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Strange Sun/Reality Shift - Printable Version

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Strange Sun/Reality Shift - solarpowered - 10-17-2010

Oct. 15, 2010 - I dreamed I was in a house I've never seen before. I walked to the window and looked at the sun which was huge and violent looking. The color was fiery red and the whole thing seemed to be seething. There were several very large black spots with flames around the edges. It looked like it was being affected from the inside, almost as if it were dissolving from the inside out, while expanding at the same time. I knew in my soul we had reached a critical point and what would happen next, nobody on earth knew.
I walked back to my comfortable chair, put my feet on the footstool and picked up my coffee to drink it. In the dream I had the feeling that I was totally okay with whatever happened. I had an inner sense that the sun had expanded to incredible proportions. Immediately, I felt my body stretching into an impossibly long shape and being sucked into a vortex, feet first. It was painless even though I could feel physical sensations.
My consciousness shifted, it was more than that. My whole reality shifted. I was suddenly a different person in a different dimesion. My soul was in this new body and it felt perfectly okay. This new reality felt as natural as the old one, but it wasn't the old one, however, everything was familiar including the personality I now was.
The new me was standing in the kitchen drying dishes. I felt a shiver and thought, "What a weird feeling I just had." For a second, the old reality and the old me was a vague kind of memory. It faded quickly so I went back to drying the dishes and began to live my life in the new reality, without even knowing anything had changed. -
I don't know a whole lot about CERN but I've heard they're doing an experiment on Nov. 9th that could have horiffic results. By the way, I am unsure if it means anything but my birthday is on Nov. 9th.