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Dark ominous clouds on the horizon - Printable Version

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Dark ominous clouds on the horizon - Cookeee57 - 10-01-2010

I rarely have very visionary type dreams but last night was one of only a few I have had so will share.

My husband and I were in our home with our 3 dogs, when my parents unexpectedly arrived for a visit. They were both a bit younger than they are today and were coming to say hello and tell us that we needed to prepare as the storm was quickly approaching. We looked out the windows and could see the skies almost filled with dark clouds.
We live in Colorado and were looking west towards the mountains, but you could not see the mountains where the storm clouds were. My parents were only there to tell us to prepare but did not say to leave. Most of the clouds we say were in groups of two streams. Those clouds were directly to our west. When we looked a bit south and west, the even darker clouds were there and covered the skies so that no mountains were visible at all. So southwest was getting hit by the storm the worst. All the clouds were coming our way but we still have time to prepare.
That is what I have taken from this dream. Prepare for the storm...