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War Invasion - Printable Version

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War Invasion - Nakaula - 07-24-2010

This evening I discovered the 528 Hz love/healing frequency of the ancient solfeggio scale as described by Dr. Len Horowitz. I absorbed a lot of binaural beat 'music' to these tonal frequencies by "JezebelDecibel" on YouTube, including straight 528 Hz tones on headphones. I am healing after a head/sinus cold, and was fatigued enough to go to sleep without taking the usual bedtime dose of 3mg melatonin that I seldom miss.
In the dream, I was in a beach setting with several swimming docks. Many people at the beach, and it seemed to be on a military base recreational area. A low flying, large prop-type aircraft swooped low offshore and began strafing the beach area, sending people running for cover into nearby concrete block buildings. Some of these had lockers, and there were some areas of weapons assembly like bombs and grenades launchers. I wanted to get away from the crowds and these military areas. Another airborne landing craft came down offshore, and some invading military personnel were coming out. Some foreign tourist-type swimmers actually went out to meet the invaders, asking for a way home as they were stranded here with the war. I ran away from the crowded area and found a solitary tree on the outskirts, maybe 100 yards away. I felt exposed in the otherwise open area, so I laid down and curled up among the spreading roots at the base of the tree.
Soon I saw what seemed to be a large missle carrier trailer, covered with a tarp, being pushed and dragged down toward the beach area. At the head of it was a patriot coWorker that I knew, guiding it and pulling. Then there was someone walking nearby to my tree, and I hunkered down, unmoving, among the roots, very fearful of being seen. Suddenly I heard shots fired. I was close enough to hear the recoil spring and clink of shells like an M16 makes. Three shots embedded into my friend at the head of the trailer, and he slumped to the ground. The trailer continued on toward the beach area I had been at. I cowered under the tree roots, thankful I had not been seen. I woke up tense and disturbed.