National Dream Center

Full Version: Big SoCal quake
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I've lived in SoCal for a couple years now so I've gotten quite used to smallish earthquakes. They don't really bother me.
Was sleeping Friday (6/25 or early 6/26) night at a friends house in Yorba Linda, CA and had a dream that an earthquake was happening. Was pretty violent and lasted for what seemed like a couple min. In my dream I got out of bed after the quake and went to the USGS site to see how big it was, where it was centered etc. Turns out it was a big one, 7+ centered on or around Catalina Island. The dream (or at least my recollection of it) ends there. Woke up the next morning and went to the USGS site and obviously there was no big quake the night before.
Earlier on Friday there had been a small quake nearby (mag 3) which shook the house in one jolt. Not a big deal in the slightest, but probably what set the stage for my dream that night. My house is in Irvine and is about 30 feet above sea level and 5 miles from the coast so had there been a big quake just off short I'd probably be lucky to be so far inland.