National Dream Center

Full Version: The elevator ride
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Night of 8-29-12
I was in an elevator with one or more others, the elevator had just fallen a great distance possibly 20 stories or more & we were about to hit bottom. It stopped about 4 feet from bottom and I and a man lying on top of me rearranged ourselves for the imminent crash, I placed my leg under his head knowing it would break my leg but cushion his head thinking we will be dead anyway so what does it matter. Then we continued the fall at full speed the balance of the 4 feet to the bottom. Stop & all of us two or more got up, (no pain, no dirt, just got up) the elevator doors opened and we walked out into an office we knew, but it all now it had a rosy hue, a color shift and an older woman at a desk 18 feet away +- gave me a knowing wink & smile as we walked away. The end of life in one realm & the continuance in a parallel one?