward to me coming back to pay him and the money would help build up his shop. Now, as I was about to leave, another, shorter man looked upset. I asked him what was wrong. Apparently, he had never been to a homecoming. He was grown now, but he was going to a class reunion and they were going to do a mock homecoming. I didn’t see the problem there. He looked down and said that he was shy and didn’t want to go alone. “OOoooh! So you need a date!” I said. He blushed and looked like he wanted to run under a rock. I told him it was no problem, I would go with him. But first he had to ask my grandmother’s permission (I don’t know why) and I had to tell my husband where I was going. He agreed and we walked to this homecoming. Once we got there… it was probably the most drab homecoming I have ever seen. There were plenty of people, but no one was dancing, no one was talking… heck… there weren’t even any SNACKS! You certainly cant have a party without snacks! The man was a bit shorter than me too… I got the feeling that it bummed him out a bit. He sat alone on the sidelines of the party, and I sat next to him and rubbed his back. He was hot and sweaty… poor guy. I told him not to worry! I would “fix” the party. I managed to find some more lively music… that was a start. People began to sway a bit, but I wouldn’t say they were dancing… next, I looked in a small bag I all of a sudden seemed to have to find lots of Japanese candy and some curry mix. I made an Asian spread for the table and people flocked to it. I had to try one of the candies myself… it looked like one of those clear, golden, fish oil pills, so I expected it to be gross, but it was REALLY sweet and delicious, aside from the fact that it stuck to your teeth… After the party picked up and the man seemed to be having a good time, I decided that I would sneak out and go home. He wouldn’t be able to find a REAL date if I’m glued to him. On my way home, I came across another party. It was a little girl’s birthday party. I was going to walk past, but some people saw me walking by and asked me to join them. They would give me a ride home afterwards. Well, I’m not one to turn down free birthday cake so I joined them. We were all given little camera’s on necklaces, which was pretty nice… but I thought it was weird that there were policemen there. I noticed that one policeman had accidentally left his camera hanging on a swing set in the park we were in, so I grabbed it and chased him down to return it. When I tried to give it to him, he started cussing me. I was confused and tried to tell him “Look, I saw you left this and thought you might have wanted it… I’m not trying to fight with you, but you have no right to talk to me like that wearing that uniform.” He got even more enraged and began pushing me, and at that point I turned on the camera and started taking pictures and recording clips of what he was doing. I tried to ask him to leave me alone, or I would take this to court. He told me there would be nothing to see in court if I was dead and pulled out his night stick and started beating me. I couldn’t film any more because I dropped to the ground in a ball and covered my head. I could see the feet of everyone all around me and wondered why no one would help me. Finally, the cop stopped beating me. Another officer of some sort had pulled him off of me and asked what happened. I gave him the camera and told him what I remembered. The bad cop was hauled off and sentenced to death for an attempted murder. I didn’t care much for that judgment… but the cop DID threaten to kill me, and he had beaten me pretty badly… ( I was limping now). I thought that they would do this in a humane way, through injection or something… but no. They wanted to do something so weird, I’m not sure what to make of it. They brought the cop back and prepared a white sheet by soaking it in some sort of liquid, then covering both sides with salt and Lyme. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I yelled. The other officer who had arrested the one that beat me told me that this was standard procedure. They meant to put this sheet on the cop and bury him alive! I told him that I didn’t want that! The cop hadn’t KILLED me! He didn’t deserve to die in THAT way! I forgive him! PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!!! But the officer told me that it was no longer MY choice. The judge had demanded it. I felt horrible. This was happening because of me… but would it have been better had the bad cop just killed me? I didn’t know what to think… but this was WRONG. They put one half of the wet, salted sheet in the casket, then had the tied up cop put in it before flipping the other end of the sheet over his head and on top of him. I was horrified when they shut and locked the casket. Four men grabbed the sides of the casket and started walking away with him. I asked the officer who saved me what they planned to do with him. Why weren’t they digging a hole for him, and the man showed me the white house. There was a thick foundation under it.. and they had begun adding to the foundation. There were walls being built around the white house by adding more and more “foundation”. I could see in my mind that the casket would be brought to the foundation and placed on top, then bricks and cement would be stacked around him… he would become part of the “foundation”. I felt sick to my stomach. The foundation was three layers thick.. he was the beginning to the fourth layer… how many layers before the White House would be completely covered?
