National Dream Center

Full Version: Reiki Blowback
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Before I begin my dream description, I would like to mention that I meditated before I went to sleep for the evening as I feel it may have had something to do with the unusual dream that followed. While my goal with the medition was clarity regarding some decisions raising my children (whether or not to expatriate, etc.), I think I may hve touched on something much deeoper in my subconcious.
My recolection of the dream begins rather near its end. I am walking through an unkown mall (weird in itself as I don't usually go to the mall unless I absolutely can't avoid it). With me is a companion with no discernable identity as the dream is in first person and I am focused only on the scene in front of me. After some time walking in this mall in limbo, I come upon an opening to my right. It is smaller than a normal store in the mall and, aside from the austere, concrete like walls, resembles the small tiendas one might find in a Mexican border town.
I enter the shop with a recolection that I used to work here (apparently only in a dream, the entire scene was alien to me in relation to RL). I approach a large door at the rear of the room with same austere appearance as everything else. Looking at the door I remember that the closet/room behind it was haunted. As I turn to leave and continue my jaunt through the mall I think twice and turn back around. I am a level II Reiki practitioner and feel I can help to relieve this spirit/negative energy.
For some reason unbeknownst to me, I don't open the door but place my hands upon it. I surround myself with protective blue tunnel of universal energy I envision when channeling and procede to direct the Reiki energy into, and through, the door. As this happens, a vibration begins...whatever is trapped in this room does not want to be removed but I know that, for some reason, it needs to be. I continue channeling Reiki and the vibration inceases. In a matter of seconds it is incomparable to anything I have ever felt in real life (the closest I can come to is a jackhammer), the vibration is shaking my very mind and soul. I continue on my mission teeling myself I am strong, a being of light and nothing can stop me but the vibration soon becomes too much. During this time the room has turned completely black and, as I remove my hands from the door I turn around to find myself in completely black void. Floor. ceiling and walls all dissapeared. My mysery companion is gone as well. I think to myself, "uh-oh was this battle too much for me?", and then I awake.
Just recalling this experience sends chills through my body. I have had many unusual dreams, some of which were blow by blow views of future events, other completely lucid...even an acid dream back in my partying days but nothing quite like this. I personally believe I came upon an old subconsious (perhaps even pre or past life) block. Or, if one is more conspiratorily minded, a negative 4d/reptilian implant. Whatever it is is deeply ingrained in at least my body computer and does not to be removed. I will be attempting to return to this place in dreams/medition in order to attempt to discover the meaning behind this experience