National Dream Center

Full Version: Sun turns black as coal I touch the earth as it spins incredibly fast.
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So I can only vaguely pull it from memory. I am only posting it because I read a similiar dream posted. I dreamt this on Oct 2nd. The sky is dark and the sun is like a big piece of coal with ambers glowing inside. Occasionally large oranges flares burst from the surface.
I was up above the earth looking down I could see the earth and I was seemingly giant in comparision to the earth and I could touch the earth with my hand as if it were but a basketball. The earth was spinning fast so that the entire earth spinned a full rotation in just minutes or seconds. I wasn't spinning the earth it was already doing that before I decided I would touch it. A man was with me telling me something but I can't remember. He felt like a newscaster blabbing in my ear. I was too transfixed with being able to touch the entire earth.