Complaisant Captivity 2014-05-19
This was a very short dream that started with me in a group of women. We were in a non-descript building waiting. A man came in and led us into another building. I wasn’t alarmed or worried just complaisant that this was the routine.
Coastal Flooding 2014-05-19
April 19, 2014 Lots going on inside a large multilevel Mansion-building. I spend a long time there, wearing a long sleep robe. I have my own room I clearly remember entering in the gray of Void Space at least twice, deliberately finding what is ostensibly a light switch on the wall, proud of my ability to be aware and navigate in the silvery darkness… I head downstairs with a female companion, entering a small rectangular lobby in which the open door looks directly out at the gray heaving mass of the ocean only about one city block away. An impossibly massive wave crests and crashes and I quickly step back to avoid the tide I’m sure will flow all the way to this building and up the entrance steps, because that was truly a monster of a wave. Indeed, ocean water flows into the room seeming to reach for my bare feet. To the left of the door sits a row of elderly men and women who have retired to this seaside town. I tell them that by the year 20?? most coastal towns will be under water. One woman chastises me, telling me I shouldn’t talk or worry about that. I reply, “I can talk about that, and whatever else I please.” Walking over to a window to gaze outside, I add in a firm, clear voice, “FREEDOM of SPEECH.” I step deeper into the room as two more monster waves break and the tide flows across the floor, on which I am now sitting, scooting away from the rising water. I decide it’s best to return to the upper floors, although I’m aware the storm is powerful enough to possibly undermine the building’s foundations, which means I won’t be any safer up there even though I will be out of reach of the flood waters. DILD Upstairs, passing through some public area in which a TV is broadcasting, I become lucid as I recall Project August and my intention to find an important headline from August 2014 in a dream. I move over to the TV and focus my entire attention on it. It is conveniently tuned to a news channel which seems to be airing a story about a Florida sports team. I am able to read the white letters inside all the little blue boxes that surround the main image, and though I am intending to find the date August 2014, I distinctly make out the year 2023. That’s way too far in the future, but that is the year the dream is presenting me with, and though I seem to see the year 2014 in the bottom right corner of the screen it is only a fleeting wishful glimpse. I know what is playing on the screen is taking place in 2023. The following dreams feel as though they relate to this news broadcast from the future… Drink in hand, I walk down the corridor of what feels like a cruise ship. I enter a room where a performance is in progress, some kind of post modern musical. The actors are lined up on a makeshift stage directly in front of the small audience which, like me, is standing facing it. The space has the intimate, rather claustrophobic feel of a cruise ship. The four or five Caucasian actors are all wearing suicide vests. The musical is some sort of distasteful political commentary. Or so it is meant to appear, but to me the actors all look truly stressed, in the grip of a resigned, hopeless despair that causes me to take a step back, and then to quickly hurry out of the room as the performance climaxes. I manage to make it out of the narrow hallway leading from the mini theater to the more spacious area beyond just as an explosion generates a blast of blue-black destruction down this corridor… I’m looking out a window at helicopters and planes with opens sides face each other, hovering in the air, communicating and yet, it seems, also fighting each other?… I’m talking to someone about the massive ocean waves and how no ship can possibly navigate them but they argue that aircraft carriers are big and heavy enough… I don’t remember any more.
