05-25-2015, 01:44 PM
DreamBot Runs are published here: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/F...amBot-Runs
The DreamBot™ is a computer algorithm that reads dreams on the internet. It is the exact algorithm developed by George Ure and Grady called Nostracodeus (www.nostracodeus.com) but converted for use with collective dreams.
When the DreamBot returns from its daily regimented mission, it shows us what the collective dreamers have been dreaming. This is important for many different applications. First, we can see ‘day residue’ in the linguistics. When multitudes of people are enamored with something on TV or the news they have a greater chance of regurgitating those events, symbols, people, etc. during their REM dream activity. We call this regurgitation ‘day residue.’
Thus, when we see dream symbols that have already played out on the collective stage (i.e., a big news headline or a big holiday last week), we can see how effective the programming was. We can see whether the media’s fear campaign is working, or we can see whether a certain company’s advertising campaign is going to be effective!
More importantly, there is ample scientific evidence that the collective ‘mind’ can actually sense events before they happen. We have numerous examples of how the dream linguistics successfully predicted some substantial world events. This following link has several bot runs that came true: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/wp/2014/1...edictions/
Therefore, the DreamBot runs are very important to us for multiple reasons and thus we need to know how to read the reports.
Daily DreamBot Reports
The daily DreamBot run is posted with the following common components:
1. A picture display of the results. The picture is the most useful from an analysis point of view. We’ll get to that in a minute.
2. A textual printout of the results is present in every run so that the guests can conduct searches on the runs. Also, if the user wants to copy a linguistics phrase or an entire run for any reason, the textual printout (which is laid out horizontally) becomes extremely useful. The textual printout produces the same number of words from the run every day and is divided into two sections: “Trending” words (previously called UP Words) and “Waning” words (previously called DOWN words). Those will be described later.
3. Possible explanatory notes from the original analysis.
4. Starting in May 2018 and beyond: Daily CO-MIND reports will be added. What is Project CO-MIND? https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/...ily-Report
Reading the Report
Referencing the picture below, let’s go through a typical display of a bot run. In each run, we are mainly concerned with the biggest trending dream words AND the biggest waning dream words (aka, “The Biggest Losers”). Thus, the words towards the top of the run have a higher frequency in the dreams. Conversely, the words in the Biggest Loser section are those dream words that are dropping out of the collective dreamscape.
There are three columns to our bot run, each one telling us something different. Reference an example run:
Item A (Column 1)
The far left column represents the word’s dream frequency today vs its frequency in the past. The percentage indicates the word's frequency in relation to it's historical all-time frequency peak (displayed as a percentage of the previous peak). Typically the words towards the top will have black (or positive) numbers. This simply means that the word is at an all-time high (to its own all-time high). The bigger the number the higher its frequency IN COMPARISON TO ITS OWN HIGHEST PEAK. A negative number represents a frequency that is less than it's own historical peak.
Item B (Column 2 = Surge Scale Score)
The yellow column (at B in the picture) compares the word to all the other words in the DreamBot dictionary. It is this column that determines how all the words are sorted.
The surge score was developed as an arbitrary scale to gauge how much a word is surging in the collective unconscious. Just one number is fairly useless because this scale is basically a comparison of one word against the other. The surge score utilizes some advanced derivations that include several necessary characteristics of the word's historical profile. Simply put, the number includes the following characteristics:
1. How much the word is surging compared to the word's own previous peak
2. A comparison of the word’s 2-day average (to reduce the aggressive daily movements)
3. A comparison of the word’s raw hits from yesterday’s run (to find the super surgers)
4. A proprietary constant that is designed to improve itself over time.
Item C (The Red Alert Label)
A Red Alert requires two basic prerequisites: 1) it must have a surge score above 100, and 2) the word above 100 needs to have support in the list below it. In our example, CLASS has a surge score of 104.3, and there is a very rough level of support underneath. Keep in mind that the support requirement is in place to help determine what the Red Alert word is referring to. The word CLASS might refer to a school room, a category, or even an economic class of citizens. In our example run, there is nothing referring to school, but the linguistics associated with the blue arrows (Item E in the picture) helped to describe which type of CLASS that the collective dreamers might have been seeing.
Item D (The Caution Label)
This caution level is placed at a surge score of about 30. Our early observations hinted that this level tends to be significant enough to start looking for outside news stories based on these words. It also represents the typical level for day residue mentioned earlier. It is extremely rare to find day residue at levels higher than about 30. Please note that most words above 30, especially the Red Alert words, do need to be scrubbed for day residue. A simple Google search in the News category is normally sufficient and if the search nets no significant stories, we tend to start expecting at least some of the words above 30 to present in the news some time in the future.
Item E (Series of Arrows = The MEME Generator)
Visitors may periodically see one or more colored arrows pointing to different words in our runs. In general, these arrows attempt to combine different words together to develop MEMES or simply to show how a Red Alert word has support in the run below it. Sometimes the meme that is highlighted is somewhat sketchy or subjective, but other times the meme is absolute and definite. In our example run above, the words EARTH MEMBERSHIP and CROWDED are somewhat hazy support for the word CLASS. In this case, the meme is HUMANS (i.e., the Human Class).
