National Dream Center

Full Version: 10/15/14: Requesting Headache but Soul is Powerful
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Collective unconscious is apparently requesting pain, but SOUL is coming through as the powerful guardian.

Grouping 1: We're going to be drowning in insight, and it will be fascinating
Grouping 2: Soul is like a powerful guardian
Grouping 3: This reminds me of Elyse's dream "Strange Statue" dream from June:

Other questions:
- Why porn, and why now?
- Tomahawk is a different types of weapons.
- PMS would indicate that the woman is not pregnant...uh oh...did we miss our opportunity for rebirth?


Plain text:
10/15/2014    %Change from Ave    % Change from Yesterday

request    49.5%    2600.0%
headache    111.1%    1200.0%
punishment    99.7%    1200.0%
tomahawk    96.4%    1000.0%
pms    91.4%    1000.0%
coincidence    70.0%    1000.0%
hours    71.1%    912.5%
drowning    58.3%    900.0%
insight    141.9%    850.0%
pond    62.0%    800.0%
fascinating    60.1%    800.0%
underwater    85.9%    700.0%
mid    138.7%    666.7%
soul    292.8%    640.0%
powerful    54.3%    450.0%
tiger    143.1%    400.0%
guardian    112.2%    400.0%
ankle    94.9%    400.0%
pristine    84.9%    400.0%
porn    77.7%    400.0%
mystery    73.9%    400.0%
nap    165.8%    350.0%
statue    87.4%    325.0%
demon    170.2%    316.7%
brief    143.6%    285.7%
confusing    114.3%    275.0%
silent    100.0%    250.0%
north    86.9%    250.0%
bow    82.4%    250.0%
shifts    67.1%    233.3%
german    63.2%    233.3%
art    54.2%    207.7%
plug    54.1%    200.0%
I'm sorry but the porn mystery nap seems especially interesting for some strange reason
Sleeping with the fishes: awesome underwater hotels
Yahoo Travel
Published October 15, 2014
Potentially drowning confusion from DB run 10/13 and now we have drowning insight. No prequalifiers here.

A quick google search for alternative acronym meanings for pms turned up: package management system (computer software) which is interesting given the grouping pms is in

punishment tomahawk pms coincidence

Oh! At DoD it stands for preventative maintenance system

Something is "off" about coincidence but can't put my finger on it.
-1 article posted on 10/14/2014
he let his wife doodle on a few scratches on the bumper, and when the sun came up and he saw her stunningly intricate and elegant drawings, they knew they had to forge on.
Guy Lets His Artist Wife Doodle With A Sharpie Pen....