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Derailed - Printable Version

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Derailed - Grace - 10-23-2010

A forward to this dream - I have dreamt of trains and railroad tracks before and in my dreams these dreams usually represent the mainstream public and where they are headed, though the last time I had a dream about someone chopping down an old oak tree and laying it across the tracks to derail a train, the next day there was a fatal train crash in russia.
10/20/2010 I was dreaming about this man, I don't know who he is, but he is working on railroad tracks and making a strange sort of alteration. I recognized from construction I'vedone myself,that he was making a form to pour cement. But, the form was not right, so I asked him what he was doing? He said he was "Fixing it, so the trains would come to a stop." I told him it wouldn't work, that he shouldn't do it that way. I explained his plan would work to make one train car come to a halt, but that if he continued to build it the way he was doing it, it would derail the passenger and cargo trains because they run at a higher rate of speed than he was taking into consideration. He ignored me and kept working and Icould see in the future,passenger trains derailing because of his work and woke up.