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We are all angels - Printable Version

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We are all angels - The Anchorite - 10-26-2010

Dream Oct 25, 2010The dream began with an explaination of soul extraction, that it's done by placing thin tubes into the nose which emit a gas to knockoutthe human, then the soul is sucked out as pure light energy. While out of the body and one with the universe I seemed to receive via a massive download the following message:1) Bodies are known as suits and there are an infinite quantity of empty suits available to download souls into. 2) The universe is complete and the material world we inhabit is an experiment created by the fallen ones to play in.3) The Hardron Collidier is an attempt by the fallen ones to create a universe within a universe where they can go to when the currentmaterial world has completed its conscious expansion. A new universe may have already been created but it's so new they won't know if it will continue to grow for some time yet.4) Each one of us are angels of light (didn't like the word but that's what was used) and we come into this material experiment to push consciousness towards completion. This is a very slow process and is often done one soul touching another, though some angels who understand their capability push and spread consciousness expansion further. Once a suit in the material realm understands what it's carrying it becomes a hollow pipe or open conduit, allowing pure light consciousness to free flow into the material realm. A soul that recognizes itself in the material realm becomes free of human constraint and can reenter an empty suit in the next life at various stages, not simply from birth. This is exactly what the fallen ones do, they inhabit the adult suit form from life to life to push their state of consciousness to its fullest.5) The grand creator (GOD), eminent consciousness doesn't look on the fallen ones with distain, only love but is sad they created a black hole in an already pure universe.6) It is in helping others we create the most expansion and once this realm is complete it will reconnect with the purity of light.I think that about sums up what was downloaded and I awoke in a blissful state and felt like the hollow pipe we're all meant to be. I don't know where this exactly fits in the dream network but I felt it was very important. Peace be upon you.