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Prediction Financial Collapse - Printable Version

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RE: Financial Collapse - DreamerOracle - 01-27-2020

I wondered from the get-go at what would trigger this rigged system.... as the fed seems to keep printing into oblivion but then we have the Carona Virus... Closed Border Quarantine and exports affected... Could the worsening spread cause the Crash as trade begins to slow down or stop???

RE: Financial Collapse - JAWSAWTIKAL - 01-27-2020

The outbreak is taking the blame today for the Dow jones to fall 450 points and the futures are down. It is halting manufacturing in China with a lot of factories down until at least for two weeks. I think the collapse has hit a higher gear and going faster now. I had a dream that the biblical plagues were getting ready to happen a couple of months ago. I wouldn't doubt that this Corona thing was deliberately released.

RE: Financial Collapse - Eagle1 - 01-27-2020

I'd have to agree

RE: Financial Collapse - JAWSAWTIKAL - 02-01-2020

This will be my last post here because we are finally here to where everything is rapidly going down and there is no delaying it any longer denying what's going on in the world despite all their distractions. The Dow Jones lost 600 points on Friday and the futures are down 500 points or so right now. What is more important is that with the virus fears the factories are probably going to be shut for a while or permanently now and the international shipping is going down with it. The Baltic dry index dropped to it's lowest point since 2016 at 480 points. Things are only going down hill in China so there is no delaying this any longer. Just look at Wuhan and realize just how quickly everything can be shut down in one of these big cities. Shut down can happen very fast. I remember having one dream where you had to have permission to go into and out of the big cities or a reason too. The roads will be have a manned blockade near the big cities. Stay out the big cities if you possibly can you'll be better off.

RE: Financial Collapse - DreamerOracle - 02-22-2020

JAWSAWTIKAL I must agree as this kind of situation plays into dreams I had in the past regarding supplies, food shortages and riots... plus ruined city hospitals. I do get more information for the years after 24 but these next 4 years are definitely a trial.

RE: Financial Collapse - DreamerOracle - 02-27-2020

Dow dropped 1000 points recovered 800 markedly greater than 2008... so a virus driven crash??

RE: Financial Collapse - DreamerOracle - 02-29-2020 It begins....

RE: Financial Collapse - LYRA - 03-05-2020

Stock market wobbling back and forth with volatility and it's like waiting for a supernova explosion and the government bonds yield are hitting record lows. Let's assume China has pretty much has collapsed due overblown panic about the virus. I'm not it's not bad but an over reaction shutting about 3/4 of the country down. It can be prevented or treated with large doses of vitamin c, oil of oregano, colloidal silver, zinc, selenium, iodine and boron.

RE: Financial Collapse - JAWSAWTIKAL - 03-09-2020

Dow futures down 1200 right now and crude down 30 percent. Japan's stock market down 1200 points right now and it's a sea of red with the rest of the stock markets around the world tonight.

RE: Financial Collapse - ThePaladin - 03-09-2020


The "Uh-oh" is my take on this situation. Will be interesting to see how the Monday markets react. Will the Fed continue to prop up what may essentially be a free fall on Wall St? We'll soon find out.

RE: Financial Collapse - DreamerOracle - 03-10-2020

Still going down and explained quite correctly here

RE: Financial Collapse - JAWSAWTIKAL - 03-12-2020

10 percent drop today plus the futures are 2600 points in the red right now. It's not good at all.

RE: Financial Collapse - ThePaladin - 03-13-2020

Bit of a rally today but I don't think it will last.

RE: Financial Collapse - DreamerOracle - 03-17-2020

Nope, it's crashing hard... even with stimulus. All roads lead to the Great Depression and US collapse 2022 4th July...

RE: Financial Collapse - JAWSAWTIKAL - 03-17-2020

All the major airlines are only a few weeks away from bankruptcy and so many people being laid off due corona virus right the writing is on the wall. Banks are going to need more repo money now because of shut downs and layoffs it is going to be hard for these persons to make payments on cars and credit cards and all. A new stimulus bill is in works for the banks and not the people.

RE: Financial Collapse - DreamerOracle - 03-22-2020

(03-17-2020, 11:47 PM)JAWSAWTIKAL Wrote: All the major airlines are only a few weeks away from bankruptcy and so many people being laid off due coronavirus right the writing is on the wall. Banks are going to need more repo money now because of shutdowns and layoffs it is going to be hard for these persons to make payments on cars and credit cards and all.  A new stimulus bill is in works for the banks and not the people.
It's pretty dire out there at the moment, what makes it worse is the extent they go to stop the fall... It will only mean the tools for post-Depression will be broken surely as they use them before the real problem?

I'm gathering Gold will be the new standard.

RE: Financial Collapse - JAWSAWTIKAL - 04-08-2020

Logan's restaurant has decided to shutter 261 stores with 18,000 people losing their jobs partly due this virus thing. Whiting petroleum has filed for bankruptcy. The head executives gave themselves a 15 million dollar bonus right before filing for bankruptcy(something like that should be illegal). Jo Morgan is shutting down the applications for loans for small businesses....a whole lot of them aren't coming back.

RE: Financial Collapse - JAWSAWTIKAL - 04-17-2020

JC PENNY and Neiman Marcus have both filed for bankruptcy so they are pretty much gone now. Softbank lost 25 billion in the first quarter of this year according to zero hedge a few days ago. It's taking the airlines to get as many to fly in one month as they did in one day last year according to zero hedge.

RE: Financial Collapse - JAWSAWTIKAL - 04-20-2020

It was not very good day today for economic news as oil plunged big time due to oil glut because of less demand due to shut down. The derivtives plunged to zero at one point today and next those holding futures will have to take on barrels of oil due lack of storage space. Bix Weir had a video on this today. Signapores largest oil broker has gone into bankruptcy and it was holding a lot of derivtives. About 20 banks are holding large amounts of oil derivitives of this oil broker including HSBC. United airlines lost 2.1 billion in the first quarter and airlines are shedding 100,000 jobs according to zero hedge. A few days earlier Softbank reported a whopping 25 billion dollar loss in the first quarter according to zerohedge. Softbank and HSBC are among the top five banks rated in trouble even before the virus lockdown began earlier this year.

RE: Financial Collapse - JAWSAWTIKAL - 04-26-2020

Diamond offshore filed for bankruptcy this weekend. 10 years ago it was considered a very stable company but the price war and virus has done it in now. A lot more energy companies should follow it into bankruptcy very soon because there are 27 oil tankers anchored offshore right now off the coast of California with no place to put the oil. May19 those who were holding futures contracts are going to have to find someplace to put all those barrels of oil, also. It seems like all drilling and pumping of oil will have to cease for a period of time now...a month or a few months?

The Swiss national bank reported a 38 billion loss for the first quarter of this year according to zero hedge a few days ago.