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hellfire and brimstone - Printable Version

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hellfire and brimstone - still - 05-23-2015

I saw a massive storm with flooding and hail stones falling that were 2 feet diameter.  In another place there were lava stones falling that were 2 feet diameter from volcanoes. I saw a mom and her son running into a cave.  I saw Jerusalem. They were building the temple of God right next to the dome of the rock.  The temple construction had a light blue flag.  I saw gates all around the city.  Every road into Jerusalem had a gate like a toll booth and was guarded by swat teams – black uniforms, machine guns.  The gates had the light blue flags.

RE: hellfire and brimstone - Cassandra - 05-23-2015

How did you feel when you woke up?
A while back I had a very vivid vision of large balls of fire hitting the earth. Some were as big a car, others small as a balance ball.

RE: hellfire and brimstone - still - 05-23-2015

i immediately started praying for the people. i was anxious for them to get out.

RE: hellfire and brimstone - Nanny - 05-23-2015

Still, did you see hailfire and brimstone in more than one location? You speak of it and then of seeing Jerusalem.

RE: hellfire and brimstone - still - 05-23-2015

the hail fell in a place that had a lot of green grass. i felt like it was USA. the lava fell in a desert looking place that felt like the Mideast.
the hail...wasn't perfectly round. some of them were oblong, being probly 1.5 feet wide and 3 feet long. they had to weigh 100 pounds or more. people were running. i didn't see anyone get hit. it was a grassy area like a meadow and i could see trees around the edge of the meadow. people were in the meadow but ran when the hail started.
the lava...looked like balls of fire falling but it was molten, solidifying rock. the sage brush stuff caught fire so there were little fires burning around. i did not see the volcano, only the balls of fire falling. i remember thinking while watching "hellfire and brimstone". people thought it was meteorites, but i knew it wasn't.

RE: hellfire and brimstone - Nanny - 05-23-2015

Thank you! you saw Jerusalem, did they have any hail or brimstone?

RE: hellfire and brimstone - still - 05-23-2015

they didn't. its like i was seeing the very near threats to certain areas. storms are raging here in the usa right now. tectonic plates are moving like crazy around asia causing volcanoes to go crazy. and Jerusalem is about to made into a joint city of Palestine and Israel, over which the UN will be in control by "peace" of course, that's why armed guards are at the checkpoints.
again i think this is very near future events, but i do think Jerusalem will see these things ALL a little bit further down the time line, not in this dream.

RE: hellfire and brimstone - Nanny - 05-24-2015

I thought so! LOL whew....Jerusalem was *not suffering these horrors. I just had to hear you say it and I was so very much hoping this was what you would say. They'll be attacked again, and I know God will be with them, and they aren't gonna suffer the stuff we are, we that have lived in safety while they have been repeatedly attacked.

RE: hellfire and brimstone - Cassandra - 05-24-2015

Still - I do the same thing, Pray. I think that is why some people have dreams and visions, so we can Pray. I always Pray for the children, mental, disabled, sick and elderly to be spared any pain and suffering during the event.