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Full Version: Things that make you go humm....
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I saw this video on youtube and reminded me of a dream I had... so off I went searching for the dream. This is not precognitive, heck this does not even relate, but some how in my brain the video and the dream are the kinds of things that make me go... Hum!

9/21/2015 11:58pm Michele Bachmann endorsed by Michigan Politican
posted Sep 22, 2015 by DreamWeaver  
Michele Bachmann is endorsed by a Male Michigan Politician, At the same time i see this, I also see Sarah Palin trying to gather support from the same politician, Sarah Palin's husband is trying to get the government employees (Eskimo's who work at the post office} to turn off the camera's so they can butter this man's hand. She hands the Michigan Male politician Frozen iced coffee, with frozen whipped cream in the middle of a blizzard. (I was laughing so hard i woke my self up)  

Personal Opinion: Palin is the funnest woman I know, as long as she doesn't try to run for office again!
Almost as funny as Donald Trump, but lets face it, if either of them win, we are all in very bad times.
Okay, I could only manage about 30 seconds of her before I wanted to stab my ears with my drinking straw.

There must have been a prayer-off, because I know there were plenty of people praying for Clinton to win. I wonder how God decided? Drew straws? Played paper, rock, scissors with some angels? Big Grin

(Nice to "see" you again, Windy! )
Paper, rock, scissors. I was visualizing that as I read it and busted out laughing. Big Grin
I personally like the part where the man in the video backs slowly away, doesn't want to make any quick movements. Bahahaha, I vote for paper, rock, scissors. DLP, you should watch the show hosts after she's done. A scream.

(Windy, I thought at first this was an old thread, and had prepared myself to be sad. Good to see you again!)