National Dream Center

Full Version: Long Food Lines
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In this dream my wife and I were living in an apartment in some sort of city. My wife came home and told me that someone was cooking (later turned out to be a pig) and giving away food.

I left to visit a friend and decided to go passed where the guy was giving out food. I was walking quite a distance. Going by a gas station, the price of gas appeared to be $2.75 but literally no one was actually filling up. The only cars I saw were parked on the side of the road and I was able to easily just walk on the street, which also seemed rather empty.

I ended up going into a tunnel and there was a line of people waiting. I continued walking to the end of the tunnel which ended in the basement of a building. The guy who was giving out food was cooking over an open fire in the basement and very few people were accepting his food.

There appeared to be a second line that merged with the first that went up stairs. I followed it up several flights. I noticed on every floor there were posters saying that government food was being given out, with a date I don't recall, but felt it was that day. The poster had bread as like a central sun with vegetables around it. No meat on the picture.

At some point, near my destination I decided to either jokingly or to look down the stairwell to see how far I'd come, not sure. The people just moved out of the way, no one tried to come after me or anything.

I got out of line and went to my friend's apartment where we ended up playing with old card games and physical toys rather than any type of electronic game system.

The atmosphere of the dream was a dingy yellow, but the world wasn't any dirtier than the regular world.