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Independent Study sans Instructors - Printable Version

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Independent Study sans Instructors - Pesqueira - 08-03-2010

Independent Study sans Instructors
There were eight of us
We were presented with old manuals aged yellowed and brown
The manual was Practical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering
It was at least 2 inchs thick
The eight of us broke into two groups
It was not a classroom environment
We were in a large structure, our location was meant to simulate the outdoors
A thin corridor separated the two groups
After an intense all morning session the group was scheduled to complete a project
However instead of working on our respective projects we opted for some fun and hijinks
We converged in the middle of the corridor
A member of the opposite group struck several musical notes
I provided the percussions, we made music
Enjoying our escape from responsibility we mustered through some physical activities
Prior to returning to our respective projects our competition was renewed
Hijinks ensued, The ancients belieived that to dream of urinating was a release of creativity
Well one person took the high ground and began urinating on my team
Not to be outdone we blocked their exit and returned the favor
The Project
We found ourselves outside surrounded for our protection by a high chain linked fence
There was a vehicle that was not in running condition
The parts needed to repair the vehicle were present but not quite machined to specifications
After some tooling and the parts meshing as intended it became apparent that this was a drive shaft
After installing the drive shaft we realized that this was a means of escape
Not from our confinement behind the high chain linked fence but what was beyond it
Total Darkness
My compatriots were all excited as was I to the prospects of escaping
I was feeling a little playful and as I started the engine I decided to make my compatriots think I was leaving
without them
I meant only to take the vehicle out for a quick spin, I would return for them so we could all escape together
Crashing the vehicle through the gate I heard the shouts of "What are you doing?"
The Darkness outside was palpable
There were only several lit areas that I observed looking down corridors that were perpendicular to my view
Each weresilhouetted scenes of ghastly acts perpetrated on one human being to another
It was as if these acts were intentionally perpetrated only in the light
I hurriedly returned to the safety of the compound informing my compatriots of the horrors that waited outside the safety of the gates 12:54 am 8/3/2010