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Marching People Form One Big Parade - Printable Version

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Marching People Form One Big Parade - Antimony - 06-03-2010

In my dream, the collapse is over and the whole world is at peace, all humanity united as one. The mood is mellow,
the countryside is green, the weather is perfect. But nobody talks any more.
I see everybody marching four abreast in a single long column, marching along hilly country roads. The sun is brilliant, the sky is clear
and intensely blue. Temperature and humidity are ideal. People are simply dressed in a kind of unadorned uniform, wearing favorite military colors like khaki and olive drab, everyone feeling peaceful, sedately marching in complete silence.
At the head of the parade, leading the parade, are six white horses in three clusters. First comes one white horse. Next comes a chariot drawn by two white horses, with a third white horse seated in the chariot. Finally, two white horses walking side by side. After them, all the people on earth marching along, four abreast, at an easy pace, never speaking, seemingly awestruck by the calmness all around.