National Dream Center

Full Version: There are Infinite Realities
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My NDE like dream from February 2007 As I was walking west along 39th street in Port Townsend an Orangish Yellow ball of light came towards me from the sky at which time I ducked to avoid it. I was then walking east along 30th st. when the same ball of light came at me again from the sky. This time I left my fear behind and jumped up towards the light ball, opened my mouth and the ball of light entered my body from the mouth. I immediately fell to the ground with my arms fully extended, waves of euphoria swept over my body and I had at that moment achieved a nirvana like state or all knowing. I could then hear a car coming down the road so I slowly stood up and moved aside. I recognised the occupants though they were not wearing their usual clothing but instead dressed as a cowboy, a police officer etc. I walked west along the road to my old home but my parents were now living there and my father called me to come inside for coffee from his wheel chair though he isn't in a wheel chair in our reality, which seemed totally normal. While these strange events were happening the voice of the light now inside me was saying "this is but another reality, there are infinite realities that are open to you if you only ask to go". Realities exist like pages in a book and we can walk around one page or simply turn the page to enter a new reality. We are in control and can do whatever we want or need to in Life. The voice then said "You have no need to tell anyone what you know, life is for each one to figure out and learn from in their own time. Don't feel you must teach others for you will only be ridiculed by those who don't care to know or who are afraid. When you wish to leave the current reality simply ask and you can leave, go and write down what I am telling you so others will know where you've gone. Life is for learning, gaining knowledge and nothing more. You have chosen to live in human form but your true form is light."