National Dream Center

Full Version: Chemtrail showdown
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I was at a mechanic/ sales shop for small engines. I am a landscaper in real life so this was normal. The shop had friendly personnel and the customers were also friendly. After some negotiating and waiting I agreed to leaving an item with the shop and eventually left. When I walked outside I noticed a strip of a dozen or so chemtrails on a clean sky. It was excessive and personally bothered me as it was unusually thick and all in one strip close together, centered above me. This bothers me in real life as well. As I looked down in an effort to shake off the anger two or three more jets roared by with unbelievably thick chemtrails billowing out. There were exceptionally low as well, so low even a skeptic would have been moved to rethink what they are doing, and below the legal ceiling for aircraft in a populated area. I felt a sense of anger coming from the jets directed at the surface people, those of us living our lives normally. It seemed those laying the chem trails were in a last effort to initiate their sinister purpose. Also the thought of GWEN towers raced thru my mind. Those are microwave towers which I understand beam negative energy which reacts with the chemtrail contents causing uncontrollable reactions from human beings. I was infuriated.

I continued to walk away from the shop across the large parking lot when I felt a storm coming on fast. The wind started blowing hard and the sun was being blocked. I had to decide whether to keep walking or return to the shop for safety when an explosion occurred from within the low lying chemtrails. I was very loud with light orange flash like a ball of light. Then a second explosion occurred about 5 seconds later. I became scared at this point, whatever was happening was very powerful. I ran back to the shop to inform the others and also take safety. When I got there we all waited in the repair shop and I noticed an official looking paper on the floor. I picked it up because I saw my name on it. When I looked it over it turned out to be a road map of Washington D.C. simply discarded on the floor, it had some wear and tear. My name turned out to be a street name only missing one letter of my real name. I found this strange. That was it, I had several other inconsequential dreams before and after but this was clear enough that I think there was some message.