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getting off of planet - Printable Version

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getting off of planet - joe - 09-21-2010

i appeared in the middle of something coming or going to happen,what i didnt know but it was very real. i was in a cross between boston and flagstaff arizona, it was all at night and everyone was very serious about it. noone seemed to be upset, just ready.the human race was leaving the planet,it was for our survival"they said" iremember whos they. there were rehearsals for it in the build up and a count down. it wasnt forced people were just ready. you were alowed to bring what ever you could carry and pets which i thought was nice. then the time came and everyone went to there gathering places, ther was lots of excitement, everyone was dressed up like for a night on the town, everyone just looked dapper and sexy and this is where i started feeling wierd/upset because everyone was oblivious. the only other thing i actualy heard myself say was "oh yea your fake boobs are gonna do you alot of good in outer space at the end of the world" so i turned around and started walking away from the crowds, then i started running, realy running,sprinting,i remember thinkin i hadnt run like this since i played soccer, and i didnt get winded. so im running through what seemed like tunnels made from cloth material and when i broke free i thought thered be guards or somebody trying to stop me but there wasnt. so now im away from it all and kind of hiding in the woods but not realy hiding just being where i was and the air was crisp and nice and my sences were very accute, i could see in almost total darkness and very aware of my suroundings. there was noone there, every one was gone, so ijust sarted walking away. but the wierdest thing of all was there was a song playing when i decided to start running away, it was on some sort of loop,i remember that the most,just this song. it was like the drum beat from a band called massive attack and a medium droning guitar riff with lots of distortion/gain that just kept ringing and the words just kept looping,it went "im a creature of habit all i need is this, just this to survive" on+on+on. so im going to try to record it in my home studio. anyway, the dream just kind of ended and i woke up at 5:47 am. and wrote it down. now im sharing it with you. feel kind of wierd too. thats ive copywrited those lyrics so no infringement please! hahahah. enjoy