Item F (Biggest Loser Section)
We found that general MOVEMENT of a word's frequency could be more important than simply surging (i.e., only increasing in frequency). The words that tend to bounce around regularly for a few days or weeks do seem to be more predictive than words that pop up one day only to drop the next and never come back again. That is why the Biggest Loser section is still important. It helps us look at the velocity of these words and even pick up some additional phrasings when words naturally fall out of favor. For example, in our example run the linguistic phrase “APRIL MONSTERS” does tend to match some of the previous linguistic phrases we’ve seen about April. Now, of course, by the time this run was published April had already passed. Therefore April 2016 would be the target month if those linguistics have any pertinence to future outcomes.
Item G (Red Highlights)
If a single word surprises our analysts for any reason, we may elect to highlight that single word. Normally, single words with red circles around them indicate that there is no important linguistics surrounding that word, so it stands out by itself on its own merit. If you see a red circle, chances are good that there will be explanatory notes in the Discussion section of the bot run results.
Item H (Green Boxes w/ Labels)
The green boxes are simply phrases that seem special to the person analyzing the bot run. Not everyone will agree on these boxes, but it gives the author a quick method of pointing out something in the run. Typically, the green boxes are dedicated to potential linguistics phrases that might hold predictive power. The number in the box is a label. For example, Item H in our picture is pointing to “Grouping 1.”
How You Can Help
In essence every visitor is a qualified analyst for the DreamBot runs. No one person has the whole picture of the collective unconscious, and that is why the discussion below each run might actually be more important than the run itself. The following are things that all guests are encouraged to do:
1. Document in a reply what the bot run seems to be pointing to, whether it is day residue or future predictions.
2. If your thoughts point to outside news articles, then please include a link to document that relationship.
3. PREDICT something. Tell the world what is coming based on this bot run!
4. COMPARE the bot run to the latest dreams. We have seen from Project August and our regular dream predictions that the most accurate predictions come from overlaps in dream content and linguistics. If you find a dream that matches the bot run, please document that link and explain what that could mean for the future (if applicable).
5. Point out unique views. Don’t follow the herd unless you explicitly agree with what other people are saying.
6. HAVE FUN with our bot runs! They are addictive and frequently accurate. However, they do require patience because many of our big linguistics phrases take weeks to manifest.
The DreamBot™ is a computer algorithm that reads dreams on the internet. It is the exact algorithm developed by George Ure and Grady called Nostracodeus (www.nostracodeus.com) but converted for use with collective dreams.
When the DreamBot returns from its daily regimented mission, it shows us what the collective dreamers have been dreaming. This is important for many different applications. First, we can see ‘day residue’ in the linguistics. When multitudes of people are enamored with something on TV or the news they have a greater chance of regurgitating those events, symbols, people, etc. during their REM dream activity. We call this regurgitation ‘day residue.’
Thus, when we see dream symbols that have already played out on the collective stage (i.e., a big news headline or a big holiday last week), we can see how effective the programming was. We can see whether the media’s fear campaign is working, or we can see whether a certain company’s advertising campaign is going to be effective!
More importantly, there is ample scientific evidence that the collective ‘mind’ can actually sense events before they happen. We have numerous examples of how the dream linguistics successfully predicted some substantial world events. This following link has several bot runs that came true: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/wp/2014/1...edictions/
Therefore, the DreamBot runs are very important to us for multiple reasons and thus we need to know how to read the reports.
Daily DreamBot Reports
The daily DreamBot run is posted with the following common components:
1. A picture display of the results. The picture is the most useful from an analysis point of view. We’ll get to that in a minute.
2. A textual printout of the results is present in every run so that the guests can conduct searches on the runs. Also, if the user wants to copy a linguistics phrase or an entire run for any reason, the textual printout (which is laid out horizontally) becomes extremely useful. The textual printout produces the same number of words from the run every day and is divided into two sections: “Trending” words (previously called UP Words) and “Waning” words (previously called DOWN words). Those will be described later.
3. Possible explanatory notes from the original analysis.
4. Starting in May 2018 and beyond: Daily CO-MIND reports will be added. What is Project CO-MIND? https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/...ily-Report
Reading the Report
Referencing the picture below, let’s go through a typical display of a bot run. In each run, we are mainly concerned with the biggest trending dream words AND the biggest waning dream words (aka, “The Biggest Losers”). Thus, the words towards the top of the run have a higher frequency in the dreams. Conversely, the words in the Biggest Loser section are those dream words that are dropping out of the collective dreamscape.
