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11 Jan 16

No intention set. This was a weird night for me. I kept waking up, then going back to sleep and dropping into a related dream for a collection of dreams.

1) At a hotel, attending some sort of function run by a large woman with dark hair and dressed in black. She greets me like we're old friends and seems to know me well even though we've never met. After the greeting, I wander around the large room to find a place to sit. Suddenly there's a commotion. Something's happening up front. I can't see what's going on but people are in an uproar. Much fear in the room. I grab my rattle, holy water, and head for the commotion. Before I get too far, Head Lady(HL) grabs onto me and stops me. She tells me not to go, not to do anything, that she's taking care of the problem. I hold up my rattle and tell her I do know how to use this. She tells me she knows but I need to stand down right now, that she wants my word. I grudgingly nod. Then I woke up. Went to the bathroom, then back to bed.

2) I'm at the hotel but now I'm in a room that's like a small suite. It's decorated in what I would term shabby thrift shop: Comfy, but worn and outdated. I'm unpacking my suitcase, hanging up clothes in the small wardrobe, when I get a vibe I'm being watched. I turn around and there's a man standing in the middle of the room, near the bed. Older than me, possibly late 60's-early 70's. Average height. Solid build, not skinny but not fat. Balding on top with white hair. Dark eyes. Dressed in worn jeans, red/blue plaid shirt, peach sweater, and penny loafers. He sees me looking at him but doesn't speak. Neither do I. We just stand there looking at each other for a minute or so. Then he breaks eye contact and begins wandering around the room. He stops at the dresser and fiddles with something on the top. Hey! I say. Get your own room! He looks at me agains, smiles just a bit, suddenly I'm awake again. Another trip to the bathroom and back to bed again.

3) Outside a hotel, standing next to an old station wagon. The back is open and there's a dark haired man tossing boxes into the back. I know this man. He's younger than me and VERY hot. He would be right at home on one of those hot stud muffin sites. I know we're in a relationship of some kind and have been for a while. I ask him what's up. He doesn't pause in his shoving boxes into the rear of the SW as he tells me that I need to leave this place now. I realize the boxes are filled with my stuff. I ask him what's going on. He stops, grabs me by the upper arms, and proceeds to kiss me with enough heat that I know my hair must be frying. Toes were definitely curling. When he has my full attention and knows I'm not going to talk-I'm too busy catching my breath-he tells me there's no time to explain. You must trust me and do as I say, he says. Get in the car and go. Please. Okay, I say, but what about you? He tells me he will stay behind to guard my departure and to protect me as best he can, as will the others. There's an urgency to him, a tenseness that indicates he's prepared to go all badass at the least provocation. He pushes me to the driver's open door. I get in the car. He leans down, kisses me again, and says, I adore you beyond logical thought. I will meet up with you soon. Oh, I say, Okay. I put the key in the ignition, crank the engine and...I'm awake again. This time I toddle to the bathroom for a drink of water. Then back to bed again.

4) Back in the big room with all the people. This time, though, I'm hunkered down behind a heavy conference table that's been turned on its side. It's near a corner, providing a U-shaped space. I'm sharing the space with several people and HL, who has kicked off her heels and is barefoot. There's pounding on the doors of the room, great booming sounds that echo through the room. It sounds like something out of an old horror movie. Each pound is accompanied by shrieks and screams of frightened people in the room. HL is crouched next to me, her head just enough above the table's edge so she can see the door. She's ready to rock and roll. The door crashes open. HL tenses. I hear something shuffling and shambling across the floor. A male speaking in a sing-song manner, says, Olly olly oxen free! Come out, come out, wherever you are! I risk a quick peek over the edge of the table. There's a zombie, of all things, clothes ragged, with bits of flesh hanging off his face and one eyeball out of the socket and dangling on the cheek. I drop back down as more zombies fall in behind him. The first zombie continues his chant. Screams increase. I can't just sit here and let people be eaten so I begin drawing energy up from Mother Earth as I pray for guidance and help. I carefully craft and invisible shield around the non-zombie people in the room. I've never done this before and I want it right so it's effective without being seen or sensed. I don't know how long I'll be able to maintain the shield-I've never done this kind before and it takes a lot of concentration-and hope reinforcements arrive soon. Something bumps into the shield. Oh ho! says zombie guy in his sing-song voice. What have we here? HL shoots me a disbelieving look, then bangs her forehead against the table top, sighs, and looks at me again. I was warned you might do something even when instructed not to, she says, And I didn't listen. It's just a shield, I say, I can't and won't sit by while people are being hurt if I can protect them. Of course not, she says with another sigh. Ok, she says, you might as well get out of here so we can clean up without you getting in the way. Hunh? I say, I don't understand what-And I was awake again, this time for good.

I need to know where this hotel is so I don't ever go there. Big Grin
Whew, that was intense reading and thank you for posting it. Normally I don't have time when at work to read the long dreams. When I checked the site this morning, for some reason I stopped on this one to read it. I will post my dream from this morning because it has Zombie in it.
Trippy... I always feel like I'm being told something important when I have dreams that continue in one night. I've had dreams that go three in a row, but dang! Yours was a whole movie in sections!

I'm not sure what the exact message is that you're getting, but to me, I think you're being warned something is coming and you need to go into hiding? And... That maybe you need to keep your abilities hidden or it will cause you danger? Not that real zombies are looking for you, but that "monsters" (very bad people), might try to get you.

I don't know why, but just as I typed that last sentence above, I got this mental image of certain "people" looking for people with abilities to use for something. I don't know what though.. but it wasn't good.

Also, the description of the guy in penny loafers reminded me a lot of my uncle, except for the balding part. I got a mental picture of him when I was reading your description. Lol
DLP, LOL yes you need to never go there because you sure won't have a restful night at the place! OMgosh for busy dreams.
Strange thought reading DLP's posting, came to me at the end. 'You cannot raise a great garden if you keep protecting the weeds, stop protecting the weeds'.

The zombies were the 'mindless ones' of the world, and the party, the hotel, you attended was in-mindsight of being one of 'the rich party goers'. Your guide was showing you the 'over-running', the 'revolution' of the zombie-mindless over the rich corrupt. You protected the rich, instead of letting them reap what they had sown.

You, thus, were reprimanded by your guide for 'interfering' with the 'sight'. Sometimes, to 'protect without full understanding' can be as bad as being one of those committing atrocities themselves.

Sorry, I am often told I take 'the negative from a vision' most-often, but when your guide reprimands you in a dream, you must taken an open-minded stance and understand why first.

Good luck...
(01-12-2016, 02:00 PM)IslandHippyMama Wrote: [ -> ]Trippy... I always feel like I'm being told something important when I have dreams that continue in one night. I've had dreams that go three in a row, but dang! Yours was a whole movie in sections!

I'm not sure what the exact message is that you're getting, but to me, I think you're being warned something is coming and you need to go into hiding? And... That maybe you need to keep your abilities hidden or it will cause you danger? Not that real zombies are looking for you, but that "monsters" (very bad people), might try to get you.

I don't know why, but just as I typed that last sentence above, I got this mental image of certain "people" looking for people with abilities to use for something. I don't know what though.. but it wasn't good.

Also, the description of the guy in penny loafers reminded me a lot of my uncle, except for the balding part. I got a mental picture of him when I was reading your description. Lol

This resonates with me. Well, not the part about your uncle, but the rest of it. Big Grin

I'm not taking the warning lightly.