National Dream Center

Full Version: Bear at the Window
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Sunday November 9th, 2014

Three of us are sitting in a darker red, four door sedan not unlike my old red Dodge Stratus. It is night-time and we are parked on a hill, facing downhill. The road we are on joins the large building at the top of the hill with the rest of society. It traces down the hill, past our parked car, and then turns right just before it gets to the bottom and continues off into the distance. The hill is entirely covered in grass, with no trees or other objects visible. The building at the top of the hill is huge. It looks like a hotel or something, but it actually is at least partially mine. I don't know if it is my private residence or my work or something. The building is illuminated, but we're so far away the only light is provided by a singular lamp post. It stands, yard light style, near the bend in the road. I am sitting in the passenger seat fiddling with the radio, or something else in the center console. My window is cracked. A large bear walks up to the car and leans over the window, paw on the roof. We pass something through the crack in the window to the bear and start talking to him. He seems very intelligent for what he is, and he appears to understand the high level things we're telling him. This is the longest part of the dream. I do not remember many specifics. I know I am a doctor or researcher of some type, and our interactions with this animal have relation to my work. I know we are abnormally complacent with the bear's proximity to our car. At one point I even remember opening the window for a minute, enough he could've gotten a paw in the car. Eventually the bear left us alone and we went back to the building up the hill.