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Real Dream Real - it's all good - Printable Version

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Real Dream Real - it's all good - Krys - 09-30-2010

(Waking state) I was living in Upstate NY and painting old farmhouses with a group of friends. We talked about the ghost woman who would sometimes watch us paint. We knew she was there because we would suddenly smell her cigarette. She just watched us painting her home. Then one of us pointed up into the sky and we all looked. There were 3 craft whizzing about way up high. I thought it was cool but never thought about UFO's at that time. That night I was exhausted from painting and fell right to sleep. (Dream) I was on a table and sedated, calm, unafraid. Three tall beings were around me. I understood they were considering how to proceed with me. They decided and moved to my head area. One leaned toward my face and I heard the thought of another one, gently, carefully. And then I swooshed down into unconsciousness. (Waking state) The next morning I headed down the mountain in my car to get gas and only wanted $5.00 worth until payday. An old truck flew around a curve and me should have collided head on but something threw us a part. I stopped and jumped out of my car and ran back to see an old man sitting dazed in the truck. I asked him if he was okay and he just looked at me and nodded his head. In town I pulled into the gas station and went in to give my 5 to the clerk. I started pumping gas. 2 1/2 seconds later gas was gushing out of my tank, the pump lights were flashing and I stood there in shock watching the gas run across the concrete. I shut off the gas and ran inside, my words falling all over each other, "I'm sorry, I only wanted $5 and that's all I have, but it says $28, I don't know what happened, I'm so sorry.....are you okay?" The man just looked at me and blinked and shook himself as if out of a dream and waved me away with a that's-okay-I-don't know-what-just-happened-forget-about-it. That night in bed it felt like a snake was moving inside my forehead. In the morning I felt different, not quite myself. The snaking movement in my forehead and nightly dreams of other beings and space and odd sensations and sensitivities continued for years. I never of thought of UFO's. One day, making a bank deposit for the store I was managing, I was thinking I couldn't take this anymore. I felt crazy. What is happening to me? After making the deposit I walked into a bookstore on my way back and just browsed to settle myself. I gazed at a shelf of books. I felt a strange man looking at me and turned to him - he was 2 feet away. He was dressed in a 3 piece dark suit. He just looked at me, nodded and smiled a little. It wasn't a pick up, it was just weird. Nice but weird. I turned back to the shelf and picked up any book to put distance between myself and the dark suited man. And then I read the cover, Strangers Among Us, by Ruth Montgomery. My whole body rushed. I was relieved, thrilled and terrified but mostly terrified. After work I went home and through my stuff down and announced out loud, I can't handle this Sh*t. I can't be walking around day in and day out with this snake in my head, all these weird dreams and body sensations, and feeling what other people feel. It needs to stop now. I just want to be a normal person. This is too much. It's either going to kill me or make me go crazy (ya think?). And it did. Right then and there it stopped and never came back. And being the typical contrary human That I Am, I miss it. Well, once it came back. That night I went to sleep and dreamed of a pink light beaming into my heart and exploding it. Pink light suffused my room and the garden outside. I saw the being who deliveredthislightand thought,Oh hell... But it never came back again.....that I'm conscious of.