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Dancing Bird Man - Printable Version

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Dancing Bird Man - October Clam - 07-26-2010

I was taking care of a little girl with dark hair. As soon as I turned my back the grabbed a pair of scissors and ran off. I chased for a long time until we came to a desert valley. I followed her down the red rocks and into the open valley floor. She turned around and told me it was O.K., that I didn't need to watch over her anymore. Baffled I asked her what she meant by that and she replied that she was going home. Just then a ramshackle village appeared in the middle of the desert right where were standing. She then tells me that only those who look for it can see it. It is surrounded by a dingy barbwire cattle fence. The village looks more like a thrid world shanty town. All the houses are arranged in a giant oval. Outside the fence is a security station that looks more like an out house to me.
A very tall thin man steps out and comes towards us. The girl goes inside. As the man approaches me I can see that he is wearing a mask made of what looks like the skull of a prehistoric dinosaur-bird, a pterodactyl maybe. His face is covered. The giant beak jets out from his face and he is dancing as he approaches. It resembles a Native American shuffle. His skin is pale, every color of the clouds and the moon. He is nearly naked. His dance becomes faster, stronger almost violent. He shuffles his feet around in a small circle then stops and looks at me. The cavities of the bird's skull eyes are empty, as though his eyes are also cavities. Large, black, empty.
The thanks me for taking care of the girl. Then I ask him who he is and he says "I am The Pale Horse". I look at him puzzled. As though he had read my mind, he repeats him self "I am the THE Pale Horse," this time emphasizing "the". He says the people are wrong to think of it as a literal horse. "Are you ready?" He asks. His skin changes, it moves as though it were alive. Like the reflection of clouds on the water. I haven't actually said anything at this point. "I'll show you death" he continues. At this moment I am sucked into the void that is his eyes and fall through space. I see suffering and pain. I see peoples faces, thousands, millions of faces. But I don't care, I am calm. I see myself. I die. I am terrified and serene at the same time. This vision goes on for a long time. My heart swells in my chest and fills my throat. The longer I am in the space void the warmer I feel. I want to stay here. I become an insignificant singularity. I realize that this, this vision is his gift to me. It is over. I am back in the desert with the bird man. I have faced my own death and I am no longer afraid. I welcome it. I am calm. The outer shell that I've been carrying is my ego and it is gone now. I am almost high. I want to stay. I want to go with him and the girl. He says I can't. But he is coming.