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This wasn't a dream - Printable Version

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This wasn't a dream - Krys - 09-29-2010

I'm a sane person who goes to work everyday and pays her bills, has good credit, owns a home, and I am not schizophrenic - but this happened. I was laying in bed thinkingjust breathing and feeling good and extending myself outward and saying my silent, personal mantra, "You have everything you need at all times. You have the answer to all your questions already, within you.You possess every ability to heal yourself already. There is nothing to realize but this." I startedhaving some peculiar sensations in my upper right front forehead area, behind my forehead andin my brain I guess. Then this soft male voice from that same area of my brainsimply said, "stop breathing". What?!I was a little freaked but lay still and calm. "Stop breathing." WTF.Of course, I didn't and never have. What WAS that?