National Dream Center

Full Version: Split Consciousness.
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I feel deeply asleep quite quickly. I was awakened briefly at least twice, still within the vibrational state, hypnagogic. These dream experiences, per my journal. I have no recall of these experiences other than what is written down.

Split-Consciousness: I am trying to maintain the difficult position of having my consciousness "there" and "here" same time. While "there", I am trying to pronounce a Spanish word I am seeing on a big white card with big black letters. I am pronouncing it in the traditional European-Spanish way, using my limited Spanish knowledge from years ago. Ray-cay-day. I am puzzled. I am not familiar with the word, so I push and arrive at some consciousness here, and write the word down. From my notes this morning, the word is RECEDE. It is not Spanish at all.

Experience #2: The recurring theme presents itself. I am back in a tropical themed casino with my husband, K. He is to my left, and we were positioned at slot machines, playing them. Suddenly, all of the bells go off on my machine and I have won a progressive jackpot of $290.23. It is not the biggest jackpot, as I scan the machine, but it is a jackpot. K observes me as I collect my winnings.

Experience #3: Another recurring theme, which is also being dreamed by at least one of my other contacts, same time. I am once again heading to the casino rest room. I enter the door into a hallway, and see a female attendant, leaning onto her mop and bucket, watching me closely. From the hallway, I enter into the ladies room. There are four steel stalls. I select the one on the right, as with the others, the steel doors were not working properly. They would not close. There is ankle deep water on the floors.

Cosmic Jukebox, as always, a weird one. Linked below.

Side Note: Within the past three years, my own 11:11 or 1:11 phenomenon has increased fiercely. Is anyone else noticing this? Thank you.