National Dream Center

Full Version: Flash Mob, Earthquake, Volcanoe, End Of Trail
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This is weird. I don't normally dream, not that I can remember within the past 3 years. Maybe 1 or 2 stuck out. When I don't smoke grass, I dream like a S.O.B. Scary it is. This one kinda stuck out. Read George's U.S. report this day, sumpin bout flash mobs. Why I had to forward this, dreamt about this last night. Remember a flash mob of dancing and singing breaking out around me. In my dream, I told the crowd they were out of place/time,not sure. Anyway, they all stopped and looked at me. Next thing I recall is I'm driving on a snowy mountain road which seems familiar to me. The road gets suddenly narrower and then I find myself walking a snowy trail on a ledge on the side of the mountain. The trail ends abruptly with a tree blocking my way. At this point it seemed I was one foot in front the other, just to stay on the ledge. All of a sudden the earth started shaking. I remember thinking, "great time for a quake" I managed to make it back to the wider part of the trail/ledge, all the while the shaking and rumbling were getting louder. I saw mud hotsprings bubbling up through the white snow. All I can recall for now.