National Dream Center

Full Version: Galaxy Collision
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Last Saturday night, I dreamt that I was looking at the moon through a hole it the clouds. Not so weird. It looked just like a photo I took and was looking at the previous day. However, I looked to the left and saw an entire galaxy in the sky, as though it has just risen over the horizon. (This part appears to have been a premonition. I went to see "The Immortals" on Sunday and the logo of one of the film studios is a stylized galaxy. It is oriented in the position as I had seen in my dream.) The real weirdness began when I realized that another galaxy was colliding with the earth as though it were an earth-sized pinwheel, making vertical, propellor-like slices through the planet. This was occurring just to the left of the still peaceful looking galaxy in the sky and coming my way. (I realize that a real galaxy would dwarf the earth and that galaxy "collisions" don't actually result in stars colliding with one another because of the relative distances between stars but hey, it was a dream.)
As the pinwheel arms of the intruding galaxy were slicing through the crust, they began throwing up both chucks of solid rock (big chunks) and magma from beneath the crust. It was coming my way and began to fall all around me. I decided that I was probably going to die and I remember wondering if it would hurt. Suddenly, I had a feeling that I had passed on. I felt quite serene. I also recall seeing others with me, who were apparently also in the spirit world. It seemed like there were five as that number seemed to be stuck in my head afterwards.I then woke up.
Seeing the galaxy logo at the movie later that day was a serious wujo moment for me. I find that more of my dreams appear to presage some event in the waking world much more often these days.