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Guerilla warfare- subterfuge and drug traffic? - Printable Version

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Guerilla warfare- subterfuge and drug traffic? - kristielee98 - 09-02-2010

Alright. This dream was a humdinger. Initially in my dream I was apparently working undercover for local police department in a town called Conyers- who's claim to fame was that 10-15 years ago a lady use to see the Virgin Mary in her pasture, which caused an international sensation and people traveled across the world to witness this apparition in her pasture. Present day- I am meeting with the police force and we have figured out that drug drops are being made around this field that now is hosting rock concerts. Apparently the rock concerts are jamming the radar, which allows the planes to drop bales of hay that house drugs. We are in the woods undercover at night and the concert is going on. One of the suspects I am tailing, when another undercover person comes up and shows me his gun,which spooks the guy waiting for the drop. He says something into a walkie talkie, and takes off running and shooting back at us. I am dodging bullets, when these telephone wire spools start striking around me- the plane is dumping these spools to allow their friend to get away i guess. THEN, my dream jumps to some unknown locale, however this time I am dressed in guerilla warfare camo clothes *no i have never been in law enforcement OR armed forces!*. We are all carrying war weaponry, grenades, etc. It seemed as if we were in south america, but most people were speaking english. We are trying to convince one of our people that he has to "give one up for the team" and to throw himself on a grenade in order for us to go forward with whatever we were trying to do. He's screaming "no, man don't make me do it!", and the senior military were yelling back "sacrifice yourself for the greater good" or something along those lines. Finally with this bloodcurdling scream, he throws himself on the grenade and explodes. We all duck and run, and that's where I woke up.