Quicksand Valley! 2014-05-20
5/19/2014 6:20am I am laying in the dirt face down, I look up and I see the buffalo “who’s name is the sound of thunder” I screamed because I was back in this dream where I left off and this rarely happens to me! I look to my right and the buffalo is trying to get up off of the ground as well. I jump to my feet and run around the wheel, but before I can see the third hologram screen I see Animals of all kinds running towards me! I run back over to buffalo and try to push him up to his feet. He says “Thanks a lot, you were gonna leave me down here” he was snorting and grunting at me. I yell to him “I have to see the holograms, its important” the roar of hooves hitting the soft dirt ring out in this clearing. He yells back at me “Stupid girl; you’re not meant to see what is really there so stop looking and feel what is there”. We both run in the same direction as the other animals down the hill. As we are running my I realize my feet are hurting really badly because I am only wearing socks and we are running over rocks, sticks, and tree branches. There is a fork in the path and we go to the right, the others go to the left down into the valley. We come to an abrupt halt at the edge of a cliff overlooking the valley below. I watch in horror as the other animals get stuck in what I can only describe as Quicksand, or liquefaction. The sand though has small waves in it and the waves are beating the dirt like the tiny waves of a small lake when a boat is out on the water. We are both yelling at the other animals to turn back or go around, they keep moving forward though pushing more and more into the Quicksand. I cover my eyes and begin to cry, I don’t want to see any more I screamed, and woke myself up.
Learning French 2014-05-20
My daughter and I were on a school bus through a rough part of an unknown town. There were shop signs that used the word “Granger” as if that were the town, but it was no Granger I know (I live in Granger, a small, suburban bedroom community.) There were brown, rundown storefronts, empty buildings, and we were looking for an out-of-town school event, but we pull up outside of a house, not a school. The woman inside is younger, in her twenties, with bobbed brownish-blonde hair that comes down just past her jawline. She greets us in French because she’s a French teacher. At this point, only my daughter and I are in the house. We sit on her blue couch which is damp as if it had been recently cleaned. She brings out what looks like metal lawn chairs without the fabric, but they have no legs. You are supposed to set them on the floor and use them to support your back. She does not have one for herself, so I offer to move over so she can lean against a coffee table. She declines. We talk about the neighborhood where she lives as we look outside her window. She says it’s an expensive neighborhood outside Indianapolis. There are old homes and rolling hills. It’s a rainy, grey day. Across the street to the right, up on a hill is a beautiful white church that I first thought was a large home until I spotted the very tall steeple. It has a red door and is trimmed in black. Rain is running down the streets. When we return to the room, her table is surrounded with high school aged kids. One boy is quizzing the students by asking questions in French. The students reply in French and I’m one of those students. The rest of the dream is questions and answers in French.
Killing the Handler 2014-05-20
Immediately after the dream about visiting the French teacher, I was talking with a professional internet gamer. He is from Denmark but currently plays in the USA. I told him I would occasionally watch him stream from a storefront in my small town when I was across the street buying gasoline. He decides to kill the French teacher from my previous dream by hanging her. Several of us are holding her up so she doesn’t suffocate, trying to cut the rope. He said he tried to kill her because she was my handler. She was wearing a white toga-like garment, like a sacrifice. The rope was cut. She didn’t die.


page 9

LeJeune and Time Warp 2014-05-18
May 18, 2014 2:10 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time) – I woke up suddenly, after 4 hours of sleep. In a half-waking condition, I remembered some scenarios. Others are lost, to me. – I seemed to be on some kind of battlefield, but in a place of rest (a lull in the fighting): and, away from where fighting was being waged. Was listening to someone else, through a radio (not a walkie-talkie, but larger). That individual was in a far-off place, unrelated to my own situation. The other individual was also working in a military capacity, of some sort. [I have never served in the military, in my real life.] – I asked where this other man was. The word “LeJeune” was repeated, several times. In the dream, (as in reality), I didn’t know anything about a Camp LeJeune, in North Carolina. (i.e., there was no previous association with this real place, in my mind). To me, this “LeJeune” conjured up an image of a very far-away place, up near the Arctic Circle and “way beyond the international dateline”. Rather surreal. Because, when I asked him to synchronize our watches (i.e., to compare our time zones), to find out how far away he might be–(time-wise)–it