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Aliens Among Us - Printable Version

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Aliens Among Us - atarstar - 09-02-2010

I dreamed I was asleep and was awakened midday by noises outside. I looked out the window and saw a small crowd of men and women looking through a some junk out in the yard. I yelled out and asked what they were doing.They were then in the bedroom with me and said they were looking for something. I knew they were really aliens even though they looked human. They left the room and headed down the hall to another bedroom. One man went down the stairs. I went out of the bedroom and saw that he had dropped something on the stairs. I picked it up. It looked like a small (about 4-5 inches long) laser light. I knew that it was used to control people. I guess they used the light beam somehow. I stood there thinking I would take it to NASA because it seemed really important. But then I thought if I took it I would never see it again and NASA would deny having it. So I slipped it in my pocket and decided to make that decision later. I went down the hallway to where the other aliens were and they were looking through my things. They were talking about needing to find a vcr tape. I didn't know why they needed it or if they found it. I woke up then.