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Classes/Seminars - Printable Version

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Classes/Seminars - Pesqueira - 07-30-2010

Walked into a classroom, unlike previous classes, this one was composed of all young people
They were the best, the brightest and most enthusiastic
When a question was proposed by the instructor all hands went up
There were two empty seats at the back of the class, I chose the last seat
I had been able to partially review the text to page 40 beforehand
The subject was Reactions
A brunette women slightly older then the class entered and took the seat in front of me
My first impression was that she was an evaluator; my second was who was she evaluating
Further impressions was that she was extremely intelligent more so than me
This was confirmed when I leaned over her shoulder to see that she also had reviewed the text to page 40. Impressed but slightly uncomfortable I commented to her something about preparation she concurred
Our attention was drawn to the instructor and the blackboard
The blackboard had four words in a vertical line to the right of each word was a proper Rorschach response
The instructor asked for further proper responses to the first word
All hands flew into the air
I muttered out loud an inappropiate response that drew a chuckle from the women in front of me and a stun silence from the rest of the class
After that episode I spent the remainder of the night eluding unsolicited scrutiny into my checkered past