National Dream Center

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I've been handed a device, a safety device of some kind but it doesn't work. The structure doesn't make sense. I'm upset, a little emotional. The device is something representative of capitalism, greed and corporate interest and it makes me physically ill. I see it generates a force field or shield and so many people are innocent because they don't understand. They didn't make the decisions themselves. They didn't understand or know the implications. I took the device apart. It's a box I see why it didn't work right, it had been altered for an opposite purpose than what it was designed. It is really very simple. I took out all the extra, secret pieces. All it really is, is two electrode wires connected to "the big speakers". I wired it back together and was screwing closed the case when it occurred to me that it wouldn't do any good, it was attached to the electric system, the grid. There wasn't going to be any electricity when we were listening for the alarm so it wouldn't help. I took it over to another wall and hooked it up. The wires coming out of that wall were to the batteries. I suddenly felt much better, no longer in distress. I smell pine trees and hope they will be okay when the water recedes. The device is ready to warn us. It's just a box with two metal rods protruding from the bottom. I mounted it to a pipe by taping it securely rods pointing down. When water rises it will touch both rods and complete the circuit and sound the alarm. I step away and am going out a door and the question hits me, why did they use the alarms to interfere. They took what we needed and used it for their own purpose. If no one fixed them it would have been a very bad thing. I wonder if they altered other alarms and what else we won't know and then I start to feel some anxiety again as I wake up.