turned out that it was 2:00 a.m., for him, and 12:00 (midnight), for me. [It was only after I woke up that I realized that the other man was 26 hours ahead of me! And, that is totally impossible, in reality.] – Somehow, there was an arranged meeting (he and I arranged it, together), for my commanding officer to go “up there”, where he was, for some weird kind of “debriefing”: or, to compare notes, for logistical purposes. – The next “scene” was some sort of “base”, at that other place (I even referred to Alaska, in my dream, and the other man gave no impression that I was “far off”, in my estimation of where that actual place might be. [with no “apparent” connection to the real “LeJeune”: which is nowhere near Alaska]. – I had gone with my CO (commanding officer) and was an “onlooker”, to what happened, after that. The only significant (but strange) thing I vividly recall was being on that “base” and focusing on some sort of chain-link pen or enclosure–just big enough (maybe 4-5 feet wide and about 10 feet long) for my superior to enter, while awaiting the other man (who was an officer, too). The other man came (there seemed to be other men in uniform around the “pen”) and he entered the enclosure and proceeded to “check out my commander”, paying attention to his uniform and insignia, which were different from his. He seemed to “rough up” my superior commanding officer, a little. I was surprised that my CO was being treated that way, in an enclosure that seemed like a pig pen (i.e., he was being treated like a pig, not a “friendly”). – After that, I fully woke up, and most of the other portions of the dream were quickly forgotten, except for one scenario that occurred prior to me being in this initial scene (a place of quiet). I was in some kind of craft (massive, like a blimp, (or like a C-47 military transport plane) [which I just googled, because I never was military]. It was odd, though, because this “transport” didn’t seem to have wings (but, hanging out of the back end of one of those planes, one is not aware of either the wings or the tail. – We were falling out of the sky, and it was not known what lay below us, whether water or land. (After “falling out of the sky”, the scenario changed to something else, and then to the place of R&R, for lack of a better word.)
approve | modify | move | delete It starts… Project August 2014-05-18 Save Life
It is sometime in the future and it was common knowledge that most of the Men in the US had gone off to War or were killed. The people who were left in the US were mostly Women and Children. The cities everywhere were in kayos and in flames. There were armed Men clothed in dark clothing, covering everything, form the head drapes to the tactical boots. They had taken over, and were rounding up those who were left. Men were killed on the spot and the Women were used to their will. Thank Goodness I didn’t see what they did to the children!! I remained hidden until I could take the remaining Women aside, before the terrorists got to them. I then taught these women how to fight back and a safe place to hide their children.
Iceland Project August 2014-05-18
I really can’t remember details but I was looking over Iceland in some way. For the entire day afterward, Iceland kept coming up all over the place on radio, television, books or magazines I picked up.
The Encounter 2014-05-18
The Encounter 05/17/14 Waking up in an indistinct place with my husband, Mark, next to me, the understanding that our three children were in nearby rooms came upon me. A man entered our room and began working on some type of instrument with a wheel. He told us to call our children. We got up and looked into a mirror but the reflected image was slightly different than our usual appearance. While we were marveling at this, our image changed back into what we knew as us. We then joined Kyle and Audrey and went into a large room where, to our surprise, there were many Melanie’s and Mark’s and Kyle’s and Audrey’s. Each family looked very much like us but with slight differences in height, hair color, and other cosmetic characteristics. We all began to discern that we were the same family but in different variations. No words were spoken as the knowledge that we were all from different dimensions permeated the family groups. With this recognition came extreme joy and curiosity. I began studying other Melanie’s and comparing my features and traits to theirs. I then began reviewing all the Kyle’s and Audrey’s and comparing them to my Kyle and Audrey. It was then that I missed Emily. I said in a normal voice, “Where is Emily?” I turned and she was behind me and Mark being her shy self. I said to her, “Isn’t this amazing? I want to talk to them all.” It was at this point that the grasps and crying and hugging began. I looked around confused and finally asked where are your Emily’s? They all communicated that they had lost theirs at birth. At this point all the families began crowding around her crying and laughing and rejoicing that she was here. They knew she was a bit different than what their Emily would have been, but that did not matter, she was here. Her presences gave them comfort and extreme joy. The significance of this is that I too almost lost Emily at birth. She was born at 27 weeks and we both barely survived.
