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09-24-2014, 09:48 PM  

Post: #1

rebecca_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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Posts: 97
Joined: Aug 2014
Reputation: 12
[Image: music.gif] A message within "unwanted guests"
Max posted a dream on 9/20/14: "Unwanted guests"

Emotions: Angry, anxious

Dreamer is at home trying to keep unwanted guests out. Turns to police for help.

I'm wondering if more people are having dreams like this. If so...

Stop fighting. We are in a period of change, ramping up for a change, teetering on the brink of either ascending to a higher frequency or staying stuck in the lower frequency that describes earth/humanity right now. I was told that the people in my "given the gift of the galaxy" dream were versions of myself from past lives here to help show me the way. Extrapolating this I would say the unwanted guests in Max's dream are versions of himself, possibly others along the path, trying to help.

Looking to the police for help is looking outside oneself for the answers. Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending upon your perspective) the answers are within. I say unfortunately because sometimes I get tired of working so hard for the answers. But perhaps I need to stop fighting as well.

So again, stop fighting. Relax. Breathe. If you are overwhelmed with the messages you are receiving or the pace at which you feel the change occurring ask to be shown at a slower pace. It is better to take things slow then to miss it altogether.

I hope this helps.