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bizarre oil work in a river - Printable Version

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bizarre oil work in a river - JonQuixote - 05-28-2010

I recorded the following in my dream journal on December 5, 2008:
I was in the future, and transplanted to a third-world nation where I had to learn about a job performed in a flowing river. We were given these cylindrical contraptions that were to be driven into the riverbed, and I took it that they had something to do with oil extraction. They were all the same shape, but came in many sizes, from about three inches long on up to about 30 inches, and 10-12 inches diameter. The job was incredibly dangerous. The water in this river was turbulent and brown. I imagined for sure that no one could do the job for long without being injured or killed. However, the woman working with me seemed indifferent to the danger. The tools had such a specific appearance to them that my impression is of seeing something that might actually exist, or that will exist. The cyliders were maily glass, with black plastic casing, and a cone-shape on the end that was to be driven into the ground.