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Government covers up the end. - Printable Version

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Government covers up the end. - saskafrass - 02-24-2011

I dream, always have, always in colour. sometimes I dream that I am other people and I recognize this during the dream. I do not want to say that this is true, or that it is going to happen but If so I want the idea out there so that people will think a little before they accept the party line. This dream is two parts.
The first part of the dream begins with me wakng up and singing happy birthday to my wife in french. She kisses me and then goes off to work, which is normal because she starts 3 hours before I do. Then I am working in a train yard, ( which Ido not), several people as well as I are moving cars around and using an interesting cable brake system. These people are in plain clothes but are military personnel. One guy who is a friend of mine, (in the dream), is new to the job and we are working on getting him certified for the work detail that we are on. Something goes wrong and the train winds up in the water. We scramble to try and save the cargo but only one car is of interest to us. It is a white tanker car with the words USA NORTH or something similar with silver stars and stripes on it. It has broken open on the ends when it hit the bottom. We are in dreager rebreathers and guiding a small submersible that has attached floats to the wreckage. In our ears we hear the words of a higher pay grade that we do not have to worry because the leak is underwater still and we can not be contaminated. We both know that this is a lie so with hand signals we tell each other to swim for the opposite shore and dump the gear and run. This is a pathogen that is not only airborn it is skin transmission as well. Even as this disease is spreading through the population the government is hiding what caused it. Not that it matters, because so many people are dying that the government is collapsing anyways. We run to a small town and can see that people are fleeing to there so we try a city instead because it appears that the cities are emptying out from fear of the disease. We hide inside an office building with several people who have not left it in days. The people on the streets are going crazy. With law enforcement unavailable and no power people are doing what ever they want. It is almost like zombies but instead of going for your brains they are only trying to kill you to get whatever you have. We barricade ourselves into an atrium just off of the cafeteria, and decide that we will wait out the intial spread. Unfortunately once we are all locked inside we see that we all have the disease too. Our faces and skin is grey while our nostrils have white pustuals on them. We all will die.
In the second part my family has gathered for a family meeting with some neighbors to discuss what we are doing and planning a way for ourselves to survive this plague. Everybody has a longarmbut they seem casual about them like a belt, necessary but not noticed. I see that half of us are not there. An old family friend shows up and he has an old hunting rifle over his shoulder, his wife is gone. He came by to tell us that he loves us and what happened. He is going to go for a long walk just to see what is left of the world. We cannot make him stay so he gives everybody a hug and walks away to try and make some sense of his losses. I am sitting off to the side trying to roll a cigarette but I cannot seem to make it work. My brother has brought a box full of pictures with him to show how many people that we know are gone. There is hundreds of smiling faces that no longer exist. I begin to cry. He tells us that he is going to take his family North to wait out what is going on and to see if things are more stable in the fall. My sister takes her child by the hand saying that we are all crazy everything is going to be fine. In fact there will be more to go around. She seems hysterical and her child is scared of her. Finally it is only me and my mother left. I turn to her and say will it be all right?
She says no, it is the end. Nothing will ever be the same.
I yell of course not. It's the fucking Apocolypse. But why are there so many survivors? So we wait till fall to see what is going to happen to our world and the future that we maybe can rebuild for.
I woke from this I searched our house for a notebook and pen and wrote it all down. Not that I can forget it. I hope that it means nothing, I was so upsetI did not even tell my wife. I hid the notebook after I wrote it all down. Yesterday was her bithday for real, and when she woke me up with a kiss goodbye I was just enough awake to smile and sing Bonne Fete a toi.