Grouchy Family 2014-05-18
I only remember a little chunk of this dream. I did, again, make preparations to dream of “Important Events in August 2014″… I was disappointed that my dream didn’t seem to be very significant this time around, but there is always next time… I don’t remember how I got in this situation in the dream, but for whatever reason, I had become homeless. My parents house burned down a few months ago. (I actually dreamt of their house on fire, but never where the fire actually started… and though I told my parents my dream, none of us ever thought much of it. I was told I was probably dreaming of it because the memories in the home was a source of comfort, and I was afraid that comfort would be destroyed.) Anyway, I was visiting their NEW home. They had begrudgingly allowed me to stay there with my youngest son. I was directed into the room and it looked ALOT like a hospital room… complete with those horrible, off-white speckled tiles, ceiling squares and furniture. There was a counter with a mirror on one side of the room with a built-in sink. On the other side was a hospital bed with those horrible, crunchy hospital sheets. No comforter. It didn’t matter to me, at least I had a place to stay! I had a little bag with me that I sat next to the bed, then thanked my parents over and over before making myself at home in the room. It was dreary and bare, so after playing with my son and rocking him to sleep, I sat up and doodled drawings to put up on the wall. I thought if I could just draw ONE thing a day, I would eventually make the room beautiful. The next day I strapped my son to me in a baby carrier and hunted jobs. The sun was SO HOT and he was getting heavy. Nevertheless, I did what I could then returned home exhausted. I had just unstrapped my son and was getting comfortable when my grandmother popped around the corner. Apparently she lived there too. She asked if she could spend time with the baby and I told her “Of course!” I happily handed her her great-grandson. I was thinking how lucky he was, after all, not every kid gets to meet their great-grandmother! As I thought that, I saw my great grandmother look over her shoulder at me. She had a mean look about her as if she were taking my child because I wasn’t fit to keep him. I stood there shocked for a moment… but since there was nothing I could do about how she felt about me, I chose just to ignore it. I was very hungry anyway… and I knew my baby had to be. We hadn’t eaten since we got there! The kitchen was FULL of food, but I was not allowed to eat what I hadn’t bought myself. There was a little pantry for MY food, when I opened it, all that was in it were two or three packs of SPICY ramen noodles. This was a real dilemma… What was I going to feed my son?! I prepared the noodles hoping that maybe they weren’t really THAT spicy. Since I live in the south, me and my children are very used to spicy, flavorful foods, so maybe it wouldn’t be that bad? I blew the noodles and cut them into tiny pieces as I went into my grandmother’s room to find my son. Her room was beautiful! It was purple and filled with flowers. She had a HUGE bed with a purple flowery comforter and was asleep with all three of my boys. Now I was in bigger trouble… I needed to feed all three of them these noodles and I only had a pack or two left in the cabinet… this meant I would not be eating for a while. I tried to wake up the youngest, and he kicked and woke up the oldest and my middle child was still asleep. I was struggling to hold my baby on my hip to feed him when my other son started jumping on my grandmother’s bed waking her and bumping the bowl in my hand, causing me to spill some of the noodle juice on one of the pillows. My grandmother looked up at me and was clearly VERY angry. I apologized profusely and told her that I would clean it up immediately! Instead, she yelled at me to get out, I had done enough. I was very upset that I had angered her, and brought my boys into the room. We all colored and put our work on the wall… but I noticed that there was a mess now and I needed to clean up. The garbage bags were in my brother’s room. I was not allowed in there, but I wasn’t left with much of a choice if I wanted a garbage bag… so I snuck in to get one. When I opened his door, my jaw almost hit the floor. He had a nice couch, a big screen TV, beautiful furniture, retro arcade games, A GIANT bed… it was every man’s dream pad. I wanted to be angry for a minute… my brother had always been my parents “favorite”, but it seemed unfair that I was almost completely ignored… but to be fair, I was an adult and was responsible for my own happiness. Whatever they bought or did for him was none of my business, I was a guest in their house and if I wanted nice things, it was fair enough that I should earn them myself. So I grabbed a garbage bag and left to clean my room. Later, I was invited to go shopping with my parents. I was very excited, because I have not been invited to do ANYTHING with my family for years. I had a small bag and inside I packed this awesome thing that unfolded into a journal, a notepad, and address book and many other things. It was beautiful, pink, design-ey, and just awesome. It had a quill pen with different colored inks you could screw into the bottom… the current colored ink was gold, but I also had red, blue, and silver too. I was pretty smug when I packed it. I thought to myself that this was all the luxury I needed. I could write, draw and keep information in this and it was beautiful and one of a kind. Even though everyone else had much nicer things than me, no one had one of THESE! I felt pretty good carrying it around. My parents drove to a place that looked like a small, outdoor, shopping center, and it wasn’t long before everyone separated and went different directions leaving me alone. I didn’t have any money to shop, and I felt lonely and out of place for a moment, until I noticed that I was next to an ocean! It would make a beautiful sketch, or maybe I could write in my journal… at any rate, the trip wasn’t a complete waste of time.
