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Water (evacuation?) and then Phoenix into the Light - Printable Version

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Water (evacuation?) and then Phoenix into the Light - Ramura001 - 03-23-2011

I had a dream last night. No fear. Just the symbology.... Am I just processing fear? Or? I fell asleep surrendering to the realization that my body hold's underlying "terror" and defending-against tension....was able to relax it more than usual by acknowledging it and releasing. Here is the dream:

Part One: I, along with many others, are going someplace (in the same direction). All of us are in the water, and we are riding on floatables that would best be described as what I think a buoy looks like only sideways in the water or a rounded-top boogie board-- all of them white and big enough for maybe one or two people to hop on and ride. In the dream, I sometimes change from the one I am on to that of another. This seems like an OK thing to do, as it seems people are cooperating with each other. There is no sense of fear or running away from....just a moving forward toward. I thought it was maybe a work assignment or part of a job (I am an unemployed office worker). The mode of transportation did not seem strange or unusual to me.

Part Two: I am looking at a large Phoenix bird (looks like a huge male peacock I just recently saw on a Gilroy ranch, but maybe more of a gold glow). It is looking through a squarish hole (about 1.5ft square, big enough to get through but one must be focused) in a white-goldish wall that has white-gold light shining out from it. I "know" that I (and everyone here) is ALSO a Phoenix and that our goal is to go through the hole. The first step is to become invisible (or maybe we already ARE invisible...???). I know that I "know" how to do this, but feel myself struggling a bit at holding the ability to recall this and maintain focus for the task (getting through the hole to the light). No sense of fear here, either. Just a bit of "pay attention" "focus on the goal" type of thinking.

Interpretation: Water usually signifies emotion and a lot of water equals a lot of emotion. In this scenario, one could say that there was a lot of emotion out there but I felt safely transported through it all and supported in a general way by what was happening....So that would make a nice interpretation out of Part One as opposed to say, a tsunami dream (right? Smile

Part Two is a bit more "in my face" symbolically. I really can only come up with an interpretation that I know my basic spirit (non-physical/invisible part) cannot die (Phoenix) and I just need to remember to always maintain the connection and go to the gold-white light.

Are these dreams showing me that I truly have nothing to fear, or rather that death is imminent but I will be able to cross-over to the light...??? (FYI -- I live in San Francisco CA)