There are three columns to our bot run, each one telling us something different. Reference an example run:
Item A (Column 1)
The far left column represents the word’s dream frequency today vs its frequency in the past. The percentage indicates the word's frequency in relation to it's historical all-time frequency peak (displayed as a percentage of the previous peak). Typically the words towards the top will have black (or positive) numbers. This simply means that the word is at an all-time high (to its own all-time high). The bigger the number the higher its frequency IN COMPARISON TO ITS OWN HIGHEST PEAK. A negative number represents a frequency that is less than it's own historical peak.
Item B (Column 2 = Surge Scale Score)
The yellow column (at B in the picture) compares the word to all the other words in the DreamBot dictionary. It is this column that determines how all the words are sorted.
The surge score was developed as an arbitrary scale to gauge how much a word is surging in the collective unconscious. Just one number is fairly useless because this scale is basically a comparison of one word against the other. The surge score utilizes some advanced derivations that include several necessary characteristics of the word's historical profile. Simply put, the number includes the following characteristics:
1. How much the word is surging compared to the word's own previous peak
2. A comparison of the word’s 2-day average (to reduce the aggressive daily movements)
3. A comparison of the word’s raw hits from yesterday’s run (to find the super surgers)
4. A proprietary constant that is designed to improve itself over time.
Item C (The Red Alert Label)
A Red Alert requires two basic prerequisites: 1) it must have a surge score above 100, and 2) the word above 100 needs to have support in the list below it. In our example, CLASS has a surge score of 104.3, and there is a very rough level of support underneath. Keep in mind that the support requirement is in place to help determine what the Red Alert word is referring to. The word CLASS might refer to a school room, a category, or even an economic class of citizens. In our example run, there is nothing referring to school, but the linguistics associated with the blue arrows (Item E in the picture) helped to describe which type of CLASS that the collective dreamers might have been seeing.
Item D (The Caution Label)
This caution level is placed at a surge score of about 30. Our early observations hinted that this level tends to be significant enough to start looking for outside news stories based on these words. It also represents the typical level for day residue mentioned earlier. It is extremely rare to find day residue at levels higher than about 30. Please note that most words above 30, especially the Red Alert words, do need to be scrubbed for day residue. A simple Google search in the News category is normally sufficient and if the search nets no significant stories, we tend to start expecting at least some of the words above 30 to present in the news some time in the future.
Item E (Series of Arrows = The MEME Generator)
Visitors may periodically see one or more colored arrows pointing to different words in our runs. In general, these arrows attempt to combine different words together to develop MEMES or simply to show how a Red Alert word has support in the run below it. Sometimes the meme that is highlighted is somewhat sketchy or subjective, but other times the meme is absolute and definite. In our example run above, the words EARTH MEMBERSHIP and CROWDED are somewhat hazy support for the word CLASS. In this case, the meme is HUMANS (i.e., the Human Class).
Item F (Biggest Loser Section)
We found that general MOVEMENT of a word's frequency could be more important than simply surging (i.e., only increasing in frequency). The words that tend to bounce around regularly for a few days or weeks do seem to be more predictive than words that pop up one day only to drop the next and never come back again. That is why the Biggest Loser section is still important. It helps us look at the velocity of these words and even pick up some additional phrasings when words naturally fall out of favor. For example, in our example run the linguistic phrase “APRIL MONSTERS” does tend to match some of the previous linguistic phrases we’ve seen about April. Now, of course, by the time this run was published April had already passed. Therefore April 2016 would be the target month if those linguistics have any pertinence to future outcomes.
Item G (Red Highlights)
If a single word surprises our analysts for any reason, we may elect to highlight that single word. Normally, single words with red circles around them indicate that there is no important linguistics surrounding that word, so it stands out by itself on its own merit. If you see a red circle, chances are good that there will be explanatory notes in the Discussion section of the bot run results.
Item H (Green Boxes w/ Labels)
The green boxes are simply phrases that seem special to the person analyzing the bot run. Not everyone will agree on these boxes, but it gives the author a quick method of pointing out something in the run. Typically, the green boxes are dedicated to potential linguistics phrases that might hold predictive power. The number in the box is a label. For example, Item H in our picture is pointing to “Grouping 1.”
How You Can Help
In essence every visitor is a qualified analyst for the DreamBot runs. No one person has the whole picture of the collective unconscious, and that is why the discussion below each run might actually be more important than the run itself. The following are things that all guests are encouraged to do:
1. Document in a reply what the bot run seems to be pointing to, whether it is day residue or future predictions.
2. If your thoughts point to outside news articles, then please include a link to document that relationship.
3. PREDICT something. Tell the world what is coming based on this bot run!
4. COMPARE the bot run to the latest dreams. We have seen from Project August and our regular dream predictions that the most accurate predictions come from overlaps in dream content and linguistics. If you find a dream that matches the bot run, please document that link and explain what that could mean for the future (if applicable).
5. Point out unique views. Don’t follow the herd unless you explicitly agree with what other people are saying.
6. HAVE FUN with our bot runs! They are addictive and frequently accurate. However, they do require patience because many of our big linguistics phrases take weeks to manifest.