Spanish Footballer(soccer player) affair 2014-05-18
In new training place, as if I am visiting someone, The house is in the southwest like new mexico I had was having a conversation spanish football(soccer) player. We got along very well.He took down his pants and I had an affair with him. We had gone somewhere and there was a car accident. He had been drinking. the next was there was doctors and official looking people at the house. He was laying there in his underwear, and they were examining him and asking me questions about the accident but I couldn’t remember the accident but I then ask if this story comes out will it be a new story in Spain and they said yes because EVERYONE knows him in Spain. I didn’t know who he was. I tried to delay and talk about the pain I was having. The officials became suspicious and wanted to blood alcohol test to see if he was drunk while driving. I told them he hadn’t had much to drink and that In Spain he would be considered over the limit but not in America. I was talking to my spouse and he went to talk to the footballer. I deny everything. We then made plans to go back home to los Angeles. I was then sitting with some older woman who were reading a book but she didn’t like the book as she thought it was too boring.
Broken Down 2014-05-18 Eric
Date: 2014-05-08 Time: 0608 Type: Flash, linear, POV In the early morning, I’m riding a motorcycle/car hybrid vehicle down a single lane expressway to work. The weather is cool and a little cloudy. After passing under several underpasses, I’m nearing the end of the road that comes to a T intersection. About 100 yards from the end, there is a stalled / broken-down white, flat front truck under an underpass. Although I am in the right-hand lane, it is also in the right hand lane, but facing me (as though it is in the wrong lane). There is 1 police car on the right side of the truck and 1 on the left side beside the left lane. The only way to pass the truck is in the left-hand lane. Since I am travelling at a relatively fast speed, I pass it without difficulty.
Left behind 2014-05-18 Eric
Date: 2014-05-08 Time: 0608 Type: Flash, linear, 2P In front of my parent’s house, I am getting into a 4-door sedan with my parents, on my way to some sort of graduation ceremony. I am wearing a unique black shirt with a white undershirt, black dress pants and black shoes. As I get into the back right seat (my father gets into the driver’s seat), my mother walks over to the trunk to put something inside. Suddenly, my dad starts to drive while the trunk is still open. Out the back window, I see the startled expression on my mother’s face and yell for my dad to stop. After about 30 feet (with my mom chasing after the car), he stops and she gets into the front passenger seat, directly in front of me.
Attempted Murder 2014-05-18 Eric
Date: 2014-05-08 Time: 0608 Type: Standard, linear, POV I am what seems to be a young, mafia-type businessman attending a prestigious, yet exclusive gathering at an associate’s house. I am wearing a black suit, with a pink collared shirt underneath, with no tie. In the lounge, a friend hands me a rare, light-brown coloured cigar and begins to recite a funny story. Not wanting to hear it, I immediately head for the bathroom. On the way, I remember “cracking” the cigar, like you would a glowstick. Two large men eye me as I exit the lounge. In the bathroom, which only has 1 urinal and 1 handicapped stall, the urinal is occupied by a very old, bald and frail businessman wearing a black suit. Crouching around him, as if prostrated, is an entourage of about 4 people. Seeing this in only a glance, I head for the stall and take off my jacket, hanging it on the coat hook and not bothering to close the stall door. While urinating with the unlit cigar in my mouth, the two very large men (wearing light-coloured suits) who were eyeing my in the lounge come up behind me and draw handguns (possibly 9mm). Reacting on instinct, I attempt to shut the stall door, but one of the men holds it open. The next thing I know, I am standing outside the stall looking at the bodies of the two men, now dead, lying underneath me. I am puzzled as to how this happened. At that moment, a smaller, deranged man dressed in a black shirt and trousers (possibly the one who wanted me killed) bursts into the bathroom with a black automatic weapon in his left hand (an uzi) and starts firing heedlessly, killing everyone in the bathroom. As he comes in, my reaction is something like, “Whoa! Whoa!”, but I have a sense that he can’t kill me and that I am in some kind of dream. Walking back into the lounge, I notice that my “friend” is actually my older brother in this life. He is putting down a 1/3 smoked cigar down on the table with a smile. My parents are also there and are urging me to leave with them. With a quick move, I pick up the cigar and puff it twice (not inhaling), and turn to leave, when I notice that my wallet (which was in my back right pocket) is missing. My brother then asks “what are you going to do tomorrow now that your wallet is gone?” In my mind, I picture myself cancelling all my cards, and possibly changing my name, since my life may now depend on it.
