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Full Version: Telephone Messages
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09/26/2016 AM
No intent
I stepped into a phone booth to make a call. I saw a note stuck to the phone, the message read as follows.

Place a nickel on top of this phone. Call the operator and have her dial this number XX-XXXX. When the man answers repeat this message exactly; Please deliver fourteen pizzas to the farm with the back room that has a well under the floor so that all those people do not starve.

As I stood there thinking that sounds crazy and it must be a joke being run by some kids. I then notice that the scenery around me is not modern. It is like in the early 40’s. I decide to make the call just to see what happens.

I pick up the phone, the operator answers, I have her connect the number and a man answers. I give him the message just as it was written.

The man says: “I just did that, if you do not believe me call this number XX-XXXX (it was a different number) and say exactly this; "Did you just receive fourteen pizzas at the farm with the back room that has a well under the floor so that all those people did not starve?”

Now I am very curious! I hang up and pick up the phone again and have the operator connect me with the new number and a man answers. I ask the question just as I was told.

The man says: “Why yes, we did receive fourteen pizzas at the farm with the back room with the well under the floor and all the people are full and on their way to the station that is under the building that is behind the Cathedral that is in the town of ???? . They should be there by now. If you want to check on them please call this number XX-XXX (a new number) and say exactly this; "Are all the people that were at the farm with the back room that has a well under the floor that ate the fourteen pizzas that filled them up and continued their trip to the station that is under the building that is behind the cathedral that is in the …..

I wondered how long this could go on. I wondered if this was a long running joke. I wondered if there really were people or was I just passing alone a coded message. I wondered if I was breaking the law or if I was helping someone do a good thing.

I woke up!

This is one of the detailed dreams I get when I take “Serotonin” but I can’t take it all the time.
I have no idea what this means.
I definitely thought coded messages and spies from the get go.....
interesting !!