National Dream Center

Full Version: Lots and lots of dead bodies
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I had a dream that I was in my neighborhood and we were going door to door to find all the dead bodies. We were trying to find the best way to gather all of the bodies and dispose of them without touching them. They were already past rigor mortis and starting to decay. What was startling about the dream was the amount of children still alive - we had yet to come across a child who was dead. So, we had a whole bunch of orphaned children we were trying to keep track of while we were doing this most gruesome of tasks. We were using tarps and old equipment to try and drag hundreds of bodies to a field far away from the neighborhood. It was a gross and disturbing dream. Woke me up out of a very deep sleep. The other thing that stands out to me was that the people left alive were good people. No looting, shooting or evil was going on around us. Other than the shock of the amount of dead people there wasn't really fear or anything in the dream (and I don't live in the best neighborhood - I would imagine if something like this happened chaos would ensue...)