I was in my old office, sitting in front of a computer designing. I also had two very large cocktails in front of me on the desk, which I was enjoying. My old boss came in and started yelling at all of us to put the alcohol away and get back to work. I got up from my desk and turned to face him. He looked really old and had a oxygen line wrapped around his head and in his nose. I poked him with my finger and told him that he should lighten up, no one was drunk, and maybe he should look after his own health first. He looked shocked.
This dream was so odd. Everything seemed backwards. I don't drink much, and I would never talk like that to anyone. But I have to admit, it did feel empowering!
Not long before I read this dream, a friend and I were chatting and she told me about several coworkers who tended to tell people "You're not my manager, you can't tell me what to do!" which I said was a variation on the old "You are not the boss of me!"
I laughed when I read the title of the dream, coming so close on the heels of the conversation.
That's hilarious because I agonized over what to call this dream, and then the phrase just popped into my head. Hey, did you name my dream? Hahaha!!!
Nope. But anyone who knows me well also knows not to put it past me that I might say something similar if I were annoyed enough.
You're my hero then! And the empath I'm starting to really look up to! Been practicing my shields...
There will come a point where you'll have gained enough experience to recognize what's swirling around you without letting it affect you.
You don't have to buy into the story that empaths have no control over their ability. It's not true and it does nothing but foster a belief in helplessness and victimhood. Don't know about you, but I am neither.
I don't accept being a victim, nor does helpless apply to me. But I do accept that I haven't got control over it yet. Encountered some people at a garage sale over the weekend whose energy felt like used dirty motor oil. Took me a while to shake it off. That's where I need practice, to not absorb to begin with!
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