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San Antonio - Printable Version

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San Antonio - Dreamweaver - 10-09-2010

October 9, 2010
All night I had dreams about disasters, but the one I remember was right before waking.
I was in the hill country of Texas. There was a reporter talking about flooding. I could hear him, but I was flying above the hills. There were houses all over, some on top of the hills. He was talking about how high the water could go and he was naming housing subdivision areas, saying "If you live in ----, then your house will be underwater." Then it seemed like even as he said it he began modifying it, as if newer information was coming in all the time. Then I was looking at the houses on top of the hills and he was saying that they would all be under water. "Historic floods," he said and possibly he said, "epic flooding". Then he was talking numbers, trying to calculate it all while on air. I remember the number 3,000 ft deep or high, but I'm not sure, I'm just sure about the number being 3,000. Then, as I flew around I saw very new, chic stripmalls and stores and I said, "Oh, this is San Antonio; this is San Antonio." I live in Austin, so I don't know if I said that in relief or just because I finally recognized where I was.