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Hurricane after the elections - Printable Version

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Hurricane after the elections - Colleen - 10-15-2010

I went on a 10 day fast a couple weeks ago and had some very vivid dreams. One of the dreams that I had on October 2, 2010 started with a bar scene - I was talking to a bunch of friends at a bar over drinks about the election and who was voting for who. I remember adding into the conversationthat the terror alert that was announced earlier was a fake and how the media reports that kind thing justto keep us in fear.
Right after the election dream I was all of the sudden in the house of a woman I used to babysit for when I was a teenager in Seattle, although in my dream it was clearly my house. There wasn't really a break in between the two dreams - the election dream flowed right into this one - anyhow there was ahurricane going on. There was a gas station right outside of the driveway of the house I was inand everybody that was there was runninginto my garage to getout of the way of the storm.I was trying to keep my garage door from flippingopenfrom the wind. I wasn't freaked out and the people didn't bother me - it was more of a feeling of "let's just get out of the way and protect ourselves".
Although the hurricane dream seemed"real" I'm not sure if it was a metaphor or not. Maybe there won't actually be a real "hurricane" after the election but instead just total chaos. Only time will tell - it will be interesting to see how it plays out!