National Dream Center

Full Version: 3-3-16 Tornado
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I set the intention this morning before falling back asleep to dream about a big headline for the month of March.
I was attending a small conference/ gathering at a church out of town, location unknown.  I was preoccupied with keeping my phone with me, of not losing it as it had gotten lost in a previous dream and in that dream I  had no way to contact my family members and we had gotten separated.  I was walking around a  church social hall which had been prepared for a dinner.  There were perhaps 130 attending and I was walking around the room which had large round tables set up for the meal. I recognized some ladies and smiled at them and hugged them.  Next scene, I have somehow traveled with a small group of the church ladies to the countryside, maybe twenty minutes  from the church.  I am still preoccupied with the  location of my phone,  I keep searching for it in my purse or pocket until I find it, then look for it  again a few minutes later. At our destination,  I  have separated in a different direction from the ladies.  I am meandering around a small group of what were farm homes, converted to one or two small restaurants and a gift store.  The small old farmhouse store is white and about one hundred years old.   It has hardwood floors, while walls and a screened entry porch door.  It will be dusk soon and large dark shadows are being cast upon the small rolling hills.  I stand on the porch and glance to the right where the farmhouse restaurant is located and make my way towards it.  As I do so, I notice large black clouds on the horizon.  I think that it could be the formation of a large tornado.  I call back to some people sitting on some lawn chairs and ask if it is a tornado.  They look up and confirm that it is indeed one,  a large one.  Their eyes are wide and they start calling out to others on the grass near them.  The clouds stretch at least a mile on the ground, perhaps more.  It is a few miles ahead in the distance headed our way.  No sirens have gone off but we are not near a city, it is more a small tourist destination.  I feel for my phone and wonder how I am going to find my family after the tornado.  I scan the area and look for tornado cellars.  As I reach the restaurant, people have begun to be ushered somewhere in the restaurant and I assume it is to a safe location. An emergency radio is announcing a warning now in the distance. It takes some doing as there are some obstacles in my way, but I am just able to join up with those in the restaurant when I wake up.  

Thoughts.  The church part of the dream was likely day residue.  In the dream, being able to stay connected with my family was a big issue even before the storm and I knew it was going to be a huge problem after the tornado hit.  I do not know what part of the country the tornado was located at.  There were some small hills but mostly just lots of grass and farm buildings with some trees.  There was fear, but I was  logical throughout the event.  I was making plans in my head for actions to be taken.  I was a bit in awe of mother nature and thought to myself that this was going to be my "first tornado".