National Dream Center

Full Version: BARRICADE
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This was one of a series of dreams I had in my teens:
I was standing with a group of soldiers, whoappeared to be under my command,on a road in the village where my parents live, at the bridge where the two main roads meet and cross the river. There were almost no people going around and the whole place seemed unusually dry. Some buses went past and I remember thinking 'Well, those are the last'. There was a feeling of extreme tension as people ran around looking for things, trying to prepare themselves for something. Eventually, everything went dark and I realised that it wasn't night, but the sun was being blotted out by smoke. I looked toward the nearby city (Aberdeen, in the Northeast of Scotland) and realised it was ablaze. We finished building defensive positions and barricades just as the sun was setting. The sky became a livid red as the fires in the city burned out of control and we knew that 'They' would be here soon. We alsoknew that nobody had so far been able to stop 'Them'. Nonetheless, we prepared to hold them as long as we could to buy time for the forces behind us to prepare.Suddenly I heard a strange noise in the distance and knew that 'They' were nearly on us. We made our weapons ready and prepared to fight. Then I woke up.