A Secret Trap Door 2014-05-18 Eric
Date: 2014-05-08 Time: 0739 Type: Standard, linear POV/3P In the lobby of what feels like a large airport, I am near the elevators, facing a square area of low, dark grey, metal seats, on which are seated several elderly men and women (70s+). I am some sort of wealthy physician, popular, well liked and respected. I am apparently on my way to some sort of secret facility, whose entrance is located underneath the rear exit of the airport (the idea that comes to mind is like a “bat-cave” from “Batman”). One of my friends, who, in the dream has the same name as me (Eric), but resembles an old University friend of mine (Greg), gets off one of the elevators to my left. He is obviously in a good mood and as we pass the elderly people, he smiles and hands the nearest man an enormous clip of green $100 bills, saying “whoever is coming in here for free, you’re on me”. With a smile, I ask him if he would like to join me and he says “sure.” Turning to the elderly audience once again, he winks and says “I’m gonna go with THAT guy.” (gesturing in my direction). Everyone laughs at this amusing remark. Nearing the rear exit, I give props to 3 other old men sitting in similar metal benches along the wall to my right. We turn left, through a door and enter a room, with the exit door on our immediate right. This last room has the same metal benches but feels more like a “waiting room” of some kind. On the far bench in front of us sit several people, mostly children, including an old Spanish woman with a 5 year old boy. My friend Eric, immediately heads over to them and strikes up a conversation. Directing his words to the children, he mentions that he owns or is part of some kind of “museum”. Smiling, some of the children depart. Walking over to him, I tell him that I know that the entrance to the facility is here somewhere, but things have changed a bit. Opening a white door on the left wall, what used to be a closet is now a tiny bathroom (complete with a half-filled tub), with a weathered cement-block wall, and not out of place in the basement of a British flat. I say, “people used to live here…7 people total”, thinking that it may have been 4 people upstairs and 3 people in the basement. At that moment, I direct my attention to a panel, immediately left of the exit door (a white, double door) at about chest height. Pulling off the casing to expose the circuit board underneath, I flip a few switches, expecting one of the buttons to control a trap door underneath the airport exit. My belief is that the door opens to something like a fireman’s pole that takes you down to the secret facility. Frustrated with my lack of progress, I jam one of the buttons and hold it down. As I do so, an incredibly old, rusty and creaky, two-sided trap door opens, as expected. By this time, another friend has joined us. As we open the old doors, we discover that they conceal yet another circuit board, covered in old wires, dust and debri. The dream ends as we wade through the tangled mess in an attempt to reach the board.


