National Dream Center

Full Version: 12/25/18 Christmas is #2!
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How to CIRF Today’s Influences: We have two very different energies Wednesday and Thursday and the DreamBot caught the whole shift! Wednesday is a continuation from Tuesday’s socially interactive energies. That includes a 3-pronged Fire energy in order to align to the sidereal sky. Then on Thursday, the space weather changes, and boy does it change. The DreamBot picked up on a transition to awkward social energy, almost feeling like a bad joke or being the brunt of the joke. With a loose T-square in the sky, its no wonder that the collective dreams picked up on that awkwardness. To be in align with the sidereal on Thursday will mean a call to AQUARIUS. Yes! Coming from a tropical Aquarius sunsign, this is my safe zone! I’ll be coming home on Thursday! Woohoo! Watch the video for more!

Weekday CIRF Reports:

Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation):  university christmas days view bike burger access five dolphin ask alt boyfriend guilty joke cancel regarding festival forget will material tar aunt golf were grade night coffee people automatically older 

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