National Dream Center

Full Version: Bite dream - bedroom france
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I am looking at two people, just head and shoulders, a man and a woman kissing. they are lying down, they are both black. The woman looks like a child minder i know. the man is wearing a baseball cap and has tattoos all up his neck. Suddenly he bites her so hard that she jumps up and is furious, he has bitten a hole through her gum.

She shows this terrible injury and he turns out to be a horrible man.
Wow, the irony. I just saw this this on Drudge before reading this dream: "Black abortions reach crisis levels."

And a snippet from the text: "Black women continue to have the highest abortion rate of any ethnic group, with a gruesome 483 abortions for every 1,000 live births."

Your dream could easily be an emotional metaphor for what these babies are feeling. 50% abortion rate? 50% chance of being born? Wow!
(01-22-2015, 09:00 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, the irony. I just saw this this on Drudge before reading this dream: "Black abortions reach crisis levels."

And a snippet from the text: "Black women continue to have the highest abortion rate of any ethnic group, with a gruesome 483 abortions for every 1,000 live births."

Your dream could easily be an emotional metaphor for what these babies are feeling. 50% abortion rate? 50% chance of being born? Wow!

Gosh thats a really thoughtful and astute relationship to make. I was not going to include the part that the woman looked like a child minder in my life. I don't know why i do that sort of parsing of my dreams but i will try very hard not to edit myself in the future. thank you
Thought of your dream when I saw this...