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Devil caused the flood - Printable Version

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Devil caused the flood - Carla - 07-16-2010

I'm not very good at this. I don't know how to put into words what my dreams were last night.
First dream that woke me up at 1 am, I wasn't able to breathe. I seen two men walking past me. I thought he's the devil his wicked smile and evil eyes chilled me to the bone I struggled to wake up. I gasped for breath. When I fell asleep I kept dream I was in the country. I can't put into words everything I saw there. It was worry and saddness. It came a flood and we all had to get to higher ground.
It was that man! I never seen him before...and yet when I woke up I felt safe. Who ever that man is he is upset with me for no reason except that I won't do his bidding. I haven't a clue what that means in my waking life. Interesting isn't it? Yet I feel he caused the flooding. I no idea why I know.