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Spoiled Little Girl 2014-05-17
I wasn’t going to share this dream. It didn’t seem very important and I couldn’t remember all of it. My husband was very amused by it and suggested I share it anyway. In this dream I was watching my husband play with a little girl I have never met before. She looked as if she were maybe 5 or 6 years old. She was sitting on his lap with a shiny gold 3ds. (The handheld 3-d Nintendo system) As they smiled and laughed I started to get insanely jealous. I’m not a jealous person, so It was really weird that I would be so jealous. I can’t even tell you WHY I was jealous. I guess maybe I wanted my husband all to myself? I can’t be sure. My husband isn’t the most family-oriented guy, so it was weird to see him sitting still and playing with a child for so long. After a while, the child jumped out of his lap and ran over next to me. I guess I just couldn’t help myself… I peeked at her screen to see her buying gold for whatever game she was playing. But this kid didn’t just buy a little, she bought a lot! She’d purchase it over and over again two or three times! She ran back over to my husband and showed him what she had done, and he patted her head and they played for a minute before she ran back over next to me and bought even more gold for her game! All I could think was “WHO LET THIS KID LOOSE WITH A CREDIT CARD!” They played a bit longer and she ran back next to me to by gold again. It was none of my business, but I was getting a bit aggravated. I mean, money doesn’t just grow on trees! As I was looking at her, the little girl peeked over her game system and gave me these eyes as if to say “What are you looking at!” I know she didn’t just give me attitude! My husband and I eventually dropped her off somewhere and we began driving home. In the car, he handed me a plastic bag. I opened it to find the receipt for this little girls “Legend of Zelda 3DS- BOLD Edition” The price of this game system was exactly $886. I was about to explode with jealousy at this point. I am not a huge gamer, but on occasion I will play a game and I just so happen to collect Zelda games. Zelda was my favorite childhood game and I learned to read very early in my life so I could solve the puzzles. Its MY GAME! I actually have the Original Gold Triforce 3DS… I had no reason to be jealous… but mine wasn’t shiny or new. And what was a little kid doing with a brand new 3DS anyway!? Where on earth did she get THAT kind of money!? What was my husband doing with the receipt?! I was pretty bitter, sitting with my arms folded like a spoiled child in the car. The girl had a monster-sized chocolate covered gram cracker in the ziplock bag too. I snapped “Im TAKING this” at my husband and then took it and ate it out of spite. I woke up not knowing whether I should be ashamed or amused. I had acted like a complete baby. My husband has just recently been interested in my dreams, and once my eyes opened he just HAD to ask what I dreamt. I knew he would be disappointed in this dream and didn’t want to tell him, but he insisted… I begrudgingly told him my dream and he laughed and asked what the little girl looked like. I told him she had long, wavy, brown hair (like me), Blue eyes (like me), and an attitude. He said “Yep, that’s your daughter.” I argued that my daughter would NEVER have an attitude! Then my husband pointed out how I had an attitude in the dream. Touché. Well, I would NEVER spend $886 on a 3DS of all things! Then my husband pointed out the game systems that my boys use. They have tons of educational games. Well… If I were to buy a ZELDA edition system it would be for ME! Then he mentioned that I might spoil her because I have wanted a daughter for so long… I couldn’t really argue that, because I have been very excited about the idea. I told him that I knew EXACTLY how much a new Special Edition 3DS would cost, it is about $250. Why would it cost so much?! He pointed out that the girl was 5 or 6 years old… maybe by that time inflation would have caused a huge price increase. I pouted that I was unable to win that argument, which only further proved that I had an attitude. I had to admit defeat. My husband won the argument…
Dead Bird Revived and Transformed Project August 2014-05-18
My cat was behaving oddly and moved away to reveal a dead bird on the rug in front of the sliding glass door. The bird was a smaller one, like a wren or a nuthatch. I watch the bird for a bit and suddenly it demonstrated some small signs of life. I picked it up hoping to revive it. I took it to the kitchen counter and placed a few droplets of water on the counter. The bird drank them and grew somewhat stronger. I fed him a few seeds and he grew even stronger and turned into a fat, grey dove. I fed him some more and he turned into a red and white striped tiger alley cat. Very affectionate who stretched up to jump into my arms.
Photograph 2014-05-18
I have a photograph in my hand of an old city’s rooftops. The angle is from the street looking up. There is a domed building on the right side of the photograph and a high rise with a flagpole on the left. There is a right-handed tilt to the photograph. I discover that I’m on the same street where the photograph was taken, so I hold up the photograph until it matches the scene I see so I can take a photograph of the photograph in the same position as the background scene.